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What I'm I debating? If boosies your mans that's cool with me, I'm not trying to change your opinion, at the same time no one should get uptight and defensive for me speaking my opinion on it.

I mess with max b and am a big fan of his music, however I'm not going blindly say free max when his dumb actions got him put away and when its actual innocent people in jail who got screwed over but have no outlet to express their innocence.

I get it, I'm rock with Boosie but I can only take his music for a small span. The thing that confuses me is when cats start stereotyping the people who listen to his music. How corny is that.
I get it, I'm rock with Boosie but I can only take his music for a small span. The thing that confuses me is when cats start stereotyping the people who listen to his music. How corny is that.

I won't stereotype his fans as a whole, but I think we can both agree that its some dudes who overly blindly defend him regardless of anything he does.

If dudes like boosie that's cool with me, I could care less, my thing is moreso how some dudes get overly defensive when people bring up the Marlo mike stuff.
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This Cedric character must be having the worse weekend of his life. Not a damn thing to do but troll. Funny dude.

Having a different opinion = trolling?

Interesting logic

It's not trolling, but you seem to be arguing just for the sake of arguing.

The title might not say "appreciation", but from the posts on the first couple of pages, you know damn well that's what the thread turned into.

We get it, you don't like the guy or his music. That's cool. No one is going to change your views.

Now leave.
Not going anywhere papi.

I didn't know it was an unwritten rule of NT that just because the first few posts of a thread agree with something everyone else gotta follow suit.

I hope you guys are actually buying his albums and supporting him rather then downloading and bootlegging his stuff the way some of you cape for him.
Right now, you are Nat Turner/Coach Hubie coming into the lakers thread and telling everyone how much The Lakers/Kobe sucks.
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Right now, you are Nat Turner/Coach Hubie coming into the lakers thread and telling everyone how much The Lakers/Kobe sucks.

Big difference there, he was just running his mouth and talking nonsense. Everything I mentioned about boosie and his legal stuff had some truth to it. He beat a murder case, with the right lawyer and money aaron Hernandez might beat his case too.

To everyone getting defensive though, why get so uptight off what I'm saying? Your man got out, he's free. Shouldn't you be happy off that rather then worrying about what someone with a differing opinion has to say.
boosie is openly honest and vulnerable in his music and that's the only trait that can earn you the following he has. it's not about being "ignant/hood" music... he makes personal music that resonates with us on an emotional level. when the south was dancing on every song, boosie and jeezy were the two holding it down. they're both simple but strong rappers. if you judge music solely by its lyrical skill then you won't understand. if you haven't truly endured struggle, the link between him and his fans, then you won't understand either. there's no reason to come in here to hate... y'all are some selective critics. there's trash rappers with whole threads in the music forum right now. if you look past his voice and keep an open mind, you'll see the sincerity people are drawn to.

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Right now, you are Nat Turner/Coach Hubie coming into the lakers thread and telling everyone how much The Lakers/Kobe sucks.

CED he got you there fam :rofl:g

You're singe handedly turning this thread into some soapbox for some issues you seem to have on you're chest, if its that real for you make a thread about those issues and discuss it there.
CED he got you there fam :rofl:g

You're singe handedly turning this thread into some soapbox for some issues you seem to have on you're chest, if its that real for you make a thread about those issues and discuss it there.

I'm not trying to turn it into anything . I said my piece on the issue as did a few other members. I've actually had a decent dialogue with a few heads on here even though we got differing views on boosie. Some dudes got overly uptight though, if what I said rustled their jimmies its a block user button or they could just ignore it. Its not that serious to me.
A topic about this clown went 14 pages? I thought he was just a big joke that people low key ridiculed. Now im thinking yall actually fans. Smh.

This is exactly how I think. I just don't understand how people can like his music. I don't care what music a person likes, but to call that music GOOD?

I like riff raffs music but I know he's a terrible rapper.
I think Big Macs are good but I know they're bad for you.
I've smashed a girl that was 5"9 208 and I called her fat, not thick.

Dudes just need to own up to what they do or what they like. If you like garbage music, that's fine man, just call it what it is :rofl:

But I guess I'm just "hating"

I just wanna hear what Boosie x Mustard would sound like.

It will be interesting to see if he can adapt to today's rap production. I think he woulda been 
 over My Hitta (Jeezy, Rich Homie, YG)
We need a Boosie, Riff Raff, and Killa track, just to see who NT's GAWD MC really is. 

Killa > Jody > "Boosie Badazz"
A lot of Captain save a criminals in here. Same people who will play the self righteous card and make "Cape" jokes when you defend women for making money using their bodies. :lol:

And how the hell is it an elitist mentality to not celebrate a dumb rapper from getting released? I don't know what kinda low standard having environments yall grew up in. smh.

Little Boosie is clearly the political prisoner of our generation.
Your logic is stupid funny.

Add me to the captain save a criminal list :lol:
Start wit saving me. :lol:
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