Women across the Internet lust over felon's mugshot

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:lol: at this thread even being created.

Starting to think some dudes on here have serious issues with women and aren't doing a very good job of hiding it.
Did I miss a memo? Is Michael Ealy supposed to be hard?
Never said he was. There's nothing cool about being hard anyways

Y'all have to see the bigger picture. At the end of the day, it's still a Black man that's in that picture, and in prison. Regardless of his tone, something has to be done to keep our people out of the jails, fam
This is all I wanted to hear from you brah. We're done here
In all seriousness me and my boys go at each other about the lightskin/darkskin thing all the time but it's all in good fun. At the end of the day we all brothas. It's when ppl say things online anonymously that feels r caught and Jimmy's rustled. A lot of dudes let they're bigotry flow on the internet cuz they have no outlet for it in real life. Just pay no attention to em
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You know, I saw this one post a while back that said "Women would hold a dude who's in jail down, but would quickly break up with a dude that's going away for school or work because she doesn't do long distance relationships"
Women will sleep with a married man before a man who still lives with his mom
:lol: at this thread even being created.

Starting to think some dudes on here have serious issues with women and aren't doing a very good job of hiding it.


Dudes are too insecure , they are low key hating on the dude because he's getting attention from the girls they want.

Think about it , If that was a pic of a attractive girl dudes would react the same way . The tricks would come from all walks of life to pay that bail money just so they can get a chance to smash.

Improve your self esteem ,once that happens dumb **** like this will not bother you .
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I posted one of those chicks on the first page on my face book.

Jimmies were indeed rustled. Haha
so when the thread title gonna be change to "MEN all around the prison yard lusting over a mugshot"
All this proves is that women's standards have hit a new low.

To thirst over a mugshot doe?

And then turning into a lightskin vs darkskin debate? :x

Ya'll better than that, b. These h**s clearly proved that they aren't, but be classy my friends.

#Teamhandsome comes in all shades.
Some don't like that women are lusting for dude. Some don't like they're not being lusted after.
The key is too lose the fat in your cheeks, which is quite difficult as I've been trying very rigorously the past few weeks. 

Trying to get that chiseled look

Still have that baby face going though |I  :wow:  :frown:  
La cocaína, bruh. Just ask CB.

I got da baby face too.
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