Who cried when they found out Santa wasnt real

Dec 1, 2011
Someone just told me that they did and I couldnt believe it. Most people just took it in stride and kept on living am I right?
Santa's not real???

My guess is that its the same people who cried when they found out god wasn't real.

Santa : Children :: God : Adults
I just remember feeling betrayed and that anyone, including my family could lie to me.
It sounds more serious than it is. I just remember thinking : What else have you lied to me about?
I was growing up watching TV shows about other kids finding out he wasn't real.

I never had a chance to believe
Didnt care. Found out when I saw my parents wheel out my bike from their bedroom. Was so hype that I got one of them joints with handle brakes instead of pedal brakes not a single eff was given that santa didnt exist.
Psh I believed in Santa until one Christmas, my mom took me to KB toys and she said pick out your present. I picked the original power ranger megazord. Didn't care who Santa was that Christmas, I just wanted my megazord.
I'm pretty sure that since you can not believe in santa, it proves that santa exists.

I don't know why you all focus so much on things that aren't real anyways. 
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