Wrestling Thread July 15 - Aug 4 | 8/2 TNA - Where MMA Fighters Not Named Brock Go - TITO, Rampage,

Kinda felt bad for DBry's twin when they came out of his house for the chopping contest..The Cena twin was talking about needing an advantage, so they wore skimpy tops to distract the guys..Ole Big Boob Bella comes bouncing out the front door in a sexy top, followed by Pirate's Dream Bella in a Playtex cross your heart bra.. :smh: :rofl: :tongue:
I get what you are saying but she paid for her enhancements. So she is basically cheating. :lol:

I suppose as far as looks go, Nikki is a bit better looking with her enhancements, but her personality seems absolutely terrible. Brie seems like she is actually kinda cool. Just my two cents though.
Don't forget this is television man.
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