Originally Posted by SoLeSuPrEmE

Those are legit, guess that's why Lu is cooking up these schemes to make $$ to purchase these rare gems.
I assume all of you KNEW this. I mean it's in my post in this thread in the eariler pages. PO
Man this is crazy. I have been watching this thread heat up...and heat up. But its sad people do that. I am a collector and i jus got into PE's and i meannow it makes me want to jus go back to OG collecting cuz its crazy people can take a shoe apart and call it a PE or rare or a sample. I mean this is crazy.Thanks niketalk fam for exposing this dude cuz it aint right at all
That dude Screech is in denial. If this was a court case, and the NT vets were the prosecutors you would have already lost this case. Trust me..
Just FYI, I read everything in here and im a little tired now..... but thanks to the people who showed up (ALL INCLUDED) i have actually learned a little bittoday
just to shed some more proof about how the shoes arent real and have replaced tags and so on....

lu's Bred XI tag (Supposed MJ PE)

A real MJ Bred XI PE tag

And there is a few pairs out there all with the same tag game worn and ds!
Well, I'm one of the unlucky recipients of some of these shoes. Fortunately, Screech has contacted me and is refunding the deal. I will post when therefund is complete. I am disappointed with what has happened but glad that Screech has stepped up and is going to make things right.
thats the pair i was calling "fake" in one of my previous posts.....supposed game worn also, and from my knowledge MJ never wore Maroon VI's in agame, only on a calendar shoot.......regards TheShoeGame
Originally Posted by tprel

Well, I'm one of the unlucky recipients of some of these shoes. Fortunately, Screech has contacted me and is refunding the deal. I will post when the refund is complete. I am disappointed with what has happened but glad that Screech has stepped up and is going to make things right.

so glad to hear that, hopefully he does refund you back in full.

Originally Posted by tprel

Well, I'm one of the unlucky recipients of some of these shoes. Fortunately, Screech has contacted me and is refunding the deal. I will post when the refund is complete. I am disappointed with what has happened but glad that Screech has stepped up and is going to make things right.

I must say that is admirable to own up to past mistakes and somehow compensating for them. I applaud Screech for doing the right thing in that situation.
Now let's see what the future brings......
prior to giving all this praise for "refunding" money and doing the right thing, lets wait until it actually happens and these buyers actually havemoney in hand.... my opinion, and my opinion only, is these sellers were aware what was going on, no matter what they said. like the IM convo that Raj postedwith Screech, it was kinda obvious to me that Screech was aware of what he was selling, at least to some degree.....
I'm working with Joe right now to get me cash or legit shoes worth roughly the same amount as what I paid for the shoes. I talked to him on the phone aboutit and he told me he'd do whatever it took. That's all I ever wanted to hear. Hopefully it will all be taken care of tonight or tomorrow. And I'mVERY glad Screech is refunding the money. I hope this all gets settled ASAP.
Good for you Dill, great your getting your money back, hopefully this little scam is put to an end soon. And who knows how much sneaker history was destroyedfor someone to make a quick buck.
I am so glad to hear my boy T and Dill are getting their refunds !

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You've got that backwards. Collezione Package X's have the same number font as the 45 X's. And it's been discussed that the X's in thispost are not what's in question.
I'm glad to see that Screech has stepped up and is refunding Tprel the cash for the kicks. It's the right thing to do.
This was a very good read. I appreciate all the individuals who shed light onto this situation for those of us who remain uninformed. I'm also glad tohear that those individuals who received these shoes are going to have an opportunity to get their money back.
I always thought NT was about informing people and keeping fellow NT'ers from getting frauded
This is one of the reasons why I visit NT, there are individuals that are able to help those of us who are "not in the know" and most ofthose individuals have posted in here. However, I hope actions can be taken to stop Lu and whoever else is able to create these "rare" Jordans.
Good thing fool is giving back all the money....thanks to all the pros coming in here and laying down the law. Nice to know when you get into some crap thereare some people willing to help just for the love of the game.

On the other hand Screech...refund and then head over to that other shoe forum
therob, i may be rude and ignorant, so i apologize, but who are you? why are you posting? why is any of this your concern?
man this makes me think...a while back there was a post on "who has the most rare Is" or something like that and there where alot of rear nice shoethat i never even knew existed lol, no i'm sayin to myself "maybe 'cause they never did, someone made em up" haha. too bad to see this. makesme wanna quit the shoe game...

nah im lyin. i cant quit.
This could have been stopped before it was started. It seems to me like alot of you knew this was going on before this post was even started. And if you knewabout this and did nothing you're just as guilty as the rest. If someone would have spoken up sooner maybe someone like Dill would have never even boughtthose VIIs. Thanks for straightening this all out but someone should have spoken up sooner.
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