Had a Sleep Paralysis for The First Time the Other Night

This use to happen to me :x worst stuff ever. Took all my strength just to twitch my leg :smh:
how can one go about getting sleep paralysis? i tried to lucid dream before but i dont have the patience for it
^ softly bite your tongue to send signals to your nervous sys

It's happened to me since I was about 6 haven't happened in a few months. Your body goes into sleep mode and instead of your mind going into sleep mode, it's awake, and it takes a moment for the signals to reach your body to move.

@calibeebee just relax next time getting nervous will cause your heart to pace, and shortness in breath. If your body is in paralysis mode keep composure and wait a min before attempting to move it again.

Thought I was the only one.. I swear you can find any subject on NT..

When I tell my girl about she looks at me crazy. Your right tho stay calm and ride it out

I told my girl. She said the same thing. But she understands now, whenever I make a humming sound she knows to push me hard :lol:
how can one go about getting sleep paralysis? i tried to lucid dream before but i dont have the patience for it

Lucid dreaming is knowing your sleeping while in a dream giving you ability to do all types of wild ish.

Sleep paralysis is totally diff cuz ur not dreaming at all. Imagine being in a coma wide awake aware of your surroundings but not being able to move a muscle.
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Lucid dreaming is knowing your sleeping while in a dream giving you ability to do all types of wild ish.

Sleep paralysis is totally diff cuz ur not dreaming at all. Imagine being in a coma wide awake aware of your surroundings but not being able to move a muscle.

yeah i know the difference between them, just that when i tried to lucid dream last year i gave up cause it took too long. i know it doesnt happen overnight tho

the whole lucid dream/sleep paralysis thing is very interesting. i really want to experience either or
Is it me or does it start with your legs? Like I can kinda stop it now. My legs r the first part of my body to stiffen up and as soon as I feel that I lift my upper body up asap. After I do this it goes away but maybe its different for others. Ive been experimenting with it after reading this on here bcuz I thought it was jus me lol
Some of y'all got me shook with these figures that be appearing in your room good thing I don't have it
the only time i've ever had sleep paralysis, my deceased grandfather visited me. i was shook and couldn't even move
I get it at least once every 2 weeks. The strange thing I have realized about it is that sometimes I get lulled into what feels like an even deeper form of sleep. Then when it's time to wake up, I can't :smh:.
Sleeping on my stomach FTW
I sleep on my stomach and have gotten it multiple times during my lifetime...

Sucks man, wouldn't wish it on anyone
WOW! I used to get that too. It's like the worst feeling in the world. You lay there asleep then BOOM your eyes come open but you can't move or speak!! You try and move your arms nothing your legs NOTHING. That's when your heart starts to race and you start to panic. It's like youre in a vegetable state. The only way I've ever broke out is by trying to yell out or muster up enough strength to twitch and eventually get your body back movable. :smh:
Had sleep paralysis for the first time a few months ago.  Scared the **** outta me.  I was in my bed, couldn't move, and I swear I was face-to-face with a ghost that looked like Stone Cold Steve Austin.  I tried moving and yelling, but I couldn't do either and it seemed like a minute, at least, but was probably a few seconds.  I was so shook, I just watched clips of Inside The NBA to get my mind off of it...
Yeah had this crap happen to me a few times, sometimes even twice a night. Makes you not want to go back to sleep, because you feel like it's going to happen immediately after you closed your eyes again.. You kind of have to fall asleep on accident after that freighting situation..

My SP run in process:

Wake up, have sight, your body's paralyzed, something dark is encompassing you from the side or on top of you, you try to scream and most times try to attack, but you cant do either, then you can after a few seconds, and then every things back to normal, except your mental well being...

I'm glad we live in a time of mass understanding, because I'm sure back in the medieval days or what ever time, people would be shook, with no explanation, maybe even some suicides... If your interested in the history check out the wikipedia page, some funny/interesting old theory's...


Sure a lot of us guys don't sleep on our stomachs because of our Junk, gets all smushed...

Sleeping with your stomach faced down, seems like it will cause a lot of neck problems...
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This stuff only took place for about 15-20 seconds, but it sucks. I've heard of people getting stuck like that for several minutes to an hour, can you imagine?
Never had this happen but I ain't going to sleep tonight.
damn this sounds scary as hell, i hope this never happens to me! Is this something like chicken pox that happens to practically everything or a few unfortunate bastards get this? Im going to change my sleeping patterns(hopefully) after hearing this. Luckily for me i move a lot in my sleep.
damn this sounds scary as hell, i hope this never happens to me! Is this something like chicken pox that happens to practically everything or a few unfortunate bastards get this? Im going to change my sleeping patterns(hopefully) after hearing this. Luckily for me i move a lot in my sleep.

RIP homie. you're next
Happened to me a couple years back.. What's crazy is, I thought I was hearing things in my house. And I be bugging out sometimes cause I know my grandfather mess with that santeria stuff every now and then. So when my body froze up on the bed, I was bugging the **** out!
Wow, I thought I was the only one to get these. I got these alot when I was younger.

It always seem to happen when I was in a weird position. Especially when I would lay on my stomach and face would fall into the pillow. I couldn't breathe and could not move anything.

