Wrestling Thread April-September 2018 RIP

1. Case, I said the MAJORITY of their work takes place on the weekend. I said that two times, why are you misquoting me by saying ONLY on the weekends?

2. We are stuck up on the definition of CHOICE. That is fine.

And I'm telling you that these guys work dates that are Monday thru Sunday..

Of course it's a choice..Every single thing in life is a choice..But at the same time, it's not a choice..If you want to be a success at your chosen profession then you have to put in work every day you physically can..That's why most of these wrestlers are on the road 5, 6, 7 days a week..And like I said, even when these guys aren't wrestling, most of them are traveling to other shows all around the country and overseas..So again I say, it's not that different from WWE's schedule of travel..The biggest difference is WWE's guys make more money, don't have to ship their own merch from show to show, have better meals, and better hotels..

So having said all that, there is no way anyone is going to convince me that a non WWE wrestler would much rather work indies/ROH/Impact than being signed by WWE..If they say they're happy where they're at and don't want to go to WWE then that's just fear holding them back..
"As everyone knows by now, Cass is no longer with WWE and there were several incidents that rubbed people the wrong way. It’s already been reported that he broke script with a little person on Smackdown Live several weeks ago and the bus bathroom incident has been reported. However, the last straw was an incident with former girlfriend Carmella.

We were told that he went up to her and, according to a well-placed source, caused a scene while asking her to forgive him, apparently in hopes for a reconciliation. Carmella tried to walk off but he grabbed her arm and wrestlers in the area stepped in. We’re told that The Usos and Erick Rowan were the ones to get Cass to back away.

Well, once word got back to management, the call was made to fire him. Vince McMahon called Cass into a room and broke the news to him hours before Smackdown Live in Toledo. This recent incident would also explain why he was not wished well in his future endeavors when WWE.comannounced his release."

Damn Cass seems like he was just as big a piece of work as Enzo. This, ignoring Vince, refusing to do a scirpt rehearsal, public intoxication, the bathroom incident, pitching a fit about his booking
So having said all that, there is no way anyone is going to convince me that a non WWE wrestler would much rather work indies/ROH/Impact than being signed by WWE..If they say they're happy where they're at and don't want to go to WWE then that's just fear holding them back..
Very limited way to look at it but that is cool.
He really was at the time. Dude's stock was at an all time high..he was putting in the best work of his career and was an excellent heel. WWE was very interested in signing him, but he chose to re-up with ROH instead. He turned face, got a haircut and faded into Bolivia. He's basically 2015-2017 Dolph now

Wow didn't know that. Sad.
MAGA Bruce consistently caping for Paul and Shawn is such a turn off. Son has an excuse for every single instance when they have done something that could be deemed as racist. Whether it's on script or off these guys have a few incidents where they went across that line and he CONSTANTLY makes excuses and defends them in a extremely condencending tone. Felt like Conrad was at wits end with him in the last episode I listened to
Also, remember this is scripted media, so I wouldn't be surprised if these stances were predetermined.
I say it is limited because you are applying your view on the subject as being the end-all feeling for the actual athletes.

It isn't so black and white. There are so many things that could be into play that we might not even consider.

It doesn't have to be as simple as
They are scared
Life-time dream

People and their lives are so dynamic that we don't know why someone says yes/no.

I understand why you feel the way you do but humans aren't that simple.
"As everyone knows by now, Cass is no longer with WWE and there were several incidents that rubbed people the wrong way. It’s already been reported that he broke script with a little person on Smackdown Live several weeks ago and the bus bathroom incident has been reported. However, the last straw was an incident with former girlfriend Carmella.

We were told that he went up to her and, according to a well-placed source, caused a scene while asking her to forgive him, apparently in hopes for a reconciliation. Carmella tried to walk off but he grabbed her arm and wrestlers in the area stepped in. We’re told that The Usos and Erick Rowan were the ones to get Cass to back away.

Well, once word got back to management, the call was made to fire him. Vince McMahon called Cass into a room and broke the news to him hours before Smackdown Live in Toledo. This recent incident would also explain why he was not wished well in his future endeavors when WWE.comannounced his release."

Damn Cass seems like he was just as big a piece of work as Enzo. This, ignoring Vince, refusing to do a scirpt rehearsal, public intoxication, the bathroom incident, pitching a fit about his booking

Usos got my girls back! :pimp: Rowan too :pimp:

If I ever see big *** in the streets I'm going to in the words of Warmachine85 Warmachine85 "Pull Up!"
MAGA Bruce consistently caping for Paul and Shawn is such a turn off. Son has an excuse for every single instance when they have done something that could be deemed as racist. Whether it's on script or off these guys have a few incidents where they went across that line and he CONSTANTLY makes excuses and defends them in a extremely condencending tone. Felt like Conrad was at wits end with him in the last episode I listened to

Bruce is entertaining but is trash as a person. Dude would take a bullet for any main eventer and wouldn't even want a thank you.

HBK is trash and should have never been anyway close to a World Title.
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