GoT. A spoiler discussion thread

I went back and rewatched it.

LF says, "If one was going to harm the other, wouldn't [Brienne] be bound by honor to intercede?" Sansa replies, "She would."

My interpretation now is this: LF says it as if to imply that Brienne would protect Sansa if Arya tried to harm her. But what he really meant, and the way Sansa takes it, is that the only way to harm Arya is if Brienne isn't around. So Sansa sends Brienne away so that she can be free to kill Arya.

I still think that doesn't make sense, but it's the best I can come up with.

This is my line of thinking on that convo too...
My only problem with Bran being the Night King is that it would make no sense to me how someone blessed with magic-based power could approach within the vicinity of someone else magic-based and not expect to be noticed.

The Night King can apparently raise his own army, being able to see an astral version of Bran projected into the timestream seems within his scope.

Otherwise Bran alone could've went to anyone willing to help him and just offed the Night King on the low. It makes him that big of a threat, where even Bran who sees everything can't see the Night King in any period of time; past, present, or future.

Thing is though...Brans already gone back and seen the Night King being created...Theory is that he goes back, wargs into the man the Children of the Forest have captured to convince them this idea is very bad...He ends up getting stuck via a spell put on the man by the Forest Children, then is subsequently cursed with the magic dagger to the chest like they showed in that particular episode...

When he wargs into the Night King he doesn't have any magical abilities yet...He's just some guy...
These storylines cant take that long anymore with the series wrapping up. They have alot a loose ends to tie up, or this show would end up like "Lost" with more questions than answers. You really think they would end THIS show with that kind of "happy ending"?!? Nah. Don't assume, unless you know something the rest of us dont...

The show creators have already confirmed the ending will be "bittersweet"

Everybody gets offed in this war with the White Walkers and Grayworm takes the iron throne since him and the unsullied are stuck at Casterly Rock...Seems like they're the only group who haven't unlocked the fast travel bonus this season...
How did everyone interpret that last scene of Jon and Dany? Did he mean he'll bend the knee in allegiance of the North alone or through marriage?
How did everyone interpret that last scene of Jon and Dany? Did he mean he'll bend the knee in allegiance of the North alone or through marriage?

Definitely allegiance, Jon realized that she's different than her father. He also realized the sacrifices that she's made for him. Seeing his scars, she realized the sacrifices that he's made also, including the ones she saw with her own eyes. That's why she said she believes him now.
I think 8 seasons is good enough. This is one of those shows you never want to end. End it on a high note.

Word, End on top. And fan service doesn't bother me. If I didn't check forums and see all the people complaining about that and all the "jet-packing", I would've never even thought about it.

But it's crazy how everyone had theories on who the third Dragon Rider would be and the NK just pulled the rug up from under everyone with that move. I'm still in shock.
I honestly had my share of bastard dragons, eunuch assassins, and sadist dynasties. Wrap it up, no spin-offs.
What you mean pulled the rug. Nters been theorizing that for years :lol:

As my dude said, Pod is obviously the third rider. :pimp:
What you mean pulled the rug. Nters been theorizing that for years :lol:

As my dude said, Pod is obviously the third rider. :pimp:

Every theory has been thrown at the wall, I'm the truth is somewhere in there:lol:

How has Ghost been Ghost all season tho? :lol:
i need to rewatch the episode but can someone tell me why when Jon killed that leader all the others died but that one wight survived?
I'm sure they'll discover a deeper meaning as to why the other WWs died when their "leader" was killed. But as far as only the one surviving, that's because it was convenient for the writers of the show.
i need to rewatch the episode but can someone tell me why when Jon killed that leader all the others died but that one wight survived?
Apparently, when you kill the white walker that turned the dead into part of the army, all those specific dead people get destroyed too.

The wight that survived was not turned by the white walker Jon killed so he survived.

I think Jorah and Jon discuss/guess this briefly. Then Beric told Jon they should just go after the Night's King because killing him might stop the others
Some of y'all don't pay attention :lol:

They theorized that maybe the WW who changed them is the reason they 'died' when he got 'got'.

So the one they captured was probably turned by a different WW
Every theory has been thrown at the wall, I'm the truth is somewhere in there:lol:

How has Ghost been Ghost all season tho? :lol:

There is no possibility of a 3rd rider anymore, there is no 3rd dragon.

Dany on Drogon, Jon on the other, NK riding the one he turned.

That's what the situation is looking like.
What a coincidence that there just so happened to be one wight with that group who was turned by another White Walker.

I'm sure they'll discover a deeper meaning as to why the other WWs died when their "leader" was killed. But as far as only the one surviving, that's because it was convenient for the writers of the show.
This is the frustrating part.

Add to that the fact that the only reason a lot of these discrepancies are coming about is because they decided to shorted the season.

Doesn't seem like the most prudent decision to shorten the seasons now. You'd think they would have laid out the rest of the story line and projected ahead about how much realistic time they'd need to avoid blatantly cutting huge corners. I'm a lot less forgiving, because these are the constraints they asked for. Why would you box yourself in less time than you'd need to tell the rest of the story.

It really feels like the show runners are just kind of over this. They had a huge announcement for their new show (0]) either just before this Thrones season or while it was airing. They shortened the series, and now we see it isn't for lack of material, because they're literally breezing over things for the sake of time. It's been a very good season so far, if you're willing to look past all the shortcuts they're making and the way they've been contradicting so much about the world that George was so meticulous about initially.

Sad. Sad that George couldn't finish the books, or at least Winds before this season. The main points and scenes are great. I'd assume those are the parts that are set in stone that George is sure of. It's all the in between 'filler' stuff that sucks. Oh, and the whole of that stupid Sansa/Arya/Littlefinger storyline.

Why hasn't GRRM finished the books; how long has he had now? He either has the worst case of writer's block ever and can't tie up all of his story lines or he's over it and just letting the cash roll in now.

I think we've gotten what we've needed from this season though. I think having two more ten episode seasons would have been nice and could have allowed for more development, but I'm fine with how this season has played out.
why the WW jon killied look just like the one that handed NK the spear?

do they all look alike?

cuz both of them look like the first WW jon killed at hardhome :lol:
I think aside from the NK all the rest pretty much look alike :lol:

Biggest thing for me is that it seems like anybody somewhat decent with a sword could take the WWs .. the NK need to be a better swordsman or this **** will be over early
I know Jon is a beast with the blade but I expected a White Walked to put up more of a fight.

Jon be taking dem fools out with ease.
It's not like Jon isn't the son of a lord though.

Sons of lords usually end up as trainees of retainers from birth, learning swordplay and strategy.

Makes sense to me he's better than your average. Jon is arguably one of the top-caliber sword fighters in GoT.

+ the entire A-team was full of unique veteran fighters. I think your typical soldier is more than likely to catch that ultimate fade.
they threw me how at the end of episode 5 it looked like it was just the magnificent 7 going

then episode 6 starts and randoms are getting killed :lol:
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