Whats up with the new banner?

Originally Posted by Method Man

Just sending a little message.

There's some inconsistency in the way Yuku handles our domain.  Some people still visit through niketalk.yuku.com and we'd like to keep the branding consistent and make sure everyone's logging in and bookmarking niketalk.com rather than niketalk.yuku.com.  
Just think of it as getting back to basics.  
I hear what you're saying Meth, I really do... But I'm just saying, I could do better *shrug*
Its definitely back to basics, but we're living in the age where web/graphic design is at an all time high. It would be dope if you allowed myself + a few other member + you guys to brainstorm and bounce ideas around for a new banner that could stick around for a while. 

I know for a fact that me and fong are a couple of NT's graphic/web designers and I'm sure there's a few more of us. 
Meth taking shots at that other website i guess
Honestly, I don't really give a damn what they do as long as they stay in their lane.  That's not even the issue. 
Our community and our fellow members value authenticity.  While all these "after hours fakes," "early release pairs," etc. make it difficult for even discerning collectors to distinguish the real from the fake, we want to emphasize that, by visiting NikeTalk.com, you'll always get the genuine article.  

All we can reliably stand behind is what we have complete control over.  That, for us, is niketalk.com and @niketalk1999.  Look, Yuku's been sold three times in three years.  We have to be prepared for any contingency that may come our way.  If anything odd/unexpected/unscrupulous were ever to happen with Yuku, we want to minimize any potential confusion.  If Yuku should ever fall into the wrong hands, they could try to abuse niketalk.yuku.com in ways that would completely violate the spirit of user-generated content sites.  

It may sound far fetched, but in this business you never know...  

That's what I figured. Any word on the badges you spoke about awhile ago?

What badges are you referring to?  The Japan and Somalia badges are available to everyone who donates $10 or more to Mercy Corps and Doctors Without Borders through our dedicated fundraising pages, and information on those is available through the pinned topics here in the General forum.  

is there a difference between visiting niketalk.com and niketalk.yuku.com?

does yuku not make money if we only use niketalk.com?

We're more concerned about a scenario (however unlikely) in which Yuku tries to make money off of niketalk.yuku.com and our charities would get nothing.  Again, that's not so at the moment as we just donated to Room to Read and the Human Rights Campaign, but we need to protect ourselves just in case.  

Sadly, not everyone in the world is ethical.  You never know how things might play out.  We'd rather be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to something so precious to us as the community we've all been building together for over 12 years. 

But niketalk.com was taking me to blank page not too long ago........ Is that fixed?

It was kind of buggy in the early going with Yuku (as was pretty much everything), but that has since been sorted out.  It works just fine now.  If you go to http://niketalk.com/forums/14/General it takes you straight to the General forum.  I would suggest bookmarking niketalk.com rather than a specific forum just in case the URL structure every changes.  (To excise the 14, for example, which is just sort of a carryover from the ezboard days.) 

I hear what you're saying Meth, I really do... But I'm just saying, I could do better *shrug*
Its definitely back to basics, but we're living in the age where web/graphic design is at an all time high. It would be dope if you allowed myself + a few other member + you guys to brainstorm and bounce ideas around for a new banner that could stick around for a while. 

I know for a fact that me and fong are a couple of NT's graphic/web designers and I'm sure there's a few more of us. 

Sometimes less is more.  NT's look as always been bold, clean, and simple.  

Often when you bring in other people, they want to show off just how talented they are and the results wind up looking kind of tacky and they become dated very quickly.  

You know the deal there.  K.I.S.S.  (And, no, for the uninitiated, that has nothing to do with the sneaker site I$$.)

I'm constantly appreciative of and impressed by the creativity of our fellow users.  So, if you guys would like to submit something, that would be great.  No promises, obviously, but in order to consider it the following basic criteria would have to be met: 

1) Use the NikeTalk.com branding.  (The tagline doesn't have to remain 100% as is, but the basic imperative must remain the same.)

2) The image, and you know this but I need to make it clear for everyone, must consist of original artwork and cannot contain any copyrighted elements. 

3) The banner may be no larger than 600x200 out of consideration for all of the various devices used to access the site.  
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

 Meth taking shots at that other website i guess 
Every other site is just a variant 
Originally Posted by Method Man

Just sending a little message.

There's some inconsistency in the way Yuku handles our domain.  Some people still visit through niketalk.yuku.com and we'd like to keep the branding consistent and make sure everyone's logging in and bookmarking niketalk.com rather than niketalk.yuku.com.  
Just think of it as getting back to basics.  
Anytime you change the Banner, you need to be able to click on the banner to get an explanation of things. (A la Google)
Originally Posted by Method Man

Just sending a little message.

