A4 is going to make more.

So much more.

It's only underperforming compared to other character's solo movies

You need to remember that even though it's immediately post IW, it's still an Ant Man movie, and that it's actually doing better than the first Ant Man movie.

The first Ant Man movie did 56 mil opening weekend..

I’m not ready to say that. Especially with a 1 year turn around. Think about Civil War’s turn around time with AoU and how much less it made. I am of the belief that it being branded Captain America as opposed to Avengers played a hand in it grossing less but at the same time Spider-Man, Black Panther and almost every MCU character introduced up until that point should’ve countered that. Either way the movie was a success which I’m sure A4 will be as well. But Antman in 2015 is a lot different than Antman in 2018. Dr. Strange opened bigger and was just as obscure and we’re talking about a sequel to Antman, following the highest grossing MCU film in Infinity War featuring at this point a cult film legend in Paul Rudd and every nerd’s dream woman in Evangeline Lily. I wasn’t expecting a 100 mil opening weekend but under 80 mil is somewhat alarming.

i dont think people took that ‘the end’ stuff serious

comic book people know better
and the casual movie person knows a ‘the end’ in Hollywood hardly ever follows through

I feel like it’s what brought a lot of people in. And if people didn’t take it serious it lends more credance to why I felt IW dropped the ball with cheap shock value killing characters that EVERYONE knew would be returning in sequels and trying to sell the emotional beats of it.

still dont understand the signifigance of sweating or arguing over profits

as long as the studio heads are making a profit they are more liberal with creative control

and Marvel is pretty good at stcking to the script

**** man they cant all break records

It’s all about what chances they are willing to take in the future and what chances they won’t. If you are a fan of Antman and Antman & Wasp hypothetically makes similar or even less than Antman 1 there’s a chance you don’t see Antman again in film for a very long time. Same with any of the other films. Their financial success can’t just be about breaking even.
There's a number that Marvel studios definitely wants Ant Man to make. If it doesn't make that number, then they'll either :

- decrease the production budget for a 3rd Ant Man movie accordingly


-won't proceed with a 3rd movie.

If you're invested in an Ant Man sequel you're definitely paying attention to the profit it makes

Profit dictates everything. Marvel will prioritize characters and movies according to profits.
I’m not ready to say that. Especially with a 1 year turn around. Think about Civil War’s turn around time with AoU and how much less it made. I am of the belief that it being branded Captain America as opposed to Avengers played a hand in it grossing less but at the same time Spider-Man, Black Panther and almost every MCU character introduced up until that point should’ve countered that. Either way the movie was a success which I’m sure A4 will be as well. But Antman in 2015 is a lot different than Antman in 2018. Dr. Strange opened bigger and was just as obscure and we’re talking about a sequel to Antman, following the highest grossing MCU film in Infinity War featuring at this point a cult film legend in Paul Rudd and every nerd’s dream woman in Evangeline Lily. I wasn’t expecting a 100 mil opening weekend but under 80 mil is somewhat alarming.

Lol, you can't compare IW and A4 to AoU and CW.

First of all, AoU wasn't as well liked as IW. A 1 year turnaround means nothing if the movie you're following up doesn't have outstanding word of mouth. Also, AoU didn't end on a cliffhanger.

And Ant Man is not going to automatically to make 100 million just because it's 2018. People have to actually look forward to seeing the character. Again, when you compare the Ant Man character to Thor or Spider-Man obviously there's going to be less people wanting to see the movie.

I wasn't expecting a 100 mil openign weekend but under 80 mil is somewhat alarming

Lol, calm down.
Everyone's panties are in a bunch. SMH. Its good movie and great follow up from part 1. It was good to see more of SF in the film. Overall I really enjoyed it. Ya'll can continue to argue for no reason now. FLAME ON!!!!!!!
Lol, you can't compare IW and A4 to AoU and CW.

First of all, AoU wasn't as well liked as IW. A 1 year turnaround means nothing if the movie you're following up doesn't have outstanding word of mouth.

And Ant Man is not going to automatically to make 100 million just because it's 2018. People have to actually look forward to seeing the character. Again, when you compare the Ant Man character to Thor or Spider-Man obviously there's going to be less people wanting to see the movie.

Lol, calm down.

AoU’s word of mouth wasn’t bad. No where near bad. Had Pacquiao vs Mayweather not happened on the same weekend as its release it would have grossed more than A1. Revisionist history doesn’t know what to do with AoU (I think it’s the best Avengers film personally) but if you say AoU’s word of mouth is bad than you have to acknowledge that Civil War was a better reviewed film than AoU on top of having every hero that AoU had sans Hulk and Thor but replaced them with heavily anticipated Black Panther and Marvel’s poster child in his first ever Marvel studios produced film. CW made 300 mil less though. The turnaround time was the biggest factor in that. People can’t keep up with huge stakes in consecutive summers. And Antman isn’t as obscure as he was in the summer of 2015. He’s gained familiarity with audiences and has fought along side Marvel’s big money makers. This movie underperforming this weekend isn’t speculation on my part, it’s a fact. It’s being talked about.
I never said AoU's word of mouth was bad. It was mixed. And underwhelming if you compare the word of mouth it got compared to either A1 or IW.

