

Jan 11, 2008
Fml i still get acne at 19, i basically dropped out of school for this semester and haven't went out to a social even in like a year and a half. Oh, not to mention that i was the outgoing type, talking to girls was easy, but now i really hate my face....and %!%# man this is gay
Drink water
Exfoliate face weekly
Work out
See a dermatologist

Spoiler [+]
Dont use gay like that
Yea , this sucks i mean i drink lots of water. but damn for those people who never get acne it must be nice, i mean some of my friends dont do $$!+ to there faces, they eat bad,smoke,drink,touch there face with dirty hands and yet they have clear skin. acne genes totally sucks
i use soap on my face in the shower, its worked for me. but i heard some peoples skin is to dry for doing that
Ive been using the toner for like 2 years now...I don't know if my acne went away with age or what, but this has
been working for me. I use it every night. 

how much is a lot of water? you got to drink at least 1 gallon of water a day
change sheets 2 x a week
eat healthy
don't touch your face
buy cetaphil
Originally Posted by hewlett615

Fml i still get acne at 19, i basically dropped out of school for this semester and haven't went out to a social even in like a year and a half. Oh, not to mention that i was the outgoing type, talking to girls was easy, but now i really hate my face....and %!%# man this is gay

at someone posting the same thing

This happened to me years back bro, if you have Kaiser set up an appointment with dermatologist through them, get prescribed medications and itll work wonders! I'm using erythromycin/benzoyl peroxide and it's kept me super clear. Just trying to help.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Drink water ONLY
Exfoliate face weekly
Work out
See a dermatologist

Spoiler [+]
Dont use gay like that
I did this and it worked wonders
Accutane for six months. Thank me later.

And don't listen to the NT haters who have never taken it and will try and convince you that it's the worst thing known to mankind.
Use regimen
It is like proactive but it actually works. I use to have bad acne but iv been using the regimen and now my skin is clear
You need to start running/balling/doing something that will sweat that garbage off your face.
Originally Posted by 916kid

how much is a lot of water? you got to drink at least 1 gallon of water a day
change sheets 2 x a week
eat healthy
don't touch your face
buy cetaphil
Originally Posted by Futuristic

You need to start running/balling/doing something that will sweat that garbage off your face.

I always thought sweat made it worse?
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