Why Does Feminism Scare You?

Let's focus on the US for now. Where are you seeing/reading/hearing this
Ok ill give a personal example. I work in HR and in a previous job I worked for a construction company. I literally had male co workers who were senior level who always tried to pay woman less for work that men were doing who got paid more. Now I am all for basing experience but when its clearly a sexism thing then I have a problem. I think it also depends on the work industry for the most part men think they run the world of construction.
Men are murdered at a higher rate than women but I don't see any SJW feminists complaining about that

Which proves that they don't really want equality
think it also depends on the work industry for the most part men think they run the world of construction.
I work in social services/behavioral health which is female dominated. They think they run it but the kids listen more to me. Is it because I’m a man?
Men are murdered at a higher rate than women but I don't see any SJW feminists complaining about that

Which proves that they don't really want equality

Lol it's men murdering other men though. The type of mentality that leads to men killing each other also harms women so yes feminists are fighting against that. Male aggression eventually trickles down to females, children and even animals.
I find it comical how you call me a misogynistic sexist for saying that women don't want equality across the board, and then repeatedly make yourself look like a clown while agreeing w/ me that women don't want equality across the board.

I'm well aware that a vast majority of women do not want to do "peasant" work as you put it, that's why I said what I said.

You could have just agreed instead of making yourself look like a dunce WHILE agreeing, but hey, I understand you have a mantra to live by.

You also doubled down on your statement and called those men "unexceptional", so...

The whole trying to blame me for your trash comments thing is absolutely pathetic.

Ok sure not across the board, they ain't tryna lay brick like that dude said. Let's start with equality in the important things.

Equality pay, equal job opportunities and mobility within corporate America, education etc etc. The frivolous stuff is just that, yall can have that discussion in the barbershop
This will probably piss fresco off even more but the percentage of male nurses has skyrocketed the last few years. :rofl:

More female doctors and more male nurses.
Outside of sports, how bad is the gender wage gap issue? In tech, my female counterparts make just as much as me, so I’m clueless how it is for other sectors. I come in ignorance.
yeah, whenever I’ve tried to research the wage gap thing, I haven’t really come up with much. As far as the gender thing goes, I have a girl going into the first grade this year. I will be having a talk with the school about to that them/they nonsense. We aren’t doing that in my home.

Questions need to be answered folks.
We all have access to the same internet. There are studies/scholarly articles for days on the gender wage gap. Keep it 1k, y’all are being purposefully obtuse. Don’t let your manhood be so fragile that you willfully deny reality. Then you become no better than the folks that refute facts solely because of their misogyny, racism, etc. And this is coming from someone with very traditional values.
We all have access to the same internet. There are studies/scholarly articles for days on the gender wage gap. Keep it 1k, y’all are being purposefully obtuse. Don’t let your manhood be so fragile that you willfully deny reality. Then you become no better than the folks that refute facts solely because of their misogyny, racism, etc. And this is coming from someone with very traditional values.
Brah, I have two girls. I was researching to prove it, and have solid arguments for the future.
We all have access to the same internet. There are studies/scholarly articles for days on the gender wage gap. Keep it 1k, y’all are being purposefully obtuse. Don’t let your manhood be so fragile that you willfully deny reality. Then you become no better than the folks that refute facts solely because of their misogyny, racism, etc. And this is coming from someone with very traditional values.

It's willful because of perceived self preservation. They think women getting more means they get less.
We all have access to the same internet. There are studies/scholarly articles for days on the gender wage gap. Keep it 1k, y’all are being purposefully obtuse. Don’t let your manhood be so fragile that you willfully deny reality. Then you become no better than the folks that refute facts solely because of their misogyny, racism, etc. And this is coming from someone with very traditional values.

You are right. I was being purposefully obtuse. After scouring Google’s scholarly articles, I see how rampant it is. Damn shame :smh:.
“The wage gap is a myth” talk always baffles me. The fact that old white men are in control of almost everything and have been since the creation of the American economy (we all know why) should be enough to shut that idea down
Was talking to a Fireman that moved around my way not to long ago.

I basically asked him if (nationwide) the Fire Department had a #MeToo movement like so many other industries.

He was like nah. Stuff like that doesn't really happen that much from what HE knows. He says the racism is more of an issue when it comes to hiring practices. In his county (Fairfax), the demos of the Fire Department have to match that of the community, so recently more and more black folks have been getting hired and the Good Ol' Boys have been having issues with that.

But he also mentioned that the physical exam is not modified for women either. He said the test is the test and everyone has to pass the SAME test.

He also talked about the bullying culture in the department, mostly about the ROokie "Hazing." He said rookies are basically treated like garbage and having to do all the dirty work. Cooking, cleaning, physical labor UNTIL a new rookie joins the team. He said women are less likely to take the hazing well because many of them (from his experience) tend to take it PERSONALLY and not as something that rookies just do.

But yea, some might have known some of this but I didn't.
Might sound like a conspiracy theory but NY state just became the first state to demonstrate this so called "feminism movement"

The governor has resigned after alleged inappropriate misconduct by several women. The investigation was done by a female attorney general and his replacement is a female who is about to be the first female governor of NY

Ish is bizarre but funny to me :lol:
Might sound like a conspiracy theory but NY state just became the first state to demonstrate this so called "feminism movement"

The governor has resigned after alleged inappropriate misconduct by several women. The investigation was done by a female attorney general and his replacement is a female who is about to be the first female governor of NY

Ish is bizarre but funny to me :lol:

Poetic justice
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