Why men are boycotting marriage, fatherhood VOL. "Men On Strike" book high lighting emasculation

Aug 1, 2004
[h1]Why men are boycotting marriage, fatherhood and the American Dream[/h1]
Women are doing better than men, and I, for one, welcome our new female overlords!

Okay, in fairness, I’m the guy who wrote “The silent war on noncollege-educated white men.” But most observers of this phenomenon have concluded that we just need to “man up.” That is, until now. Dr. Helen Smith’s new book, Men on Strike[/i] is decidedly different, inasmuch as she argues that if men are checking out of society, it’s only because we are making rational decisions about changing incentives.

Let’s take marriage, for example, where higher-educated women seem to be having a harder and harder time finding men worthy (or willing) to tie the knot. “[T]he incentives to marry have changed for men,” explains Smith, “and they are no longer willing to risk so much more than in previous years to gain potentially less.”

In the old days, Smith explains, a man might expect to be king of the castle. Now days, she says, he might be relegated to a “man cave” in the basement, and — if lucky — granted missionary position sex once a week. Or he becomes, as she told me, “some shlub, carrying around a flowered diaper bag.”

But if the benefits of marriage have declined for men, the downsides haven’t. Men who marry can expect to pay disproportionately for a divorce, even if the wife cheats. And as Smith points out, sometimes men are on the hook for child support, even after DNA tests prove they aren’t the father.

“[T]he new world order is a place where men are discriminated against, forced into a hostile environment in school and later in college, and held in contempt by society,” she writes. ”Maybe there is no incentive to grow up anymore,” she continues. “It used to be that being a grown-up, responsible man was rewarded with respect, power and deference.” Now, not so much. Making matters worse, men cannot voice frustration. “Men who complain are either wimps or misogynists or both,” she writes.

During a recent conversation, Smith and I talked about the book, and she weighed-in on some current events. For example, she sided with Erick Erickson and Lou Dobbs in their skirmish with Megyn Kelly on Fox News. You can listen to the streaming audio below or download the podcast on iTunes.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/21/g...herhood-and-the-american-dream/#ixzz2WwQUFeFW

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With less and less actual physical contact with people its no wonder that there are more marriages ending in divorce.
People donttake the time to really get to know each other anymore. Its just friend requests and hook ups that turn into relationships.
With less and less actual physical contact with people its no wonder that there are more marriages ending in divorce.
People donttake the time to really get to know each other anymore. Its just friend requests and hook ups that turn into relationships.

Dat Grammar :x
"higher-educated women seem to be having a harder and harder time finding men worthy (or willing) to tie the knot"

:lol: "Worthy"? :stoneface: WRONG.

When you want a man straight out of Chilli's book of "standards" there is NEVER a man that will be worthy simply because that man does NOT exist.

That's the REAL problem right there.
subject matter of this book reminds me of that story of men going to brazil to get women cuz da american women are just outta control and da culture is

built for them to lost in da United States.
honestly i can't cosign the whole its women's fault thing.

with all the ****** running away from situations they helped to create (how many of us can say happy fathers day to our fathers with a straight face...how many of us have said it to our fathers??) how can we blame women? men need to step up and women need to make better decisions in choosing the right person to be with.
i kinda feel this way too..when i go to DR, none of this **** exists over there..men are allowed to be men out there.
I see it more as people respecting the concept of marriage. Here in America one problem comes up, divorce and on to the next. When the first thing you worry about is the prenuptial agreement, red flags should be going up
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When I get around an attractive married women I think to myself it's not that hard to bag her.

Most married women are very inviting.

I pick up on the non verbal cues, and seductive body language. If only her husband knew how she was stirring up the emotions. 
subject matter of this book reminds me of that story of men going to brazil to get women cuz da american women are just outta control and da culture is

built for them to lost in da United States.

What us this story you speak of :nerd: , this has aleays been a plan of mine.
Bruh...this guy wrote “The silent war on noncollege-educated white men.”

And I'm supposed to take him seriously? Pshh....

Let's be real...this is only happening to the dudes who are LETTING it happen to them.

I don't plan on getting married until I'm around 30, and that will be after my wife-to-be goes through an extensive vetting process.

Dudes nowadays are wifing up Draya's and Basketball Wives then get suprised when they act like birds during the marriage.

I get not getting married, and I get that it's probably smarter not to get married, but in terms of emasculation, let's take some responsibility for ourselves as men.

We're so obsessed with hyper-masculinity that it's got us super insecure about ourselves. You look at those old pictures of gangsters and cowboys and soldiers, they were all really well dressed nicely groomed dudes. They spoke super eloquently and were into reading books and seeming civilized and put together. I'm just sayin'. The emasculation is real, but maybe it's happening because of what we view as "masculine."
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So.. After reading the articles I've come to the conclusion...

Clearly these ******* are lost in the sauce.
Bruh...this guy wrote “The silent war on noncollege-educated white men.”

And I'm supposed to take him seriously? Pshh....

Let's be real...this is only happening to the dudes who are LETTING it happen to them.

I don't plan on getting married until I'm around 30, and that will be after my wife-to-be goes through an extensive vetting process.

Dudes nowadays are wifing up Draya's and Basketball Wives then get suprised when they act like birds during the marriage.

I get not getting married, and I get that it's probably smarter not to get married, but in terms of emasculation, let's take some responsibility for ourselves as men.

