Why do people look down on people who do "blue collar" jobs?

You said it's public record, post the public record.

You're also doubting me, I posted multiple links with said salaries, you challenged those links and posted you ninjahood--esque anecdotes. If it's public record, then post said records.

Again, as I stated, you're looking at the based salary. The public don't see the internal Grade system and salary range posted internally. I'll post that, what I'm not going to post, is people paycheck with their overtime.

If you want the public record, you need to seek what MARTA disclose to the public. What I do internally is within the PCI compliance and I'm not releasing PII data to anyone.

Do note that Fixed route drivers (Big Bus) overtime and pay is completely different from Mobility drivers (Parattransit). They cut the budget by outsourcing the Mobility Operations. Transition was this weekend, which I am working closely with now, MV Transportion. The operators are now making $13 an hour with no benefits. I think there's a cap on the OT they can make.

However, Fixed route is where the money at. I swear the bus garages parking lot is full of Mercedes, BMWs, Esclades, corvettes :lol:
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LB I wouldn't be surprised if a plumber, etc is pulling over 100k if they market themselves independently aside from their legit job and do side gigs off the books which I'm sure many do.

I know for a fact that NYC union electricians pull in over $100K on a full year.
**** you Lionblood, How about this, I'm 20 years old pulling in $34 an hour, have a great pension plan set up, full benefits, and by age 24 I'll be pulling in over $60 an hour without owing a dollar to anybody, all because I was smart enough to know college wasn't for me. Not educated? I'm a craftsman, you couldn't do the things I do every single day.

public workers get paid cause of their unions especially in a large city

bus drivers, garbage men, cops, firemen etc all get paid racks depending on what city they work for

when a company develops a new building, mall , skyscraper etc it all costs millions++++

the people making those buildings are eating off that

these blue collar jobs pay well because they are demanding and you have to put in work

my buddy worked on an oil rig straight out of high school and has been making 6 figures steadily each year basically carpentering 

i know a mechanic who works at a car dealership dude is able to provide for his family, has a house, and just copped a Porsche 

on the other hand some dude can go sit in his office wearing a suit from 9-5 and make 100k or you can work 60-80 of hard labor a week for the same 100k

either way i respect all those who work and are out there getting it 
Looks like I need to move to the US. My doctor doesn't even make €100k a year 
I know for a fact that NYC union electricians pull in over $100K on a full year.

The average is 48 grand, some make over 100 grand. There's a range.

National average is different. Some locals in the south make somewhere in the 20's an hour. Ninjahood is from NYC, his numbers make sense. It's ok to be wrong, just cause you have a degree and some boring job that doesn't pay enough, forcing you to pay those student loans for the next 20 years doesn't mean you HAVE to be right. You college dudes are all the same :smh:
So blue collar=not having a bachelors degree or masters? No one has addressed that question, cause I listed several jobs that require a bachelors, masters or PhD that sound pretty blue collar to me.:lol:

So someone who isn't blue collar CAN'T be their own boss? :lol:

So machines will replace white collar jobs?:lol:

Most office jobs, YOU WONT EVER BE YOUR OWN BOSS....show me a secretary or office manager that calls their own shots, schedule, ETC?

The rest of the stuff you just said, you are pretty much twisting my words around for your convenience....lmao

You know damn well what we consider blue collar jobs and most of those don't require no ***** masters :lol:
National average is different. Some locals in the south make somewhere in the 20's an hour. Ninjahood is from NYC, his numbers make sense. It's ok to be wrong, just cause you have a degree and some boring job that doesn't pay enough, forcing you to pay those student loans for the next 20 years doesn't mean you HAVE to be right. You college dudes are all the same :smh:

I'm gonna say this....if you don't mind getting your hands dirty and have a good sense for building and learning you can practically teach yourself a lot of these manual labors on a small scale....I legit gutted, patched up and redid my entire kitchen on my own by watching YouTube videos :lol: but this is on a small scale specially the electrical work which was just reroute get some outlets and replacing some lights :lol:
Really but isn't the civil engineer who has to make sure NYCs infrastructure doesn't fall apart a public worker?

Isn't that pathologist that has to deal with all the dead bodies that turn up in the city a public worker?

Isn't that doctor that has to take care of inmates or work in a mental institution a "public worker"?
a lot of public workers have degrees and some jobs require them 

but a lot of public sector jobs are considered blue collar imo 

idk what your tryna get at but im saying "blue collar" workers get paid and so do white collar workers

the difference is there is more room for growth at the "white collar" level

the guy slaving away every week making 100k wont really much make more unless he gets promoted to manage the other workers or something

and that will take a lot of time as well and the chances are slimmer as there is only 1 position and lots of workers

vs in an office setting that college grad getting a 6 figure salary to start can only go up from there
A doctor and dentist are now office workers :rofl:

Just because they work in an office, does not make them "office workers"

Accountants live in a grey area, because they can run their own practice and do side gigs....but to do so specially to run your own firm I would assume you need a lot of schooling.
I work for a engineering company. For a foreman we pay the union $90 an hour. His take home is probably $50 an hour. Eat eat
You are all over the place, you mentioned it was public record, but won't post the public record. :smh:

Driving an escalade and living in the hood is not a sign of wealth.

How I'm all over the place? The private company took over this Weekend. They're doing their own payroll system, so I cannot see Mobility information. Marta release the Mobility operations to the company.
However,I did ask them about the pay. You do know there's two different type of bus drivers?

I'm not about to keep repeating myself to you. You want public records, then you fetch what Marta is disclosing to the puvlic.

Like I said, once I get into the office, I will post a internal posting of a job for IT and Operators. I can tell you those link you posted provided inaccurate information as it relates to IT jobs.

When I first started at Marta, 12 years ago as a Technical Analyst (Help Desk) I was started out with 57K. From what you posted, a web designer is making less than a person at the bottom of the IT ladder. :lol:
Blue collar = manual labor.

You can have a white collar setting/job and perform blue collar work and tasks.

This is not that hard, what the hell is wrong with yall? Use your brains.
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