Why Don’t You Drink Milk?

dat vanilla soy/almond/etc milk with cereal - you ain't going back to regular milk anyway
I was listening to JJ DOOM (DOOM's new album) and one line he said "Don't drink the milk, it's spoiled. The blood and stuff in it make it stink it's why it's boiled."
It made me google some stuff and I came across this website.
Nutritionally speaking, dairy foods are essentially “liquid meats”—but worse, because people drink milk, and eat cheese, guiltlessly—often thinking “milk makes my bones unbreakable, helps me lose weight, and makes my skin as soft and beautiful as a baby's tush.” In their haste to sell products, the dairy industry has created an obsession over calcium that has become, in effect, a major contributor to the suffering and death of more than one billion people annually on Planet Earth from diseases of overnutrition—obesity, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and diabetes.
In the late 1970s when I was developing the McDougall Diet—after reading the bulk of the nutritional science published since the early 1900s—I came to the conclusion that starches, vegetables and fruits were ideal for human nutrition. I then asked myself, what would be gained and lost by adding other food categories (dairy, meats, poultry, fish, free-oils, sugars, etc.) to this elemental foundation? In the case of dairy foods, I quickly eliminated the “calcium advantage” because Nature packaged her foods so efficiently that developing a disease due to calcium deficiency is nearly impossible on a diet of plant foods (See last month’s newsletter—February 2007).
After almost three years of exhaustive research I concluded: adding dairy foods to my original plant-food-based diet would only supply more calories, fat, animal protein, cholesterol, sodium, microbes, and chemical contamination—ingredients that were making most of my patients ill in the first place. In the final analysis, I found myself unable to discover any reasons to add dairy into the McDougall Diet—the hazards weighed heavily and any benefits were overstated, or blatantly falsified. Yet the drone from the dairy industry’s propaganda continues three decades later. I am the uncommon voice out there in the wilderness; people tired of listening without questioning will find my analysis of some of the dairy industry’s most familiar messages refreshing.
the rest are in here. http://drmcdougall.com/misc/2007nl/mar/dairy.htm
Any opinions and thoughts are welcome.

WAIT... WUT!??!?!?!??
I always felt like there was some addictive additive in milk like they do with McDonalds or Chipolte food cause I would always have to have milk. A few days without it and I just have to have it. I'll eat some cookies or pastries I don't even want or like just to enjoy a big cold glass of milk. I saw the movie Samsara a few weeks ago and they showed a cow getting milked and it was straight yellow, looked like liquid margarine, haven't had any since.
Because I didn't just finish a bowl of cereal. Never liked the stuff.

I don't doubt that the benefits of calcium are somewhat exaggerated...ever since they forced flouride down my throat as a kid talking about how good it was for me and then I looked that **** up, I've always been wary of food superpowers.
Real talk? growing up it grossed me out because I thought it was cow piss...

Because it's gross and bad for you. Government subsidized crap that they lie and say it's good for you.
I always felt like there was some addictive additive in milk like they do with McDonalds or Chipolte food cause I would always have to have milk. A few days without it and I just have to have it. I'll eat some cookies or pastries I don't even want or like just to enjoy a big cold glass of milk. I saw the movie Samsara a few weeks ago and they showed a cow getting milked and it was straight yellow, looked like liquid margarine, haven't had any since.
Milk coming straight from a cow is yellow because raw milk, it hasnt been pasteurized its basically full of cream and other cow stuff... This crazy dude at my job use to drink straight raw cream, with the nasty stuff swimming in it. NASTY
We're the only animals that drink other animals milk :x

One of the reasons I stopped drinking milk. To me, it just didn't make sense.

I always felt like there was some addictive additive in milk like they do with McDonalds or Chipolte food cause I would always have to have milk. A few days without it and I just have to have it. I'll eat some cookies or pastries I don't even want or like just to enjoy a big cold glass of milk. I saw the movie Samsara a few weeks ago and they showed a cow getting milked and it was straight yellow, looked like liquid margarine, haven't had any since.

Supposedly there is a small amount of morphine found in milk. How much of a role this plays in possibly being addicted to dairy I can't say for certain. But I will say the hardest thing for me to give up wasn't beef or chicken. But cheese.

Turns out that researchers have known since the 1980s that cheese actually contains small amounts of morphine—yes, the very same drug given in hospitals as a hardcore pain relief. It's not added by evil dairy farmers intent on securing their financial futures though, as is actually found naturally in both cow and human milk—which might explain a lot to new mothers who are having trouble shaking off their offspring.

Not only that, but milk also contains the protein casein, which provokes similar effects to opiates when it's turned into cheese, due to the casomorphins being greater concentrated. It's been previously described as "dairy crack" by the managing director of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Neal Barnard, who claims that they "reach their peak about 40 minutes after eating." That might go some way to explaining those wild dreams following a late-night cheese quaffing session.
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if you want actual calcium your better off eating leafy greens, you actually absorb and digest that calcium.

like i said, milk is worthless. its not good for you and provides nothing but im guessing bad things. the clacium is a LIE!
if you want actual calcium your better off eating leafy greens, you actually absorb and digest that calcium.

like i said, milk is worthless. its not good for you and provides nothing but im guessing bad things. the clacium is a LIE!

Dude....... just stop.
if you want actual calcium your better off eating leafy greens, you actually absorb and digest that calcium.

like i said, milk is worthless. its not good for you and provides nothing but im guessing bad things. the clacium is a LIE!

Dude....... just stop.

He's right, you're wrong. All the calcium in milk is used to buffer your bodies Ph after it spikes when you drink it. The calcium in leafy greens is actually absorbed. If you like milk cool. Just know it isn't good for you. That's all lies because the government subsidizes dairy farms. If you think the got milk campaign is right and all the research is wrong then I can't really help you.
I ******g hate milk :lol:
The taste, the texture, and most of all the sheer thought of drinking something that came out of an utter
if you want actual calcium your better off eating leafy greens, you actually absorb and digest that calcium.

like i said, milk is worthless. its not good for you and provides nothing but im guessing bad things. the clacium is a LIE!

Dude....... just stop.

He's right, you're wrong. All the calcium in milk is used to buffer your bodies Ph after it spikes when you drink it. The calcium in leafy greens is actually absorbed. If you like milk cool. Just know it isn't good for you. That's all lies because the government subsidizes dairy farms. If you think the got milk campaign is right and all the research is wrong then I can't really help you.

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