We're so obsessed with hyper-masculinity that it's got us super insecure about ourselves. You look at those old pictures of gangsters and cowboys and soldiers, they were all really well dressed nicely groomed dudes. They spoke super eloquently and were into reading books and seeming civilized and put together. I'm just sayin'. The emasculation is real, but maybe it's happening because of what we view as "masculine."
I think I'm the last of a dying breed. 

I'm in a field where there are few real dudes so to speak. I stand out because I carry myself like a real dude, but I'm not on some clown ****. 

So when women see that, trust me they gravitate to it because you're the last one left almost. Not too many real men left out there.

America tried to soften dudes up with the feminist movement. And many men obliged to the plan, and lost their true identity. Men have been programmed to coalesce for the societal benefit of females, especially when it concerns matters of sexual importance. But here is the hidden problem, men have been confused to the point where feminine traits can easily be found in a man's character. And in today's culture, especially within the black community that is an epidemic now. 

Some dudes think it's a problem when you refuse to settle down, but as men we shouldn't have to settle down. 

American society will eat you alive if you're not smart. Being smart on my part requires staying away from treacherous women for any long term commitment. 

Frank Sinatra was a cool dude, and he never settled. Even in marriage he didn't compromise. Still got it going outside of the home. 

That's why I respect men who bag up plenty of women, but are still smart enough to learn, and grow, and who'll stand for something. 

That's why those type of men are idolize by other men. Because they lived by their own rules. 

Commonly referred to as a man's man. 
When I get around an attractive married women I think to myself it's not that hard to bag her.

Most married women are very inviting.

I pick up on the non verbal cues, and seductive body language. If only her husband knew how she was stirring up the emotions. 
This is my issue bruh. Married women vibe. And a lot of single young women are attracted to married men. In American society, you can have access to whatever you want even if its past your time. It's so normal in my circle that I sub consciously feel that you get married to appear normal, and continue living a shrouded promiscuous life. Then running into so many swinger couples can mess with your mind
This is my issue bruh. Married women vibe. And a lot of single young women are attracted to married men. In American society, you can have access to whatever you want even if its past your time. It's so normal in my circle that I sub consciously feel that you get married to appear normal, and continue living a shrouded promiscuous life. Then running into so many swinger couples can mess with your mind
Good point. 
Bruh...this guy wrote “The silent war on noncollege-educated white men.”

And I'm supposed to take him seriously? Pshh....

Let's be real...this is only happening to the dudes who are LETTING it happen to them.

I don't plan on getting married until I'm around 30, and that will be after my wife-to-be goes through an extensive vetting process.

Dudes nowadays are wifing up Draya's and Basketball Wives then get suprised when they act like birds during the marriage.

I get not getting married, and I get that it's probably smarter not to get married, but in terms of emasculation, let's take some responsibility for ourselves as men.

We're so obsessed with hyper-masculinity that it's got us super insecure about ourselves. You look at those old pictures of gangsters and cowboys and soldiers, they were all really well dressed nicely groomed dudes. They spoke super eloquently and were into reading books and seeming civilized and put together. I'm just sayin'. The emasculation is real, but maybe it's happening because of what we view as "masculine."

Umm, that guy didn't write da book, he's talkin about

Da book that a female PHD author wrote.
Bruh...this guy wrote “The silent war on noncollege-educated white men.”

And I'm supposed to take him seriously? Pshh....

Let's be real...this is only happening to the dudes who are LETTING it happen to them.

I don't plan on getting married until I'm around 30, and that will be after my wife-to-be goes through an extensive vetting process.

Dudes nowadays are wifing up Draya's and Basketball Wives then get suprised when they act like birds during the marriage.

I get not getting married, and I get that it's probably smarter not to get married, but in terms of emasculation, let's take some responsibility for ourselves as men.

We're so obsessed with hyper-masculinity that it's got us super insecure about ourselves. You look at those old pictures of gangsters and cowboys and soldiers, they were all really well dressed nicely groomed dudes. They spoke super eloquently and were into reading books and seeming civilized and put together. I'm just sayin'. The emasculation is real, but maybe it's happening because of what we view as "masculine."

Umm, that guy didn't write da book, he's talkin about

Da book that a female PHD author wrote.

Bruh...this guy wrote “The silent war on noncollege-educated white men.”

And I'm supposed to take him seriously? Pshh....

Let's be real...this is only happening to the dudes who are LETTING it happen to them.

Ninja: do you feel like you're emasculated? I bet not. It's because you know in yourself what it means to be a man and aren't looking outward to celebrities and local popular dudes to determine whether or not you're a man.

I agree about marriage being BS nowadays, but i think people are over thinking it. Just stop getting married. But also BE THERE FOR YOUR KIDS if you have them. It's that simple. There's nothing confusing about the whole man-woman dynamic, aside from the fact that anything women say/do constantly contradicts the last thing they said/did.

Now days, she says, he might be relegated to a “man cave” in the basement, and — if lucky — granted missionary position sex once a week. Or he becomes, as she told me, “some shlub, carrying around a flowered diaper bag.”

That right there is pure BS. There are lots of men in America who are not living like this. The ones who are, are simply LETTING this happen to them. It's very very very easy to NOT let this happen to you. But dudes would rather live this life because the broads that are pushing that on them are Video Vixen type broads, and having that type of broad validates alot of insecure dudes. Just watch Casino, right now we're all just worshipping a bunch of Gingers, all the while trying to be Nickys but trying to convince everyone else they're Sams.
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