Your ex. You're over her, but are you really?

this is crazy, less than an hour ago i just texted her i love her.
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Originally Posted by mjbetch

Anyone date someone for a while (years) break up, move on, but still think about that ex from time to time?
I'm sure it's normal. Is anyone out there in the same boat? Are you truly over her?
I know that feel 

I'd like to think i am but... Im not 100% sure.
It's this one ex that I always think about.. Funny part is I doubt she even thinks about me smh..
I think about my ex sometimes. I'm over the relationship and don't really miss her but I've never been able to look at her Facebook page.
I think about her sometimes. I would have done anything for that girl. Everything worked out for the best though. I ended up meeting someone who is down for me and shows much more interest in me. Me and my ex still speak when we see each other, that's it though. The reason why I still think about her is because we never really had closure. Overtime we just lost contact.
Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by Oranix

my ex just broke up with me last night. terrible feeling. I tried to change to becoming a nicer and more caring person, but she just couldnt understand it (how i became so nice so quickly). and she doesnt know that me being nice will last... i feel awful.

Please elaborate.

   been there before...too little too late...
dude had the nerve to say he thought we were gonna get married...i almost threw up when he said that
I can finally say yes. It helps we have no friends in common, she lives in a different Area. I'm better off without that lying +#%@*
i sadly still think about my boyfriend from high school through my first 1.5 years of college. he was my first love. we weren't exactly together from the time i started college, but we had a very complicated relationship, if you know what i mean.
even though my life is better off without him, i'm hoping to see him when i come back home from school.
sad part is that i know that will only happen if he wants to smash.
My Ex from my first real relationship im completley over. I saw her in January for the first time in 2 or 3 years and I felt nothing. I was glad to see she was doing real good cus she went in a downward spiral after she broke up with me. My 2nd real relationship ended this January and im no where near over her. I hate it. She has a new BF and has moved on. She told me she wanted to still be friends and the last time we kicked it everything was cool and I could tell she still felt something but she had a new dude so after that she hasnt contacted me again. After we broke up she told me some messed up things and she never treated me that great but I was very controlling our whole relationship. I wish we could do our whole relationship over and we both change our faults cus we wouldve worked out. She was Wife material. I learned alot from that relationship and it was a learning experience. 
Not 100%
at me. We had a super dysfunctional relationship, but when it was good, it was very good. It's been a little over 2 years... but I still miss her. She's getting married in July

Have seen other girls here and there but I've never felt the way I felt when I first started seeing her. Still can't bring myself to delete all the pics we took off my external, pathetic, but it was a great time in my life, and I hate to just delete the small memory I have of it.

Oh, and her bed game... another thing that makes it hard...

Oh well... I had by far the best year of my life last year, and had I never broken up with her, I know last year wouldn't have happened. Everything happens for a reason.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Not 100%
at me. We had a super dysfunctional relationship, but when it was good, it was very good. It's been a little over 2 years... but I still miss her. She's getting married in July

Have seen other girls here and there but I've never felt the way I felt when I first started seeing her. Still can't bring myself to delete all the pics we took off my external, pathetic, but it was a great time in my life, and I hate to just delete the small memory I have of it.

Oh, and her bed game... another thing that makes it hard...

Oh well... I had by far the best year of my life last year, and had I never broken up with her, I know last year wouldn't have happened. Everything happens for a reason.
I remember your story. 
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Not 100%
at me. We had a super dysfunctional relationship, but when it was good, it was very good. It's been a little over 2 years... but I still miss her. She's getting married in July

Have seen other girls here and there but I've never felt the way I felt when I first started seeing her. Still can't bring myself to delete all the pics we took off my external, pathetic, but it was a great time in my life, and I hate to just delete the small memory I have of it.

Oh, and her bed game... another thing that makes it hard...

Oh well... I had by far the best year of my life last year, and had I never broken up with her, I know last year wouldn't have happened. Everything happens for a reason.

i see what you did there.
No but really given the chance, I'd have her by her limbs and it.. would.. go.. DOWN.
past relationships are lessons learned guys. try not to make those same mistakes again
I think of them from time to time. The good and the bad. My most recent (A fine $## Brazilian) I wonder about most, but it wasn't going to work and I didn't want to try so hard to make it work like that, so I'm fine with it. All in all I'm glad to be single again. I've found more than a few lady companions.
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Not 100%
at me. We had a super dysfunctional relationship, but when it was good, it was very good. It's been a little over 2 years... but I still miss her. She's getting married in July

Have seen other girls here and there but I've never felt the way I felt when I first started seeing her. Still can't bring myself to delete all the pics we took off my external, pathetic, but it was a great time in my life, and I hate to just delete the small memory I have of it.

Oh, and her bed game... another thing that makes it hard...

Oh well... I had by far the best year of my life last year, and had I never broken up with her, I know last year wouldn't have happened. Everything happens for a reason.
I remember your story. 

Yeah, that was awful...

I'm such a different person now than I was at the time. I'm just afraid that whatever I felt when I first started seeing her I won't ever feel again. But maybe that just comes with getting older.. who knows. I'm seeing a girl now who is actually kind of great, but I don't feel a thing. I could lose her tomorrow and at the end of the day I'd be like ehhh whatever. Dont know what's wrong with me
yeah....but you know you're finally over them or at least the heartbreak when those songs on the radio dont effect your emotions...yeah imma simp
My ex? I'm over it but still think about her from time to time. Only reason why is bc we were best friends before going out so when we broke up it hit me twice as hard. Eventually got over it.Still see her at parties and we say hi and "catch up" to get any awkwardness out of the way. But then when she's had a few drinks I always catch her staring when I'm with my current haha. Her loss.
Just my most recent ex, cause we were together for so long. I mean, when we broke up, I felt like the world was lifted off my shoulders, and
I have REALLY been enjoying playing the field cause I feel like I can breathe for once without having that guilty feeling like I have to look over
my shoulders all the time.

It's a natural feeling when you've been together that long. Of course it really doesn't help when you get text/messages here and there from
your ex saying they miss you, even though you both have moved on.
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