Being nice doesn't pay off

this would make perfect sense if the place wasn't owned by the father of the girl. sounds like a job that could be done in less than an hour. obviously there is a cost associated with the labor and materials, but that cost is not 500 dollars.
i'm not understanding why people seem to think that the father should sacrifice profit because TC screwed up.
i'm not understanding why people seem to think that the father should sacrifice profit because TC screwed up.

Father is entitled to a profit, just as OP is entitled to a second opinion. If Op has a LEGITIMATE MECHANIC that will do it for less, he has an argument the father is ripping him off.

The price has to be agreeable by both parties not just "dad's baby girl wants a new bag, so I charge for labor, parts, and a new bag".
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Like her dad know si work 30 hours + a week and go to univeristy full time, i just cant pop 500$ our of my *** and give it to her , 
Do not tell her that you found someone that will do it for free:smh:

Probably would be good to dead the friendship after this, cause she seems like a slimy chick the way you paint her.

Tell her that you know a guy you trust who will do it just as good for less and you prefer to go with him. You can't tell her that she can only see it if she squints cause YOU dented it. Fix it. Paint it. Dead it. I agree with dude on this tho, if she doesn't go to your guy, don't give her anything.
Well thats the plan , we just talked nad she said i put her in too awkward of a situaion and that she will just get her dad to do it for free, then minutes later she texted me saying i have to pay for it

if she refuses your offer to take it your car guy, refuse to pay her. Obviously the $500 is just an arbitrary number since she texted you and said that she's just gonna have her pops do it for free.

best case scenario. if you live in LA or SoCal, just submit this to Judge Judy or some other daytime judge show. You gotta write it into a story of sorts. Bestfriends for 20 years, now Worst enemies over bogus car repair bill or something like that. Worst case, you lose and the show will pay the settlement. Either way, you will and the chick will still get $500 just to appear on the show. She can put her $500 to her CC since thats what she was planning on doing anyways. You should be in and out for Judge Judy in bout 2-3 hrs max. (speaking from 1st hand experience).
:lol: :lol: do this while wearing the NT shirt/hat OP
this would make perfect sense if the place wasn't owned by the father of the girl. sounds like a job that could be done in less than an hour. obviously there is a cost associated with the labor and materials, but that cost is not 500 dollars.
i'm not understanding why people seem to think that the father should sacrifice profit because TC screwed up.

no one is saying that the father should sacrifice profit. i think some of yall are really reachin here to give OP a hard time. Was he being nice by coming forward to his friend? Like others have said, it wasnt so much being nice as it was being honest. I personally would say that he was being a bit of both (nice AND honest) cause most people wouldnt have said a damn thing and kept it movin. A lot of people wouldnt have said anything even if the car they hit was a friends, and not a strangers, as was the case here. In this day in age when so many people are shady, I'll gladly give a lil bit of props to someone for DOING THE RIGHT THING. Thats what OP did here. He stepped up like a man and took responsibility for his actions. Its borderline depressing to find out how many people out there wont do the right thing when given the opportunity. To try and clown OP for his choice of wording/self description (saying he was being "nice") is just petty.

i may be in the minority here, but i can relate with how the OP is feeling. Usually if families have been friends for 20+ years, its because they have a strong relationship, almost transcending the friendzone into family. My parents have close friends like that. With some of those friends, my siblings and I grew up with the children of these friends from a very young age, where we (the children) have known each other for 20+ years. I would never even think about tryin to pull a fast one on them if a situation like this came up. Hell, my 60+ year old pops would probably try to slap me upside my head if he ever heard that I was trying to disrespect his friend, or his friends child (who is also my friend) over something petty like this. Thats not how he raised me. Sometimes, there are things that are more important than a couple hundred bucks. One of those things is a good solid 20+ year friendship built on mutual trust and understanding.
Which is a business that needs to make a profit to remain open, 500 bucks doesn't sound too bad. It's not like he's going to slap on some Bondo and Rustoleum.
whatever dawg. i'm willing to bet she's not going to get dudes money and give it to her dad like a regular transaction. some tricky **** is gonna happen. whether it be him just doing it for free or a discounted rate or even giving a higher than normal quote. because i don't know what world you live in where people don't discount things for their family (especially their children) just because they have to turn a profit. we're talking 500 ONE TIME for his daughter...that won't affect his profit like that man.
So i saw the car today ,  and the dent is about 1 inch by 1 inch, she is insisting i pay to have the door painted even though there is 1 small scratch that isnt very noticeable , i just laughed and told her to get over herself , you cant even see the dent unless you know its there , she just wants the $

Well thats not very.......................... Nice. 8)
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Something isn't adding up to me. First it was a small scratch, then it was a dent the size of a fist, and ultimately it became 1x1 dent with a light scratch as you describe it. I may be in the minority here but I'll be damned if someone is going to damage my vehicle, and then dictate to me where the repairs will be made. Depending on the actual size of the dent $500 is a very plausible figure if you're talking about repainting/blending. Just because "your car guy" is willing to do you a favor doesn't mean that's a true representation of the cost. If you feel this strongly just have your father talk to her father and they'll hash it out.
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