When Will White People Stop Making Movies Like "Avatar"?

Jul 11, 2006
I was discussing this idea with one of my professors and he tends to agree with this analysis of the movie. In fact, a number of academics seem to have madesimilar (even identical) assessments of the film and its ilk. I thought it was interesting and thought I'd share an article with similar thoughts with youguys.

[h1]When Will White People Stop Making Movies Like "Avatar"?[/h1]

Critics have called alien epic Avatar a version of Dances With Wolves because it's about a white guy going native and becoming a great leader. But Avatar is just the latest scifi rehash of an old white guilt fantasy. Spoilers...

Whether Avatar is racist is a matter for debate. Regardless of where you come down on that question, it's undeniable that the film - like alien apartheid flick District 9, released earlier this year - is emphatically a fantasy about race. Specifically, it's a fantasy about race told from the point of view of white people. Avatar and scifi films like it give us the opportunity to answer the question: What do white people fantasize about when they fantasize about racial identity?

Avatar imaginatively revisits the crime scene of white America's foundational act of genocide, in which entire native tribes and civilizations were wiped out by European immigrants to the American continent. In the film, a group of soldiers and scientists have set up shop on the verdant moon Pandora, whose landscapes look like a cross between Northern California's redwood cathedrals and Brazil's tropical rainforest. The moon's inhabitants, the Na'vi, are blue, catlike versions of native people: They wear feathers in their hair, worship nature gods, paint their faces for war, use bows and arrows, and live in tribes. Watching the movie, there is really no mistake that these are alien versions of stereotypical native peoples that we've seen in Hollywood movies for decades.

And Pandora is clearly supposed to be the rich, beautiful land America could still be if white people hadn't paved it over with concrete and strip malls. In Avatar, our white hero Jake Sully (sully - get it?) explains that Earth is basically a war-torn wasteland with no greenery or natural resources left. The humans started to colonize Pandora in order to mine a mineral called unobtainium that can serve as a mega-energy source. But a few of these humans don't want to crush the natives with tanks and bombs, so they wire their brains into the bodies of Na'vi avatars and try to win the natives' trust. Jake is one of the team of avatar pilots, and he discovers to his surprise that he loves his life as a Na'vi warrior far more than he ever did his life as a human marine.

Jake is so enchanted that he gives up on carrying out his mission, which is to persuade the Na'vi to relocate from their "home tree," where the humans want to mine the unobtanium. Instead, he focuses on becoming a great warrior who rides giant birds and falls in love with the chief's daughter. When the inevitable happens and the marines arrive to burn down the Na'vi's home tree, Jake switches sides. With the help of a few human renegades, he maintains a link with his avatar body in order to lead the Na'vi against the human invaders. Not only has he been assimilated into the native people's culture, but he has become their leader.

This is a classic scenario you've seen in non-scifi epics from Dances With Wolves to The Last Samurai, where a white guy manages to get himself accepted into a closed society of people of color and eventually becomes its most awesome member. But it's also, as I indicated earlier, very similar in some ways to District 9. In that film, our (anti)hero Wikus is trying to relocate a shantytown of aliens to a region far outside Johannesburg. When he's accidentally squirted with fluid from an alien technology, he begins turning into one of the aliens against his will. Deformed and cast out of human society, Wikus reluctantly helps one of the aliens to launch their stalled ship and seek help from their home planet.

If we think of Avatar and its ilk as white fantasies about race, what kinds of patterns do we see emerging in these fantasies?

In both Avatar and District 9, humans are the cause of alien oppression and distress. Then, a white man who was one of the oppressors switches sides at the last minute, assimilating into the alien culture and becoming its savior. This is also the basic story of Dune, where a member of the white royalty flees his posh palace on the planet Dune to become leader of the worm-riding native Fremen (the worm-riding rite of passage has an analog in Avatar, where Jake proves his manhood by riding a giant bird). An interesting tweak on this story can be seen in 1980s flick Enemy Mine, where a white man (Dennis Quaid) and the alien he's been battling (Louis Gossett Jr.) are stranded on a hostile planet together for years. Eventually they become best friends, and when the alien dies, the human raises the alien's child as his own. When humans arrive on the planet and try to enslave the alien child, he lays down his life to rescue it. His loyalties to an alien have become stronger than to his own species.

These are movies about white guilt. Our main white characters realize that they are complicit in a system which is destroying aliens, AKA people of color - their cultures, their habitats, and their populations. The whites realize this when they begin to assimilate into the "alien" cultures and see things from a new perspective. To purge their overwhelming sense of guilt, they switch sides, become "race traitors," and fight against their old comrades. But then they go beyond assimilation and become leaders of the people they once oppressed. This is the essence of the white guilt fantasy, laid bare. It's not just a wish to be absolved of the crimes whites have committed against people of color; it's not just a wish to join the side of moral justice in battle. It's a wish to lead people of color from the inside rather than from the (oppressive, white) outside.