They went away once I joined the Navy. I learned not to sleep too hard.

It fells like you are buried alive inside your own body.
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  I have a very true story about what happened to me 7/8 years ago.  What I'm about to tell you is the ABSOLUTE truth and have no reason to make up silly stories. I'm not telling you this to freak you guys out nor am I looking for "reps", this is so you guys can hear another point of view aside from the "medical" explanations.  Here goes....

  I used to share a room with my younger sister and she slept across the room in her own bed. My mother was having problems with my dad (eventually divorced) so she wound up sleeping with my sis in her bed.  They were both sleeping when my mother said she felt someone watching her, she opened her eyes and was terrified because she saw a really dark shadow of person standing at the doorway. She figured it was just the dark messing with her eyes and so she shut them. A few minutes passed and my mother heard my sister gasp! She asked her "you saw someone at the door, huh?" and she replied in a very scared tone of voice "yes, wake up your brother".  They woke me up and explained themselves to me but I was too sleepy to care. Fast forward a 2 years later and many sleep paralysis events later....

  I knocked out while the lights/television were on and my sister was texting away. I kid you not, it was as if I blinked and awoke to find the room dark but what really scared the crap out of me was that even though the room was completely dark....I saw an even darker shadow of a skinny human like man standing at the side of my sister's bed!!  I rolled out of bed and yelled at the same time "HEY YOU!" as I rushed this person/thing. The reaction it had was TOTAL SHOCK and I could see it got into a defensive stance instantly. We locked arms and wrestled for a few seconds but it was too strong for me and tossed me and I mean TOSSED ME into the dress cabinet. I hit the floor and I didn't feel pain but I remember my eyes shutting and seeing "it" just stand there looking at me. I woke up and again it felt as if I just blinked. Maaannnn, next thing I hear is my sister half crying telling me she had a bad dream just now. I was still in shock from what I went through so I let her explain herself. She told me she was dreaming that a man or something was trying to pull her off the bed and that she was calling me to wake up and save her!!!  She said she awoke half off the bed!! I was goosebumped like crazy.  I let her finish and told her what I had just went through and she was terrified to the point where she did not sleep well for the rest of the night. I can't blame her because I didn't either.  We didn't have anymore "sleep paralysis" after that incident but I read up on similar experiences and it seems these "Shadow People" as they're called are somehow related to sleep paralysis.

  All I'm saying there's a lot of thing we don't know about or understand about what really happens in our sleep/dreams. Again, please don't think I'm typing this for fun/giggles. Just thought I'd add to this topic.
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  I have a very true story about what happened to me 7/8 years ago.  What I'm about to tell you is the ABSOLUTE truth and have no reason to make up silly stories. I'm not telling you this to freak you guys out nor am I looking for "reps", this is so you guys can hear another point of view aside from the "medical" explanations.  Here goes....

  I used to share a room with my younger sister and she slept across the room in her own bed. My mother was having problems with my dad (eventually divorced) so she wound up sleeping with my sis in her bed.  They were both sleeping when my mother said she felt someone watching her, she opened her eyes and was terrified because she saw a really dark shadow of person standing at the doorway. She figured it was just the dark messing with her eyes and so she shut them. A few minutes passed and my mother heard my sister gasp! She asked her "you saw someone at the door, huh?" and she replied in a very scared tone of voice "yes, wake up your brother".  They woke me up and explained themselves to me but I was too sleepy to care. Fast forward a 2 years later and many sleep paralysis events later....

  I knocked out while the lights/television were on and my sister was texting away. I kid you not, it was as if I blinked and awoke to find the room dark but what really scared the crap out of me was that even though the room was completely dark....I saw an even darker shadow of a skinny human like man standing at the side of my sister's bed!!  I rolled out of bed and yelled at the same time "HEY YOU!" as I rushed this person/thing. The reaction it had was TOTAL SHOCK and I could see it got into a defensive stance instantly. We locked arms and wrestled for a few seconds but it was too strong for me and tossed me and I mean TOSSED ME into the dress cabinet. I hit the floor and I didn't feel pain but I remember my eyes shutting and seeing "it" just stand there looking at me. I woke up and again it felt as if I just blinked. Maaannnn, next thing I hear is my sister half crying telling me she had a bad dream just now. I was still in shock from what I went through so I let her explain herself. She told me she was dreaming that a man or something was trying to pull her off the bed and that she was calling me to wake up and save her!!!  She said she awoke half off the bed!! I was goosebumped like crazy.  I let her finish and told her what I had just went through and she was terrified to the point where she did not sleep well for the rest of the night. I can't blame her because I didn't either.  We didn't have anymore "sleep paralysis" after that incident but I read up on similar experiences and it seems these "Shadow People" as they're called are somehow related to sleep paralysis.

  All I'm saying there's a lot of thing we don't know about or understand about what really happens in our sleep/dreams. Again, please don't think I'm typing this for fun/giggles. Just thought I'd add to this topic.
That's crazy!  I would of been shook.   Since I saw this thread today I've been looking info up on sleep paralysis and people have some crazy stories.  I've personally have had some crazy nightmares while dealing with this too.   Science doesn't have a lot of answers when it comes to sleep paralysis and why people from all different cultures always relate sleep paralysis to evil things.  
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