Who are the coolest people to ever live?

I seriously doubt you've ever listened to any led zeppelin songs or know anything about them other than what u just googled.
You're kinda right. Other then the music that they are accused of stealing, I haven't listen to much Zeppelin. What's your point?

I thought they were a good band until a buddy of mine started sending me all this evidence of them stealing music. I have nothing against you for liking them and if you think their "covers" are better than the OG then that's cool too, but I've read and heard that they didn't credit the music they covered or stole and that's were I have a problem with the greatest band ever claims. 
You're kinda right. Other then the music that they are accused of stealing, I haven't listen to much Zeppelin. What's your point?
I thought they were a good band until a buddy of mine started sending me all this evidence of them stealing music. I have nothing against you for liking them and if you think their "covers" are better than the OG then that's cool too, but I've read and heard that they didn't credit the music they covered or stole and that's were I have a problem with the greatest band ever claims. 
So your saying Led Zeppelin isnt/wasn't cool? That's the title of the thread and why were posting people here. We can create a greatest rock bands thread and discuss that though if u want.
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Doesn't really matter if I think they are cool or not. You just said they were the greatest rock band ever and I was simply drawing attention to the music theft accusations, but you're right. This could be discussed in a different thread. My apologize for the derail.
Doesn't really matter if I think they are cool or not. You just said they were the greatest rock band ever and I was simply drawing attention to the music theft accusations, but you're right. This could be discussed in a different thread. My apologize for the derail.
Sorry buddy but Zeppelin's coolness and greatness is already lamented in rock history. There's nothing nobody can do or say to bring them down. It's always like that when your at the top.
Why wouldn't you consider Malcolm X cool?
Being "Cool" is a very broad and ambiguous word.
One could almost say "cool"= influential.
If someone lead people to change their thoughts, fought for basic human rights, challenged a system and loved his people.
To me that is the very definition of cool.
Or are we strictly using that word for vanity sake?
Why wouldn't you consider Malcolm X cool?
Being "Cool" is a very broad and ambiguous word.
One could almost say "cool"= influential.
If someone lead people to change their thoughts, fought for basic human rights, challenged a system and loved his people.
To me that is the very definition of cool.
Or are we strictly using that word for vanity sake?

Naaw i wuz sayin the kool aid man dont belong in there loool

dudes like

Nikola tesla, teddy roosavelt, mother teresea, ghandi, ray j
That instagram guy. You all probably know who I'm talking about. Idk but from the few pics I've seen of him he needs a reality show. :lol: I'd watch.
Dan Bilzerian is pretty dope. Wouldn't mind spending a day in his shoes lol.

Hugh Hefner, if nobody else has mentioned him already. Haven't read thru the thread..
Michael Jackson (Off the Wall - End of Bad Era)

Leonardo DiCaprio (his crew still inspires many)

Michael Jordan (what he did on the courts)

Allen Iverson (Warrior Mindset)

Martin Luther King (Spoke the Truth)

Bruce Lee (Inspiration)
Michael Jackson (Off the Wall - End of Bad Era)
Leonardo DiCaprio (his crew still inspires many)
Michael Jordan (what he did on the courts)
Allen Iverson (Warrior Mindset)
Martin Luther King (Spoke the Truth)
Bruce Lee (Inspiration)
Iverson has kinda lost some cool points in my book with him declaring bankruptcy after making all that money. It's really a sad story. Especially for a man who gave so much of himself to the game.
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