Yao Ming to Retire

Shaq and Yao retiring together and probably will end up in the hall of fame together in the next five years. I still remember watching the first match-up between them and what a great game it was. The bogus flagrant foul on Shaq put a damper on it though. Nevertheless, it was a joy to watch Yao play when he was healthy.
Shaq and Yao retiring together and probably will end up in the hall of fame together in the next five years. I still remember watching the first match-up between them and what a great game it was. The bogus flagrant foul on Shaq put a damper on it though. Nevertheless, it was a joy to watch Yao play when he was healthy.
Originally Posted by JD214

Good player that never had a chance, Sad to see him go.

Sad news, and it stinks to see him go, but those injuries caught up with him. Also, his height was probably a contributing factor. Best of luck to him and to whatever he seeks to do!
Sad news, and it stinks to see him go, but those injuries caught up with him. Also, his height was probably a contributing factor. Best of luck to him and to whatever he seeks to do!
The 1 moment I'll always remember about Yao was in the playoffs vs the Lakers 2 years ago, he got hurt in the 4th quarter, and TNT followed him into the tunnel. You could tell he couldn't really move well, but there was a moment when he stopped himself, and just decided to put himself back in the game. The training staff was in the tunnel with him and was asking him to move around, he did like one or two leg kicks or something and came back in the game and helped them win down the stretch in the 4th.

I know there's been fake Paul Pierce moments, but that was pretty real...It was probably having that sense of heart and pride that led to his injuries, and I think that him coming back probably didn't help his broken foot, but it's also something that you had to respect him for. I'm sure the video is on youtube somewhere...
The 1 moment I'll always remember about Yao was in the playoffs vs the Lakers 2 years ago, he got hurt in the 4th quarter, and TNT followed him into the tunnel. You could tell he couldn't really move well, but there was a moment when he stopped himself, and just decided to put himself back in the game. The training staff was in the tunnel with him and was asking him to move around, he did like one or two leg kicks or something and came back in the game and helped them win down the stretch in the 4th.

I know there's been fake Paul Pierce moments, but that was pretty real...It was probably having that sense of heart and pride that led to his injuries, and I think that him coming back probably didn't help his broken foot, but it's also something that you had to respect him for. I'm sure the video is on youtube somewhere...
Man i hate to see him go. I thought Yao would rest during the lockout and be back to beast.

My favorite moments are the MJ swat
and when he bodied ben wallace
Man i hate to see him go. I thought Yao would rest during the lockout and be back to beast.

My favorite moments are the MJ swat
and when he bodied ben wallace
Originally Posted by amishpimp27

The 1 moment I'll always remember about Yao was in the playoffs vs the Lakers 2 years ago, he got hurt in the 4th quarter, and TNT followed him into the tunnel. You could tell he couldn't really move well, but there was a moment when he stopped himself, and just decided to put himself back in the game. The training staff was in the tunnel with him and was asking him to move around, he did like one or two leg kicks or something and came back in the game and helped them win down the stretch in the 4th.

I know there's been fake Paul Pierce moments, but that was pretty real...It was probably having that sense of heart and pride that led to his injuries, and I think that him coming back probably didn't help his broken foot, but it's also something that you had to respect him for. I'm sure the video is on youtube somewhere...
Originally Posted by amishpimp27

The 1 moment I'll always remember about Yao was in the playoffs vs the Lakers 2 years ago, he got hurt in the 4th quarter, and TNT followed him into the tunnel. You could tell he couldn't really move well, but there was a moment when he stopped himself, and just decided to put himself back in the game. The training staff was in the tunnel with him and was asking him to move around, he did like one or two leg kicks or something and came back in the game and helped them win down the stretch in the 4th.

I know there's been fake Paul Pierce moments, but that was pretty real...It was probably having that sense of heart and pride that led to his injuries, and I think that him coming back probably didn't help his broken foot, but it's also something that you had to respect him for. I'm sure the video is on youtube somewhere...
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