There's some inconsistency in the way Yuku handles our domain.  Some people still visit through niketalk.yuku.com and we'd like to keep the branding consistent and make sure everyone's logging in and bookmarking niketalk.com rather than niketalk.yuku.com.  
Just think of it as getting back to basics.  
sweet, now release some more fitteds for gods sake.

im honestly begging you.

i hope you see this message and get on it

Anytime you change the Banner, you need to be able to click on the banner to get an explanation of things. (A la Google)
And, in this case, it links to www.niketalk.com.  
sweet, now release some more fitteds for gods sake.

im honestly begging you.

Trust me, I'd love to do that, too, but 1) we've got bigger issues to deal with at the moment and   2) the principals involved in the first release haven't been in touch.  
Rajah did a great job with the caps, but he's been impossible to reach lately and he was the one who drove that project.  It's not IMPOSSIBLE to do it without him, but that's certainly not our preference. 

I have to put the site first, and I'm sure everyone can understand that, but if the band gets back together I would be thrilled to take part in another fitted cap release.  It was a nice fundraiser for the Children's Defense Fund and lots of people seemed to like the caps and appreciate all of the hard work that went into it.  There's not a lack of desire on our end.  It's just a matter of priorities. 
I'm constantly appreciative of and impressed by the creativity of our fellow users. So, if you guys would like to submit something, that would be great. No promises, obviously, but in order to consider it the following basic criteria would have to be met:

1) Use the NikeTalk.com branding. (The tagline doesn't have to remain 100% as is, but the basic imperative must remain the same.)
2) The image, and you know this but I need to make it clear for everyone, must consist of original artwork and cannot contain any copyrighted elements.
3) The banner may be no larger than 600x200 out of consideration for all of the various devices used to access the site.

New banner looks fine to me. Was just curious why we have a new one up.

Man... haven't used www.niketalk.com in ages (since the move to Yuku from ezBoard, I guess). Typing out niketalk.yuku.com definitely has grown into a habit.
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

New banner looks fine to me. Was just curious why we have a new one up.

Man... haven't used www.niketalk.com in ages (since the move to Yuku from ezBoard, I guess). Typing out niketalk.yuku.com definitely has grown into a habit.

LOL WUT people actually type in the yuku part?
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

New banner looks fine to me. Was just curious why we have a new one up.

Man... haven't used www.niketalk.com in ages (since the move to Yuku from ezBoard, I guess). Typing out niketalk.yuku.com definitely has grown into a habit.

LOL WUT people actually type in the yuku part?
 Like what Meth said... the first days of the move to Yuku from ezBoard were a little buggy. Used to even type out the forum addresses for General and S&T back then, too. 
I actually like the new banner too, and I didn't know people actually typed niketalk.yuku.com, I never did, always go straight to niketalk.com.

NKETLK Banner though

Possibility for an App?
I thought it was a reference to the quote from the Tom Cruise movie Risky Business. 

I think the line was from an old 80s Porsche commercial.

I couldnt embed but heres a link  
Originally Posted by quik1987

I'm constantly appreciative of and impressed by the creativity of our fellow users. So, if you guys would like to submit something, that would be great. No promises, obviously, but in order to consider it the following basic criteria would have to be met:

1) Use the NikeTalk.com branding. (The tagline doesn't have to remain 100% as is, but the basic imperative must remain the same.)
2) The image, and you know this but I need to make it clear for everyone, must consist of original artwork and cannot contain any copyrighted elements.
3) The banner may be no larger than 600x200 out of consideration for all of the various devices used to access the site.


Originally Posted by quik1987

I'm constantly appreciative of and impressed by the creativity of our fellow users. So, if you guys would like to submit something, that would be great. No promises, obviously, but in order to consider it the following basic criteria would have to be met:

1) Use the NikeTalk.com branding. (The tagline doesn't have to remain 100% as is, but the basic imperative must remain the same.)
2) The image, and you know this but I need to make it clear for everyone, must consist of original artwork and cannot contain any copyrighted elements.
3) The banner may be no larger than 600x200 out of consideration for all of the various devices used to access the site.


Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by quik1987

I'm constantly appreciative of and impressed by the creativity of our fellow users. So, if you guys would like to submit something, that would be great. No promises, obviously, but in order to consider it the following basic criteria would have to be met:

1) Use the NikeTalk.com branding. (The tagline doesn't have to remain 100% as is, but the basic imperative must remain the same.)
2) The image, and you know this but I need to make it clear for everyone, must consist of original artwork and cannot contain any copyrighted elements.
3) The banner may be no larger than 600x200 out of consideration for all of the various devices used to access the site.


I see what you did there.

And Meth are there any major differences from accessing NT from the .yuku.com domain compared to the .com one?

I have a bunch of NT bookmarks with .yuku.com and would prefer not to bookmark them again with the .com version unless I have to.
Originally Posted by toine2983

I see what you did there.

And Meth are there any major differences from accessing NT from the .yuku.com domain compared to the .com one?

I have a bunch of NT bookmarks with .yuku.com and would prefer not to bookmark them again with the .com version unless I have to.

I'm pretty sure they said Niketalk.com was faster than Niketalk.yuku.com, but don't quote me on that
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