Giving a Wedding gift?

I went to a friends wedding one time who married into wealth. His in-laws were multi millionaires and they spoiled he hell outta their daughter and my friend. Had a giant LAVISH wedding. I'm no a-list celebrity so basically anything I gifted woulda been laughable. Anyways, their parents spending the world on them to have the wedding of their dreams, I felt absolutely no guilt in just getting a thank you card. Like you so hurt about how expensive a dinner plate costs when mommy and daddy paid for everything? Don't care :lol:
I went to a friends wedding one time who married into wealth. His in-laws were multi millionaires and they spoiled he hell outta their daughter and my friend. Had a giant LAVISH wedding. I'm no a-list celebrity so basically anything I gifted woulda been laughable. Anyways, their parents spending the world on them to have the wedding of their dreams, I felt absolutely no guilt in just getting a thank you card. Like you so hurt about how expensive a dinner plate costs when mommy and daddy paid for everything? Don't care :lol:

Haha there is always exceptions, I still would have dropped a check in their gift box, they would probably never cash it but at least I did my part :lol:
one of my cousins got married and her husband's family was pretty wealthy. their registry was at neiman marcus and pretty much everything was in excess of $100 and the number of things under $200 was really small. there were a buncha things over a grand :lol: i went by myself and i spent over $200 but i thought that was kinda funny to have their registry like that. the reception was at a super nice hotel and the catering was top notch though. guarantee they paid more than $100 a head.

main thing though is that 10+ years later, they're still happily married and have 3 beautiful children. makes no sense to have a fancy wedding if you can't invest yourselves into your marriage.
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I went to a Vietnamese wedding that legit had like 700 people at the reception, they had a live band for karaoke. **** was crazy :lol:
I went to a Vietnamese wedding that legit had like 700 people at the reception, they had a live band for karaoke. **** was crazy
Open bar too?

Yeah.. OP wasn't the bride or groom.

And I'm not OP.

And never said I expected money; not I also never expected $5.
If you giving $5; why even give anything? That's the point I'm trying to make. You can barely buy McDonald's with $5

No ones looking at it as an investment.

Again, it's bad etiquette

Dudes on Niketalk doing the most to be different and get reps

This is as simple as can be.

But like people said in last couple pages; same dudes ok with it or mad at people thinking giving $0-$20 is not ok are the same people who don't tip, come to get togethers and events empty handed, etc

How many of the people that disagree are married?
How many of the people that disagree are married?

This is the only question that needs to be asked when cats say "oh they invited you to the wedding to be a part of it, you don't HAVE to give them anything". I'm willing to bet 95% of the dudes that say this aren't married. And the other 5% come from a wealthy family that paid for their wedding :lol:

Cause no one is expecting the money.
But after a year long wedding process of eating, sleeping, planning, and breathing wedding thoughts and ideas... debating on colors, food selections, etc...

To open a empty card, not receive a card, or have $5-$20 is crazy.

And like KSteezy said.. lots of people come, you don't know. The plus ones, friends of your parents and grand parents, etc... even others that you do know who beg to come lol.

If you aren't familiar with the process, you definitely can't relate and shouldn't answer

And I don't wanna hear, "well I saw my brother or sister get married" or "my boy got married"... nah, if you aren't the one, you have no idea of the process and what people go thru lol

And even minus all that. I wouldn't give $5 at a baby shower or a 1 year Birthday. What the heck are 2 25+ year olds gonna do with $5 ?! Lol
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Same dudes that'll ask their homeboy for a limited shoe release probably for retail, get it for retail, and straight give him retail; not even buy him a coffee or sandwich.
What if you travel out of the country for a wedding? Is a gift necessary in that case?

Say the trip cost you over $2k all in...

Cause no one is expecting the money.
But after a year long wedding process of eating, sleeping, planning, and breathing wedding thoughts and ideas... debating on colors, food selections, etc...

To open a empty card, not receive a card, or have $5-$20 is crazy.

And like KSteezy said.. lots of people come, you don't know. The plus ones, friends of your parents and grand parents, etc... even others that you do know who beg to come lol.

If you aren't familiar with the process, you definitely can't relate and shouldn't answer

And I don't wanna hear, "well I saw my brother or sister get married" or "my boy got married"... nah, if you aren't the one, you have no idea of the process and what people go thru lol

And even minus all that. I would give $5 at a baby shower or a 1 year Birthday. What the heck are 2 25+ year olds gonna do with $5 ?! Lol

damn, you only give $5 at a baby shower and first birthday? talk about cheap.
I really want to see when dudes have about 30 people at 200$ a plate that are +1's or friends of family or even family you see once a decade that your parents insisted on inviting or coworkers you didn't really feel the need to have there but felt bad because you invited other coworkers and didn't want them to feel a certain type of way. I wanna see them singing this "well I invited everyone to celebrate with me and I don't expect a dime" dudes talking as if it's so cut and

People have no problems gifting for every other milestone, birthdays, mitzvahs, graduation parties, baby showers, hell even house warnings, BUT weddings!? How dare you expect anything...I'm starting to feel this is something you guys personally have against weddings :lol:
What if you travel out of the country for a wedding? Is a gift necessary in that case?

Say the trip cost you over $2k all in...

If you traveled say from NY to Cali to watch an old friend that lives there get married, I would personally still gift...I did for my cousins....if you attend a destination wedding, it's normal ettiquette to not receive any gifts, least that's from my experience.
i typically turn down invites where one sided gift giving is customary including birthdays, weddings, graduations, etc...not that i get any
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What if you travel out of the country for a wedding? Is a gift necessary in that case?

Say the trip cost you over $2k all in...
we got married in mexico and no one gave us a gift. :lol: wasnt really expecting anything but my wife and i always gove generous gifts no matter the location of the wedding and we were just a little surprised that no one gave us anything.
There are truly very few genuine people out there. I could never invite someone to my event with expectations other than to enjoy themselves unless it's a byo situation.
Niketalk always supplies the lolz no matter the situation lol

Now people aren't genuine lol

No one ever said they EXPECTED money lol
No one
Flip back. Look. No one said that.

It's just tacky and bad.

People that think otherwise haven't:
Gone to many weddings
Are tacky
Bad tippers
Just don't care
All of thee above

$5 to a wedding. Y'all insane lol

So I'm guessing it's on to go to a open bar at a wedding and not tip the bartender too huh?
Cause if you gift $5 at a wedding, you dang sure ain't tip for your 5+ drinks lol
Anything under $50 to a wedding is an abomination, unless it's a destination wedding where gifts aren't customary. If you're a broke family member or close friend, I'd rather you not give a gift than give $5 or $10. 

$5 or $10 for a wedding 
 I'm giving you that **** back. 
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Anything under $50 to a wedding is an abomination, unless it's a destination wedding where gifts aren't customary. If you're a broke family member or close friend, I'd rather you not give a gift than give $5 or $10. 

$5 or $10 for a wedding :rofl:  I'm giving you that **** back. 
i know people that gave cash at a destination wedding and then asksd for it back dsy after wedding bc they ran out of money. :lol:
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