CW not doing as well has less to do with the one year turnaround of a movie and more to do with the type of movie it was following up, plus CW was a polarizing movie itself. Most likely people wasn't as keen to see heroes beat up on each other as Marvel was expecting. A common complaint about CW was ppl felt the plot was contrived and that the writers was forcing the issue to make the heroes fight each other. Casuals really couldn't understand why the heroes couldn't get along.

Also about Aou...people was really disappointed with Ultron as a whole; They wanted him to be more menacing but Whedon made him funny. That disappointed a lot of people. Some people did like Ultron yes, but he was nowhere near the unanimous hit that Thanos was with the audience.

You really really can't compare AoU and CW to IW and A4 dude lol

A4 is almost surely going to be way more of a hit financially than IW is. The only thing that's stopping that is if A4 doesn't live up to expectations. The one year turnaround is literally a non-factor.


Also the short one yr turnaround to follow up IW is absolutely necessary. You're trying to make the argument that cramming big event movies so closely together will somehow turn off the audience and have a negative affect because 'they can't keep up.' A lot, a lot of ppl will tell you that the one yr wait for A4 is too long. As in they'd camp for days if it means seeing A4 next week :lol:
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This movie is probably one of my favorites, just pure fun and the tie in to A4 solidifies it even more, loooooveeedddd how the exploited the Pym shrinking gimmick and Wasp >>>>>>>> any female character up to this point.
I'm going to have to agree. Most well rounded of the bunch.

While Widow has had the most screen time and is an OG in the MCU, you really have to always suspend your belief with how she manages to hang tough with the rest of the heroes in this universe, and the way they did her in IW was just ODEEEE other than her Wanda finally got to expand in IW and Odoye as well as Shuri are cool in their own sense, but they are all pretty one dimemsional as opposed to Hope, who’s a bad ***, smart, good fighter and knows how to work her suit to perfection.
Dont know why yall wasting your time. Only one idiotic angle to this.

Ant-Man & the Wasp 3 gonna be the last Ant-Man movie anyway.

Delusions about Marvel not making enough money as if they have any competition but themselves.

Ant-Man a comedy. Not about to make 100 mil first weekend.

Also what dummy took any The End **** seriously when the last thing you see after all of the credits and after credits is THANOS WILL RETURN ? :lol:
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Antman has always been a low level obscure character in the MCU, I’m pretty sure the execs made it to pretty much bring the pieces of the puzzle together and not to break records in profits, which is the reason why it works so well imo, I didn’t walk into this with some high expectations, simply wanting to have a good time while watching a marvel flick, and that is exactly what marvel gave me, can’t think of the movie really having a flaw for what is meant to be, Rudd and Lilly knocked out the park with their characters and they actually do have chemistry...which is something Marvel seems to struggle with when it comes to setting up a romantic bond between two characters, aside from Bucky and Cap, A&W are the best couple...also Pfeiffer addition to the MCU was great, that woman looking all sorts of beautiful going into her mid 60’s.....and let’s not forget Peña...man dude is entertaining
I quite enjoyed this movie. A little more than Thor Ragnarok to be honest... Thor's jokes were slightly cringey. This movie's jokes were on point.
saw Ant man and Wasp last night. still wondering why was ant mans name in the title cuz he sure aint do ****. wasp was whoopin *** and taking names whole move and scott was tought how to fight in the first movie. im confused but I will say, if I could rank fighters in the MCU Ant man would be dead last in fighting ability lol
saw Ant man and Wasp last night. still wondering why was ant mans name in the title cuz he sure aint do ****. wasp was whoopin *** and taking names whole move and scott was tought how to fight in the first movie. im confused but I will say, if I could rank fighters in the MCU Ant man would be dead last in fighting ability lol
He was on house arrest for two years plus his suit was malfunctioning the whole movie lol
saw Ant man and Wasp last night. still wondering why was ant mans name in the title cuz he sure aint do ****. wasp was whoopin *** and taking names whole move and scott was tought how to fight in the first movie. im confused but I will say, if I could rank fighters in the MCU Ant man would be dead last in fighting ability lol

The way I see it is that he utilized his suit more (somewhat how Wasp used hers with the shrinking and fighting) when he was tusslin with Falcon in the first movie
i too feel like they could have titled it Wasp w/ Antman and would have fit better

i do feel his role in CW was just perfect, just show off riding Hawkeyes arrow (no pun) as a homage to the comics and be the big surprise by becoming GiantMan
Ant Man did a lot in his limited screen time in CW. He went small and effed with Stanley's suit. He went giant man and held up Team Stark, giving Cap and Bucky time to head for the hangar
saw Ant man and Wasp last night. still wondering why was ant mans name in the title cuz he sure aint do ****. wasp was whoopin *** and taking names whole move and scott was tought how to fight in the first movie. im confused but I will say, if I could rank fighters in the MCU Ant man would be dead last in fighting ability lol
Well he did abandon his training to go help the scumbag.

And before that he did wash Falcon in Ant-Man

So nah, not dead last. Hope is just that much better and more of a badass than him.

i too feel like they could have titled it Wasp w/ Antman and would have fit better
That's a dumb title :lol:
Cap fans are used to their guy being a supporting player in movies with his name in the title


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