Gregg Williams Audio SMH

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

I heard worse in my high school locker room.

Oh well. The wussification of the NFL is almost complete.

Yeah, I heard worse in my high school locker room too, but that doesn't change the fact that dudes were trying to physically injure someone. Putting a stop to this kind of thing doesn't "wussify" the NFL.
Originally Posted by ceemcee

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

I heard worse in my high school locker room.

Oh well. The wussification of the NFL is almost complete.

Yeah, I heard worse in my high school locker room too, but that doesn't change the fact that dudes were trying to physically injure someone. Putting a stop to this kind of thing doesn't "wussify" the NFL.
exactly.....Goddell's punishment were warranted and they had several chances to stop.
i have no problem with the "rant" other than ACL part because thats someone's career

other than that it was meh, Ray Lewis and the likes probably say alot worst
Originally Posted by trunks206

DC I've got to give you credit for the dedication to trolling each and every topic here on NT. So we have a stitation where a team is apparently looking to intentually hurt players for bonuses and 99.9% of the world sees this as wrong but you just cant agree with everyone else and you look to the fact that someone snitched?

Not trolling at all. I acknowledged that it is wrong for him to outright say he wants people's heads/acl's. Really not sure why you failed to see that. That isn't cool at all. But what goes on in a locker room should stay in a locker room. There is no if, ands, or buts about that. There was obviously a lack of trust in that locker room considering all of that got out. Don't take what I said as me excusing what went on. It is wrong yes, I never denied that. But the locker room is supposed to be one unit. And that locker room was not. Family business is family business.
The same way I felt when all of that Agent Zero nonsense got out. It got out because somebody wanted it to get out. Something like that should stay behind closed doors, but people want to break news. It really isn't a hard concept to grasp. What happens in a locker room should stay in the locker room. Yes when it comes to cheating and extreme situations, yes someone should speak up. But playing players to knock folks out isn't one of those things in my eyes. Maybe someone else feels differently.
So all the cheap stuff like this that the Saints did last year wasn't accidental?
Yeah, This would have got me hyped up in the locker room... Seriously. He might have went a tad bit over board, but its the freakin' NFL, A mans Sport...

...It's his Job to get the Defense hyped up.... "Ok guys, lets hit them...but make sure we try hard not to injure them" aint gonna cut it....
Listened to it again...there's no mention of money. Granted, I haven't seen the video (if someone has access to it, please post it).

Although it's heartless to aim for someone's ACL's, it's not against NFL rules.
^According to Pamphilon when Williams mentions Alex Smith and "hitting him here" (under the chin) he says "remember me", all the while rubbing his thumb and index and middle fingers together. Everybody knows what that means.

And DC I would agree on that "dont snitch" tip if it came to things off the field. But taking out ACLs and delivering concussions? Nope.
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

I heard worse in my high school locker room.

Oh well. The wussification of the NFL is almost complete.
There is a line between playing the sport call Football and playing with intention to cause career ending injuries to someone

Greg Williams is a scum bag . Aiming for ACL ? Thats just against ethical and sportmanship man . Yea im going to hit you but im going to hit you so that you'll never play football again.

If i was in that locker room i would have been so pissed off . No wonder one of the guy snitched on him
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

^According to Pamphilon when Williams mentions Alex Smith and "hitting him here" (under the chin) he says "remember me", all the while rubbing his thumb and index and middle fingers together. Everybody knows what that means.

And DC I would agree on that "dont snitch" tip if it came to things off the field. But taking out ACLs and delivering concussions? Nope.

If you're going to say Greg Williams can never coach again, I need more proof than hearsay. I believe the bounties happened, but I need proof and that 4 minute audio clip does NOT prove that.

Proves dude has very little regard for player safety (to say the least) and that he's willing to do WHATEVER to win. That's what that proves.
if this is said in every locker room i want to hear from players on the saints D who i'm sure have played on other teams or had other D coaches........talking about hitting head hunting and ACL's is wrong.....and the first one is on me line is clearly that the money is from team is ever going to hire him
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

^According to Pamphilon when Williams mentions Alex Smith and "hitting him here" (under the chin) he says "remember me", all the while rubbing his thumb and index and middle fingers together. Everybody knows what that means.

And DC I would agree on that "dont snitch" tip if it came to things off the field. But taking out ACLs and delivering concussions? Nope.

If you're going to say Greg Williams can never coach again, I need more proof than hearsay. I believe the bounties happened, but I need proof and that 4 minute audio clip does NOT prove that.

Proves dude has very little regard for player safety (to say the least) and that he's willing to do WHATEVER to win. That's what that proves.

That 4min clip is part of 12min of total audio where you hear Williams as he gives checks ranging from $200-$10k to players. Listen to the whole thing and tell me if you have your proof.
That 4min clip is part of 12min of total audio where you hear Williams as he gives checks ranging from $200-$10k to players. Listen to the whole thing and tell me if you have your proof.

Just listened to the full audio. I stand corrected.
"Respect comes from fear. This is how you get respect in this league." Karma. What goes around comes around. You're welcome. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

The SADDEST thing in all of this is someone snitched. Yes it might be wrong but the fact that secrets aren't safe amongst teammates bothers me more than the other stuff. Sue me.
Originally Posted by 216301baller

DC i know what you mean man

I wish I had Greg Williams as a coach or mentor ..I bet you would be out there bustin your @ss every practice or game no matter the sport

He just took it to the next level with taking out cats ACL's..thats not cool at all but he's appreciated in my book..come at me bro

Yea that ACL stuff was wild man. I can't co-sign that stuff but we have snitches in the locker room? Really this is what team sports has come to. That is a disgrace.
What if you got close friends on the other team and your coach is telling you to take his ACL out? That wouldn't piss you off? Football is a contact sport and I don't like how soft it's gotten, but this is out of line. 
I'm surprised as how many of you think this is ok. I would hope you don't need to threaten to kill or injury people to motivate them to play football.

I'm curious to see how all this plays out because I doubt he's the only one doing this type of $#!!. 
When I was pitching in HS, I was asked by my pitching coach to throw at the head of one of the team's other players. I didn't. He benched me. 
I got hit in the face by a fastball two years later. I made the right decision not throwing at him.

Williams asking for and paying players to intentionally injure other players is absurd. Asking his guys to go out there and aim for Crabtree's knees has no place in football.
On one hand we're pissed at Williams' message...on the other, we're celebrating Pierre Thomas getting KO'd by throwing up
. What am I missing here? A bit hypocritical, no?

When I was pitching in HS, I was asked by my pitching coach to throw at the head of one of the team's other players. I didn't. He benched me.

I think Ozzie Guillen did the same thing to Gavin Floyd a few years back.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

On one hand we're pissed at Williams' message...on the other, we're celebrating Pierre Thomas getting KO'd by throwing up
. What am I missing here? A bit hypocritical, no?

When I was pitching in HS, I was asked by my pitching coach to throw at the head of one of the team's other players. I didn't. He benched me.

I think Ozzie Guillen did the same thing to Gavin Floyd a few years back.

Really? You can't be that simple..
There is nothing wrong with giving the "
" to a good clean menacing hit. Besides how does that compare to people being upset over a coach telling his players to aim for ACLs, concussions, and ankles?
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