Why Don’t You Drink Milk?

Not really, don't like the tase when it's cold or warm. I do drink it in combination with tea though.
So you down to round up some women and force the milk out their breast?
1st stop Cambodia!

i'm down
soy isnt good either, im sure more people are starting to realize that.

almond milk>>>>>>>>>*
Damn didn't know soy was at the same level as regular milk.

NT you have done it again, thanks!

Have any of you tried the almond milk which coconut flavor or is it just coconut milk? Regardless its :smokin
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never  tried almond milk, hows the taste compared to regular milk? i see that theres different flavors, any suggestions? hows the price compared to a regular half gallon of milk?
i tried the blue diamond almond mile coconut flavor.....that **** is trash. The thing with coconut milk is the triglyceride levels.

I stick to regular almond milk...90 calories
Milk is cool with me. Use it for cereal, with cookies, cake, and brownies. Tbh I didn't read the article but that's because I'd prefer not to know.
not gonna lie i love it. have probably 2 big glasses a day.

when i go home i get raw milk straight off a farm near where I live. straight out of the cow, unpasteurized. it tastes good
never  tried almond milk, hows the taste compared to regular milk? i see that theres different flavors, any suggestions? hows the price compared to a regular half gallon of milk?

better, doesnt taste like almonds either if thats what some of you are thinking.

just get the original almond milk, youll never look bad. SRS
Yea, the dairy industry has basically been scaring people into taking in dairy.

I'd suggest checking out the documentary "Forks over Knives".

Animal protein is bad for you.

Bold statement is bold.

I personally try not to mess with any dairy as i've read it can cause issues.

Also if you're not going the organic/raw route i hate to think what's in that milk.

how much protein does one really need?

There's actually a lot of protein to be found in plant matter.

And these things are eating vast quantities of it (upto 10% of their body weight a day) so it's not like they getting that big eating salads.
if you want actual calcium your better off eating leafy greens, you actually absorb and digest that calcium.

like i said, milk is worthless. its not good for you and provides nothing but im guessing bad things. the clacium is a LIE!

Dude....... just stop.

He's right, you're wrong. All the calcium in milk is used to buffer your bodies Ph after it spikes when you drink it. The calcium in leafy greens is actually absorbed. If you like milk cool. Just know it isn't good for you. That's all lies because the government subsidizes dairy farms. If you think the got milk campaign is right and all the research is wrong then I can't really help you.

It's all lies? :lol: Come on. Im not saying milk the the healthiest product on earth, but I really hope youre not saying that milk is bad for you.
great thread, i dont drink milk at all...ill eat cheese, but as far as milk chill....

what it do is buy a big case of Ensure and drink 1-2 of those a day.
It's all lies? :lol: Come on. Im not saying milk the the healthiest product on earth, but I really hope youre not saying that milk is bad for you.

I think cow's milk does more harm than good. Cow's milk is not something you want to drink every day. I think it's ok in moderation, like alcohol. :lol:.
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