What ever happened to DaRealLambo??

Dec 8, 2014
My man made threats to LBJ and fell off the earth. LOL

Did they get rid of this guy or what?

I always felt bad for Lebron when it came to Lambo and his mom. I would be hot if some dude the same age as me tried to date my mom.

Never forget :lol::lol:
And it was OBVIOUS he just wanted that bag and Gloria couldn't see that.

I've got a boy that said he'd holler at Gloria or any other older woman if she's gotta bag. I asked him would he shoot at Juanita Jordan, this fool said "I'll probably have on a pair oid jordans while I'm hollering at her" :rofl:
Bron probably keeps his mom at arms length these days it seems. At first you'd see her all the time then all the bad press about her dating life became a focus and he (his team) had to cut that out the picture.
If I were Lebron...I would give off a serious vibe to men pursuing his mother.
You act foolish and try to do too much in the public eye and I might lowkey put them stacks on ya head *****

Dead serious
I'm sure Bron got some Hood ****** from Akron patrolling to make sure man's know not to mess with his mom's.
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