Whats your college schedule like this semester?

I have a couple late classes on Mon and Wed, I always like to have my classes MWF 9-1, but oh well
My earliest class is on Wednesday at 11. They all end by 3:15 and no Friday classes
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays I have class 7:30-12:30
Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30- 1:30.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes from 7:00AM-12:10PM
Tuesday and Thursday classes from 1:30PM-3:00PM.

I commute so I'll have to be up by 5AM, but at least I don't have Saturday classes like last semester.
why are there so many college threads lately? has there been a huge wave of excited freshman enrolling or what?
MWF 9am-12pm
T & TH 9am-11:45

So you guys can look forward to seeing me on NT around those times.
Probably going to try to add one more class in. BTW "R" stands for Thursday.
Night class on Monday, 12-1 class Tuesday, Wednesday off, 12-3 on Thurs, Friday off. I'm a senior btw.
I don't start till next Thursday and I'm a Junior transfer but my schedule is MW 2:10 - 3:50, TH 9:10 - 11:55, F 10:10 - 12:55 I wanted a Tuesdays andThursdays off but I had a late registration so I have one day off.
Monday : 8:30-2:00
Tuesday : N/A
Wednesday : 8:30-11:20
Thursday : N/A
Friday : N/A

I'm taking English 01, Intro to Philosophy, Art Appreciation, and West Civ.
Always good to sign up early.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday-- 9:00-9:50 then 11:00-11:50
Tuesday and Thursday -- 10:00-11:15 then 11:30 - 12:45

two classes each day and 2 online
Pretty nice is you ask me
physics 4 days a week

M i go 1:40-2:55 then 5:40 - 8:30

T 10:40 - 11:55, 12:15 - 1:30, 1:40 - 2:55

W 11:40 - 12:30, 1:40-2:55 then 5:40 - 8:30

TH T 10:40 - 11:55, 12:15 - 1:30, 1:40 - 2:55

F 1:40 - 3:30

my schedule blows ***
I'm taking hella easy courses to get my gpa back up.

MW: class from 1:30 to 4:30
TTH: class from 11:00 to 8:00 pm (10:00 pm on T)

5 class plus 1 lab for 19 credits. That will change though once I pay my bill from last semester.

SPST 320: Sport Marketing 1:25-2:20PM
PHIL 222: Philosophy of Religion 2:30-3:25PM


ENG 150: Literary Types 1:45-3:05PM
MGMT 211: Managing Organized Behaivor 3:10-4:30pm
REST 386D: Morality in Business 4:35-5:55pm

not too bad i get to sleep in...i hate all my classes but they are required so...
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