What It Is Like To Be Poor. (Quick, Easy, Non-Paragraphed Read For You Lazy Dudes)

smh@yall blaming people's being poor on them having kids early...

and i can see yall saying 'work harder' are truly blind to the situation and never really been in truly hard times...

growing up, my grandfathers car broke, so he rode my damn huffy to work everyday at 4am...double shifts, dont get home until 9...hardest working man ive ever met...period....been on this earth 23 years, my grandparents just moved out of public housing now....

rarely let internet talk strike a nerve in me...but i identify personally with this topic...and some of yalls logic is silly...

somebody said college was free but poor people dont have the drive to take advantage...show me that free college man...we gotta grind our poor @ss off for scholarships too man...so that was dumb

'i work hard so i should get the fruits of my labor' - high horse NTer..  dude probably doesnt know what hard work is...

first phone..first pair of jays...first car..first apartment..everything ive had in life ive had to work for.. since high school if i wanted sumn i worked for it...didnt call daddy for the platinum card, didnt get some money wired from mom...nope..never knew what that was like...

some of yall ignorance comes from being out of touch...and thats not your fault, nobody should know what that list feels like..but dont throw silly solutions out there(maliz,mgrand,tc69) if you dont truley understand the situation...if you aint lived it personally first hand, you dont know the first thing about changing things for the better..

free college cause ur poor???do people really think poor people get free college???

I don't know your grandfather but it sounds like he was a good man and definitely a hard worker. But you know what? Sometimes it doesn't matter if you work hard. What matters is that you're working hard at just the right time. For your grandfather, was he always a hard worker? Did he work hard as a younger man, doing his best to acquire new skills to broaden his experiences and make him more appealing for jobs?

Why was he in a position where he was driving a car and after having it break down on him, he had to ride your bike to work? Furthermore, why after working for so many years, was he still needing 2 jobs to make ends meet?

When I was in high school, I always told my classmates who hated studying that "I would much rather work hard for 4 years and live well the rest of my life, than live well for 4 years and work hard the rest of my life." Obviously, I was oblivious to the idea of college and postgrad work, but you get the picture. Yes, working hard is important, but you have to work hard in the prime of your life as well as be able to take advantages of opportunities presented to you, as well as turn away certain things that drain your resources and time (ie. kids) at a time in your life when you're not ready for it.

If you're going to slack as a young man, you will pay for it in the end. Some get lucky and get handed something nice, but for the most part, if you **** up, you will be working hard for the rest of your life and won't have enough to retire on unless you have good children. This is the truest **** you're gonna read NT.
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Being poor builds character.

The struggle breeds determination that cannot be purchased with money. Wouldn't have changed a thing.
Being poor sucks but helps build character, like most other things that suck.

People say "it helps build character" too easily, but being poor really does help build character. If you come from the hood or you've been through poverty, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm very fortunate that poverty for me is in the past, but I appreciate a 9-to-5 job. I know the value of a dollar. I see a lot of people trying to "make it," but life isn't that easy especially if you don't come from a rich family. Call me a dreamkiller but I don't make the reality.
once your in so deep man..you cant just pick up and restart life...wasnt much time to go back to school when he was providing for his wife, 3 children and myself at the same time....his car broke and like the OP said, $800 cars aint worth ish...so when they break, theyre broke...

yall sound so silly saying dont have kids and you wont be broke...unplanned kids happen in the projects the same way unplanned kids happen in beverly hills...lol..yall need to experience a lil more real life... when your born into nothing getting out is hard...

my 7th grade mind growing up is completely diff then my lil cousins 7th grade mind now...i was feeling the prrssure of real man problems...needing food to eat, needing gear to wear, staying at your friends house til his momma kicked you out right before bedtime, cause u kno ur lights off til the 15th.....bringing extra clothes to school, cause ur waters out so u showering at friends...idk how many fights i got into cause of jean checks..dudes checking the collar on your roca wear...you punch him to avoid the laughs at your expense...now your suspended..

all my lil cuz worry about cod and lebrons...diff mindstate man...cant even knock lil dude for being 'sheltered' compared to my upbringing...im proud he doesnt have to grow up where/how i did...

its easy to say, 'ill just go to college' but unless youve been in those shoes, felt that pressure...then you truly dont kno what its like,,,

i stopped going to schol 9th grade man..never saw a high school again...not speaking on anybodies situation..but i highly doubt many posters in here kno what lifes like where sumn like that is a possibilty...

its crazy that where i come from, finishing high school and seeing 25 is a lifetime accomplishment...hate that it has to be that way, but young men simply dont finish high school in norfolk...detroit...chicago..etc...
smh@yall blaming people's being poor on them having kids early...

and i can see yall saying 'work harder' are truly blind to the situation and never really been in truly hard times...

growing up, my grandfathers car broke, so he rode my damn huffy to work everyday at 4am...double shifts, dont get home until 9...hardest working man ive ever met...period....been on this earth 23 years, my grandparents just moved out of public housing now....