Think of it this way. Avatar is a fantasy about ceasing to be white, giving up the old human meatsack to join the blue people, but never losing white privilege. Jake never really knows what it's like to be a Na'vi because he always has the option to switch back into human mode. Interestingly, Wikus in District 9 learns a very different lesson. He's becoming alien and he can't go back. He has no other choice but to live in the slums and eat catfood. And guess what? He really hates it. He helps his alien buddy to escape Earth solely because he's hoping the guy will come back in a few years with a "cure" for his alienness. When whites fantasize about becoming other races, it's only fun if they can blithely ignore the fundamental experience of being an oppressed racial group. Which is that you are oppressed, and nobody will let you be a leader of anything.

This is not a message anybody wants to hear, least of all the white people who are creating and consuming these fantasies. Afro-Canadian scifi writer Nalo Hopkinson recently told the Boston Globe:
In the US, to talk about race is to be seen as racist. You become the problem because you bring up the problem. So you find people who are hesitant to talk about it.

She adds that the main mythic story you find in science fiction, generally written by whites, "is going to a foreign culture and colonizing it."

Sure, Avatar goes a little bit beyond the basic colonizing story. We are told in no uncertain terms that it's wrong to colonize the lands of native people. Our hero chooses to join the Na'vi rather than abide the racist culture of his own people. But it is nevertheless a story that revisits the same old tropes of colonization. Whites still get to be leaders of the natives - just in a kinder, gentler way than they would have in an old Flash Gordon flick or in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars novels.

When will whites stop making these movies and start thinking about race in a new way?

First, we'll need to stop thinking that white people are the most "relatable" characters in stories. As one blogger put it:
By the end of the film you're left wondering why the film needed the Jake Sully character at all. The film could have done just as well by focusing on an actual Na'vi native who comes into contact with crazy humans who have no respect for the environment. I can just see the explanation: "Well, we need someone (an avatar) for the audience to connect with. A normal guy will work better than these tall blue people." However, this is the type of thinking that molds all leads as white male characters (blank slates for the audience to project themselves upon) unless your name is Will Smith.

But more than that, whites need to rethink their fantasies about race.

Whites need to stop remaking the white guilt story, which is a sneaky way of turning every story about people of color into a story about being white. Speaking as a white person, I don't need to hear more about my own racial experience. I'd like to watch some movies about people of color (ahem, aliens), from the perspective of that group, without injecting a random white (erm, human) character to explain everything to me. Science fiction is exciting because it promises to show the world and the universe from perspectives radically unlike what we've seen before. But until white people stop making movies like Avatar, I fear that I'm doomed to see the same old story again and again.


there are no cliffnotes. if you don't want to read the article then this discussion isn't for you.
Go ahead and add the Last Samurai to that list. White people always mitigate the fact that they are the evil-doers and oppressors in these movies by adding aprotagonist who sympathizes with and saves the natives.
I don't know how I feel I about this... I mean I think its kind of a stretch with the part talking about how Whites want to maintain priviledge even intheir new societies.
Ms. Newitz seems so full of self-loathing that she can't enjoy a story told by white people because it's ingrained with the natural-born racism and privilage that only white people have (not her, though, she insists).

But while Avatar is not a deep film by any means, it goes beyond depicting the mere discrimination of another skin color and extends into the human abuse of another species. While the actors protraying the humans didn't need to be white, they certainly needed to be humans, because it's a story about us as much as them. Half the story of Avatar is the internal and external conflicts of a human who has taken the guise of the native species and lives amongst them.

As shallow as it seems, Jake Sully is able to rally the Na'vi because he learns their way of life and eventually earns their trust. He doesn't do this through conquest or smacking them with condescending earth-based morals, but through accomplishments that the Na'vi respect. He chooses to live with and fight for these aliens, because he can no longer justify the destructive actions of his own kind.

Because James Cameron is white, and the human actors are (mostly) white, Newitz sees it only as racial subtext - and that very notion is itself founded in white guilt. Newitz fails to grasp the motivations of the humans, because Avatar is not at all a "basic colonizing story." The humans had arrived on Pandora not as conquistadors but as prospectors for resources, because they've squandered the resources of Earth.

The plot resembles Dances with Wolves, but it is not about any sort of white "racial experience" but of diplomacy, the rules of engagement, and how dimishing resources drives our species to exploit, pillage and ruin another, man and beast alike.

