- WWE sources note that Jack Swagger was scheduled to win the World Heavyweight Title from Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania 29. No word yet on what his arrest means for booking plans but WWE creative was working late on Wednesday night to come up with ideas, which doesn’t sound good for Swagger and Zeb Colter.

There’s talk that if WWE officials saw fit to change the direction of the match, then Dolph Ziggler would most likely get the WrestleMania match with Del Rio.

If Swagger ends up suspended and loses the WrestleMania match, the arrest altogether would cost him upwards of $250,000.

- Regarding the talk that WWE ripped off their Zeb Colter character from a Lucha Libre USA gimmick, a WWE source notes that officials have been considering the current storyline with Zeb and Jack Swagger for almost a year.
Who would've thought Coral using a strap-on to Miz more than 10yrs ago could lead to Miz on top of the world?
I feel like he was on the verge of the main event. In 2008, he had this power trip heel character because he had just won the King of the Ring and was the Raw GM so he was 'the most powerful entity in the WWE.' He would sit in the ring on his throne and give promos and when the crowd booed him, he would have them turn the lights off on them to lots of heat. As this gimmick was rising, he failed his second wellness test and boom, suspended and angle dropped.
Don't remind us please. That was a brilliant character/program he was doing, but damn, the power of drugs.

I used to crack up when he'd turn the lights off on people's matches.
Crazy how quick his rise AND fall was. Dude went from being one of McMahon's cronies to the most over heel in the entire company at that time (think of Vickie-level type heat in its prime)...then he got busted a 2nd time and it was all over.

The "lights off" thing was GOLD. The crowd's jimmies had seizures when he did that ****.
Life lesson, gentlemen.

The Universe rewards mediocrity.

Bottom line.

Drop CM Punk on his skull = Marry top notch French-Canadian poon.
Not sure if it was posted, but there's an article on WWE.com where they're inviting Glenn Beck to be on RAW :lol:

Following his criticism over the portrayal of WWE Superstars Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter, WWE has extended a formal invitation to talk show host and political commentator Glenn Beck to appear on this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw.

WWE’s invitation stems from Beck’s recent segment in which he discussed the ongoing rivalry between World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio, No. 1 contender Swagger and his self-styled mentor Colter. In the segment, Beck specifically directed his comments toward the character of Swagger, recently reinvented as a xenophobic “Real American” who delivers anti-immigration “State of the Union” addresses as the antagonist to the Mexican hero Del Rio. Beck inferred that Swagger’s persona, along with that of Colter as his mentor, would offend WWE’s “conservative” fan base. Beck also referenced WWE as “stupid wrestling people” in the segment, which aired Thursday on The BlazeTV.

WWE is in the entertainment business, creating characters and stories that revolve around our Superstars as well as culturally significant current events. Given Mr. Beck’s comments, WWE is formally extending an invitation to him to address our 14 million weekly viewers and global fan base — as well as the live audience of the WWE Universe — on WWE programming this Monday night. We look forward to Mr. Beck’s reply and the opportunity to have him on Raw.

This is said segment.

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- According to PWInsider, TNA executives were in California earlier this week in an attempt to pursuit a new deal to develop a new video game for the company.

Dixie Carter and Jason Harvey met with video game producers from Activision, as they have been interested in making a game for TNA. TNA has not had a video game since 2009 since Midway was bought out.
The Associated Press has released more details on the February 19th arrest of Jack Swagger.

Their report notes that Swagger was pulled over for driving 10 MPH over the speed limit and his car was towed and later released from custody to a friend of his that picked him up from the police station.

If Swagger is convicted, he faces fines of $188 for driving 10 mph over the speed limit, $437 for a small amount of marijuana and $1,300 for a first DUI offense. The DUI charge carries a mandatory court appearance and he could lose his driver's license for 90 days. Swagger could also face a maximum of two days in jail, but could avoid that by meeting stipulations such as counseling.

As noted earlier, the DUI charge will require Swagger to appear in court in Gulfport, MS on March 12, 2013.

Former WWE writer Andrew Goldstein comment Jack Swagger's arrest, writing on Twitter, "No DUI was gonna get in the way of what's clearly a pet project of Team VKM. Rock barely getting them any Buzz for Mania. This story is."

Agree completely with him.
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