rarely let internet talk strike a nerve in me...but i identify personally with this topic...and some of yalls logic is silly...

somebody said college was free but poor people dont have the drive to take advantage...show me that free college man...we gotta grind our poor @ss off for scholarships too man...so that was dumb

'i work hard so i should get the fruits of my labor' - high horse NTer..  dude probably doesnt know what hard work is...

first phone..first pair of jays...first car..first apartment..everything ive had in life ive had to work for.. since high school if i wanted sumn i worked for it...didnt call daddy for the platinum card, didnt get some money wired from mom...nope..never knew what that was like...

some of yall ignorance comes from being out of touch...and thats not your fault, nobody should know what that list feels like..but dont throw silly solutions out there(maliz,mgrand,tc69) if you dont truley understand the situation...if you aint lived it personally first hand, you dont know the first thing about changing things for the better..

free college cause ur poor???do people really think poor people get free college???

dude this is NT most of the people on here are priviledged/come from decent family honestly..................and this is imo an sorry to offend anyone.

if youre broke, NT shouldnt even be a place you should waste your time at.

id assume most ppl here come from middle class/upper middle class background
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Being poor builds character.

The struggle breeds determination that cannot be purchased with money. Wouldn't have changed a thing.

If I wasn't at work(for some reason all thoes icons at the bottom of posts dont show), I'd rep the **** outta you for that one.
I come from a middle class family. From the age of about 4, my parents moved from an apartment complex to a suburb which is separated by a drive time of about 6 min. Since that point, they have never looked back. I say that to say I truly don't know what it's like to be poor. We have always had way more than enough. When I was in college, I had to nickle and dime but I always had the luxury of knowing that if things got too bad...I had my people to bail me out. The fact that I was sitting in school was privilege alone. With that being said, reading the list honestly made me tear up. Not because this is something new, but because it's not fair. When you become aware and realize how the way things work particularly in this country, it really alters your way of thinking completely. The thing about me is the outside world has not treated me any different because of my appearance and I've come to embrace that. Nothing separates me from those living in poverty except for chance/lucky circumstances. With all the BS I've had to go through, the one thing that struck me was that without the economic resources and/or connections I would have made out so much worse. Yet, the same things happen to those who have nothing and there lives get ruined. I truly feel for those who have a terrible hand and it has become my life goal to unify those who live under this oppression, and become self-determinant. We can't continue to allow the government and its elected officials to play the role of God. Why does one (corporation/group of people) have ownership to basic necessities that have been provided for us here on earth free of charge. Think about how absurd it is to pay for water really....

VA757, I def understand your plight. Those who say "oh well they should just do this...." have absolutely no idea. At the same time, there are many who are impoverished that simply feed into the cycle of poverty manifested by those in control of media, policies, etc. Many poor people value the wrong things because rich people value the wrong things. The difference is that rich people don't pay for it as dearly in terms of consequences no pun intended. Let's start holding ourselves more accountable for who and what we value. Let's find a way to take care of each other and live better. No one is entitled to a thousand dollars if there's a child who doesn't have anything to eat. How do you drive a Range when there's someone without a house?
smh@yall blaming people's being poor on them having kids early...

and i can see yall saying 'work harder' are truly blind to the situation and never really been in truly hard times...

growing up, my grandfathers car broke, so he rode my damn huffy to work everyday at 4am...double shifts, dont get home until 9...hardest working man ive ever met...period....been on this earth 23 years, my grandparents just moved out of public housing now....

rarely let internet talk strike a nerve in me...but i identify personally with this topic...and some of yalls logic is silly...

somebody said college was free but poor people dont have the drive to take advantage...show me that free college man...we gotta grind our poor @ss off for scholarships too man...so that was dumb

'i work hard so i should get the fruits of my labor' - high horse NTer..  dude probably doesnt know what hard work is...

first phone..first pair of jays...first car..first apartment..everything ive had in life ive had to work for.. since high school if i wanted sumn i worked for it...didnt call daddy for the platinum card, didnt get some money wired from mom...nope..never knew what that was like...

some of yall ignorance comes from being out of touch...and thats not your fault, nobody should know what that list feels like..but dont throw silly solutions out there(maliz,mgrand,tc69) if you dont truley understand the situation...if you aint lived it personally first hand, you dont know the first thing about changing things for the better..

free college cause ur poor???do people really think poor people get free college???

What silly solutions did I bring up? I'm completely agreeing with your point. I just brought up actual points and reasoning instead of just saying no one else understands your struggle.

