GoT. A spoiler discussion thread

- The show has too much fan service now. Characters who we've always wanted to see meet up finally doing so and having those "hey I know that person, too" conversations.'
- This episode takes jetpacking to a new level. How long were they on that rock with no food? a couple hours? Gendry made it back to Eastwatch, sent a raven to Dragonstone, and Dany went there with a dragon in what must have been hours. C'mon bruh
- Uncle Benji coming out of nowhere? WTF was that?
- At first I was confused as to why the WW didn't just walk up to them when they made it up the rock. I was like 'the water must have re-froze by now', just overwhelm them! I guess WW are dumb but the Night's King must understand that water can freeze over time right?
- Why is Arya so weird now? Doesn't she understand that Sansa wrote the letter under duress? I get that she's mad Sansa wasn't loyal but it was years ago and Sansa was scared and she thought it would save her brother.
- Dani and Jon? Really?! Can this show be anymore cliche?
- LOL @ their dumb plan of capturing a WW working.

I guess my beef is that its getting to far away from what made the show/books great. I feel like the writers are just giving the fans what they want now that the source material has run out. I wish there was a 9th season b/c so many things seem rushed.

I hear you on all this, but I don't blame Benioff & Weiss. These dudes started this 7 years ago and were clearly making a summarized version of the books and doing it well. I bet they never thought they would find themselves in a situation where they passed the book and had to finish the story without having something to adapt from.
Funny, in threads about other shows people complain that the pace is too slow, that they're taking too much time to set up the foundations and now it's too fast (even though I completely agree). It's like writing an essay, you tryna be done with it so you can go hang out with the homies which leads you to condense everything and it just feels rushed.
If a dragon gets hit in the air by an ice spear she and the dragon are dead.

I'm saying she can fly high enough to get a look at a massive army marching on the wall.

That's confirmation enough.

Now if you're saying NK throwing arm has unlimited range well then any time the dragon is flying anywhere he can kill one with one throw.

how high we talkin?

too high and i dont think she can see anything, like when youre in a plane looking out the window

plus all that wind and snow?

from so high up she may not know what she is seeing too clearly, the army might just look like part of the terrain/indistinguishable from so high up

and i wasnt directing my comment primarily at you as other people have said the same thing about her going solo north

i jus think for her to get a real idea of what theyre dealing with she'd have to get close enough to be in danger
Gendry quick as **** :lol:

Enjoyed the episode a lot, cant wait for the finale now.

Both Arya and Sansa are pissing me off :lol:
:lol: at people who are surprised by the fan service...

It was bound to happen...

In the moment I like it but when I think about it, everything that's happening isn't true to the show. We used to have to wait entire seasons for storylines to come to ahead and for us to get satisfying battles, characters getting revenge, character meet-ups, etc. It was felt rewarding because you felt like the characters (and us as the audience) earned it. Also, the show was about heartache and consequences. We never knew who would live or die. Now every week we're just getting more and more of what we want, no matter how illogical these things are: good guys always winning/surviving. Ravens used to take weeks, now they take hours. We used to see people journeying on the countryside for entire seasons and now people just show up places instantly. I still love this show but its getting sloppy. A Jon Snow and Dani wedding and them sharing the thrown would be a happy ending, but do you really think that's what JRR Martin wouldve written?
I'm pretty sure everything happening has gone through George with his consent.

George seems savage enough to let this finish and go a different route :lol:
Yeah, not sure why the rush, HBO is in no rush to end the $, and it appears cast seems content.

I will say this, not sure what they could fill the gaps with, I have little interest outside of the Night King V Jon storyline.

I am over westeroos, and the only person I care about there is the mountain. I do think they could elaborate more on winter fell. I miss the homie Podgerick. Where is theon? Sam? These are things that could have turned this into an 8 episode season, and seem a little more spaced out.

It seems especially bogus, considering I spent an entire season watching poor theon get tortured, and Arya go face shopping. Oh well. Still an all time great show with some flawless scenes.
Was talking about this at work today. If HBO thinks they're gonna pull in main series GoT money I got a bridge in Timbuktu.
HBO has a few options for spinoffs once GoT is done. I’m sure they’ll milk it that way
I think 8 seasons is good enough. This is one of those shows you never want to end. End it on a high note.
That pic SneakerPro posted brings up an amazing point I thought when watching....

Dude had a bee line hit against an immobile Drogon and Dany but opted for the aerial shot against Viserion....

Show puzzles me sometimes.
Why were the guys so hell bent on keeping that one particular wight zombie even while they were fighting thousands of other wights at the same time? Couldn't they just capture another one after fighting thousands of them off? :lol: or did I miss some dialouge about this particular wight?
Some of us have just agreed that capturing the wight as an idea was stupid to begin with.
In the moment I like it but when I think about it, everything that's happening isn't true to the show. We used to have to wait entire seasons for storylines to come to ahead and for us to get satisfying battles, characters getting revenge, character meet-ups, etc. It was felt rewarding because you felt like the characters (and us as the audience) earned it. Also, the show was about heartache and consequences. We never knew who would live or die. Now every week we're just getting more and more of what we want, no matter how illogical these things are: good guys always winning/surviving. Ravens used to take weeks, now they take hours. We used to see people journeying on the countryside for entire seasons and now people just show up places instantly. I still love this show but its getting sloppy. A Jon Snow and Dani wedding and them sharing the thrown would be a happy ending, but do you really think that's what JRR Martin wouldve written?
These storylines cant take that long anymore with the series wrapping up. They have alot a loose ends to tie up, or this show would end up like "Lost" with more questions than answers. You really think they would end THIS show with that kind of "happy ending"?!? Nah. Don't assume, unless you know something the rest of us dont...
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That pic SneakerPro posted brings up an amazing point I thought when watching....

Dude had a bee line hit against an immobile Drogon and Dany but opted for the aerial shot against Viserion....

Show puzzles me sometimes.

Man was flexing hard as hell,also don't think he was trying to kill Dany just yet. Just to show that 'I can kill you children anytime I please'

NK is way too OP though
Why were the guys so hell bent on keeping that one particular wight zombie even while they were fighting thousands of other wights at the same time? Couldn't they just capture another one after fighting thousands of them off? :lol: or did I miss some dialouge about this particular wight?

It wasn't that easy capturing that one wight. It took several of them to keep him down and tie him up. While your fighting off several thousand wights, you're more focused on surviving not capturing another wight.
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