And anyway, Avatar is more about 3D eye candy and entering a new universe and watching *%*% get blow'd up. The most cliché aspects of the Na'vi are their vaguely Oriental/Native American/jungly stereotypes, but that I think comes more from Cameron's efforts to make the humanoid Na'vi be "foreign" yet familiar. His biggest offense was not pushing the cultural gap further than District 9 had, although he wrote this movie long before it.

Ms. Newitz writes as though she were evolved past this white man's science-fiction plot line, but she neglects the real message of this movie to rest upon her own white guilt. If she wants whites like herself to stop rehashing these stories and "think about race in a new way", then she should open up her word processor and start writing a screenplay. Please, Ms. Newitz - come down off your high horse and enlighten us.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Didn't you tell me I was reaching with the District 9 thread?

since you're the only person who mighttttt have read what i posted i'll add:

i don't necessarily agree either way, but i definitely understand what you were getting at (i just didn't like you.) i'm just posting this articlebecause i found it interesting. an old professor who i've learned a lot from and who i respect a lot discussed this with me and i saw his point a lotclearer than i did in your prior post.

and to all those saying that this article is racist/sensitive, the author is white.
This is why these people get paid to do what they do...
Its amazing how someone can just take all of your most understood emotions
and put them in words.

"Guilt fantasy" Hit it on the nail!

If you care to read here's a review I read on the movie The Blind Side
which was on point also...

Spoiler [+]
[h2]The Blind Side[/h2]
Posted on: Nov. 20, 2009 Release Date: Nov. 20, 2009
[table][tr][td] [/td] [td]Grade: D+[/td] [/tr][/table]
Like Radio, only without Cuba Gooding Jr.'s giant prosthetic teeth. If you've seen the trailers and TV ads for The Blind Side, you have a pretty good idea of what to expect from the movie -- a patronizing, schmaltzy feel-good story about a selfless white woman who takes in an uneducated, homeless black teenager and turns him into an college-bound football player. Big Mike (Quinton Aaron) will eventually become the real-life Baltimore Ravens lineman Michael Oher. If the movie is to be believed, he was little more than a big, lovable pet that wealthy suburbanites Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy (Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw) literally picked up off the street and brought home like a stray cat. If this sounds more than a little offensive, then you have a lot more sensitivity than the makers of The Blind Side.

This holiday season, show how good you are by adopting a black teenager! The film follows the usual trite, over-trod path that such movies take, with Aaron playing the illiterate Big Mike as a docile moron, graced by the goodness of the rich white people who tutor him, help him raise his grades and become a whiz at football so he can attend their alma mater, and protect him from the inevitable ignorance of the locals. In case we fail to appreciate how magnanimous the Tuohy's are, there are scenes in which we visit Big Mike's crack-addict mother and the local toughs who run roughshod over the local housing project. Almost entirely mute, the boy's entire role in these proceedings is to be soothed, coached, guided and stroked, like a mangy dog brought home, shampooed and flea-dipped before he's taught a few tricks. How Big Mike -- either the real man or the character in the movie -- feels about any of this is left a mystery. This isn't a movie about him, it's a movie about the awesome white people who helped the poor, unfortunate black boy.

"Props? We need a shinier halo for Ms. Bullock." Bleached blonde to play the real-life Mrs. Tuohy, Bullock is predictably feisty with a thick Southern accent, all the better for delivering the almost unbelievably clichéd dialogue (when someone tells Leigh Anne, "You're changing that boy's life," she responds with the predictable, "No -- he's changing mine"). Except that we don't see any growth or change in Leigh Anne -- at film's end, she's the same conservative Christian, hard-charging Tennessee belle, no better or worse or different than she was at the beginning. We are supposed to see her as a white savior, canonized for stepping out of her rich soccer-mom life to uplift a downtrodden black man, and any uplift you may feel at watching The Blind Side comes at the cost of pure racism.
So let me get this straight, if the lead character is any race except white, this movie isn't considered racist?

I'm assuming that a white man can't embrace another culture outside of his own without debate? Or is the part where the white man becomes a"hero" that people seem to have a problem swallowing?
Originally Posted by Kayway8

So let me get this straight, if the lead character is any race except white, this movie isn't considered racist?

I'm assuming that a white man can't embrace another culture outside of his own without debate? Or is the part where the white man becomes a "hero" that people seem to have a problem swallowing?

I has nothing to do with colors. Only what the ideas brought forth in the movie represent.
Originally Posted by Kayway8

So let me get this straight, if the lead character is any race except white, this movie isn't considered racist?

I'm assuming that a white man can't embrace another culture outside of his own without debate? Or is the part where the white man becomes a "hero" that people seem to have a problem swallowing?
I don't even think the article is saying the movie is racist.....he was just making an observation of an artchetype in quite a few moviesabout imperialism and white oppression.

I liked Avatat a lot bdw.
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