Does FAFSA not provide financial aid based on how much money your family makes per year? No one said college is free but it becomes manageable when the government is helping you out. (EDIT: I just saw you're talking about how you dropped out of high school in 9th grade - of course you're not going to know anything about college, why are you even commenting on that?)
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I come from a middle class family. From the age of about 4, my parents moved from an apartment complex to a suburb which is separated by a drive time of about 6 min. Since that point, they have never looked back. I say that to say I truly don't know what it's like to be poor. We have always had way more than enough. When I was in college, I had to nickle and dime but I always had the luxury of knowing that if things got too bad...I had my people to bail me out. The fact that I was sitting in school was privilege alone. With that being said, reading the list honestly made me tear up. Not because this is something new, but because it's not fair. When you become aware and realize how the way things work particularly in this country, it really alters your way of thinking completely. The thing about me is the outside world has not treated me any different because of my appearance and I've come to embrace that. Nothing separates me from those living in poverty except for chance/lucky circumstances. With all the BS I've had to go through, the one thing that struck me was that without the economic resources and/or connections I would have made out so much worse. Yet, the same things happen to those who have nothing and there lives get ruined. I truly feel for those who have a terrible hand and it has become my life goal to unify those who live under this oppression, and become self-determinant. We can't continue to allow the government and its elected officials to play the role of God. Why does one (corporation/group of people) have ownership to basic necessities that have been provided for us here on earth free of charge. Think about how absurd it is to pay for water really....
VA757, I def understand your plight. Those who say "oh well they should just do this...." have absolutely no idea. At the same time, there are many who are impoverished that simply feed into the cycle of poverty manifested by those in control of media, policies, etc. Many poor people value the wrong things because rich people value the wrong things. The difference is that rich people don't pay for it as dearly in terms of consequences no pun intended. Let's start holding ourselves more accountable for who and what we value. Let's find a way to take care of each other and live better. No one is entitled to a thousand dollars if there's a child who doesn't have anything to eat. How do you drive a Range when there's someone without a house?

Dumbest thing I've read today, granted it's early in the AM, but still.

If I worked my *** off, why shouldn't I be able to drive a Range Rover? Why do I care if the next person can't afford a house because of their laziness or the mistakes they made in their lives? More importantly, why should that person be entitled to the fruits of my labor?
smh@yall blaming people's being poor on them having kids early...

and i can see yall saying 'work harder' are truly blind to the situation and never really been in truly hard times...

growing up, my grandfathers car broke, so he rode my damn huffy to work everyday at 4am...double shifts, dont get home until 9...hardest working man ive ever met...period....been on this earth 23 years, my grandparents just moved out of public housing now....

rarely let internet talk strike a nerve in me...but i identify personally with this topic...and some of yalls logic is silly...

somebody said college was free but poor people dont have the drive to take advantage...show me that free college man...we gotta grind our poor @ss off for scholarships too man...so that was dumb

'i work hard so i should get the fruits of my labor' - high horse NTer..  dude probably doesnt know what hard work is...

first phone..first pair of jays...first car..first apartment..everything ive had in life ive had to work for.. since high school if i wanted sumn i worked for it...didnt call daddy for the platinum card, didnt get some money wired from mom...nope..never knew what that was like...

some of yall ignorance comes from being out of touch...and thats not your fault, nobody should know what that list feels like..but dont throw silly solutions out there(maliz,mgrand,tc69) if you dont truley understand the situation...if you aint lived it personally first hand, you dont know the first thing about changing things for the better..

free college cause ur poor???do people really think poor people get free college???
Reading is essential, I said some not all. Read over my two post again. Like I mentioned I'm more less talking to the lazy people not those whose out there hustling. You getting too hyped and not being rational. Your accusing me of saying "EVERY POOR PERSON IS LAZY" because I said some are. Sounds like you've had a past experience with someone saying that but THAT NOT WHAT I'M SAYING.

Yes, college is free for some . Between FAFSA and the various scholarships awarded to those who are less fortune (not mentioning how the government will reimburse most out of pocket expenses and income tax return.) all that could easily pay tuition with room and board at an average university. Some school have individual grants and scholarship based off circumstances. For example, my girl gets 3000 a semester in pell grants and 1000 in state grants. Her mother is single with 4 kids (including her). That's enough for tuition. Take into account her mother has a better job then most though.

Growing up in a poor neighborhood, I saw the mentality up close and personal. Some would thrive for better but some wouldn't. I can't count how many of my elementary classmates that I grew up with that are in jail or trapped by past decisions. I know it tough but they got to fight out of it like my mother did when my father ran out on us the day I was born.

I was referring to those with these opportunities but don't take them like I did. I was wealthy growing up by no means. Those who do that great, I applaud and hope them success. Like I previous stated some can't help their circumstances like those with a disable family member. I know a lady who gave up the best years of her life (23-35) to take care of her deaf and disabled mother. I applaud those who fight for theirs, some are success, some aren't but at least fight. Those are the people I like up to.


edit: Saw your other post and you can't be serious. Come on, please don't act like your the only one that struggled in life. Look, when I was growing up I used to have to cut my jeans into shorts during the summer cause we couldn't afford them at the time. I remember my mother working to 9 doing overtime at another department to make ends meet when she didn't establish her career yet. It's hard but not impossible.
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