Do you think you could handle Buring Man?

Jun 6, 2013
The Burning Man project has grown from a small group of people gathering spontaneously to a community of over 48,000 people. Its about a week long in the deserts in Nevada with no rules. You have to bring your own food, water, shelter etc. and I do not think they provide restrooms. It is ran on the barter system so you have to bring something creative to trade. One of my buddies went this past year for the second time and says it is the greatest expereince of his life. He said you need about $1000 to do it right. Everything is built by hand even the stages that are bigger than those at music festivals.

I hope to go this up coming year or next. I went to a regional burn this past year and had a blast. Partying for 7 straight days would be tough but I think I could do it.  

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