Your 1st child

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Congrats op

You tore that thang up huh?
Congrats! I was 21 when I had my first cherish every moment years go my like weeks when your watching them grow.
congrats bro. as hard as it will be, everthing will fall into place. i had my first born at 16. it was hard but had help from family. im now on my 3rd and will be born next friday. its truly a bleassing
Now u really live OP. Nothing like lookin at a child u created w/ a woman u plan on spending the rest of ur life w/. Having that little person w/ ur mannerisms and everything lookin up to u. Wanting to be around u, make u laugh, cheer u up when u're upset, look to u to kiss the boo boos and scare the monsters away. It gets no better man.

When I found out my wife (then gf) was pregnant w/ my daughter, I went and bought a 2 for 1 EPT from the grocery store and told her to piss on both of em
. Once it was truly confirmed, the fear set in of whether or not I could provide or if I'd be good father since I've never had one or even a father figure in my life. But I notice my mindset changing and everything through those 9mos.

Enjoy every moment of it OP. There will be a lot of stress during the pregnancy phase but just keep calm and u and ur lady get through it together. Congrats
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