Is Kanye West too UPPITY to be the world's greatest living rockstar?

Kanye impacts culture?

In middle school yes. Ain't no grown men throwing on leather skinny jeans and a dress. Yall need to go out and live outside the box you've created. This thread is comedy. You could argue Kim and her family has more impact on society than he does. As far as musical influence these Disney stars hold the lives of multiple generations in their hands. You could argue they have a bigger impact on lives.

Kanye gets talked about but not in a positive sense. He's truly the clown of this era, and when I say this I mean people laugh at him, not with him.


I love all his albums except 808 and I can see the impact he has on kids, but greatest rock star alive?Stop.  I honestly didn't think adults were taking him seriously outside of music until I read some of the posts in this thread.

Also just because something is out of the ordinary doesn't make it good. Most of these photos of what Kanye is wearing is just ridiculous.
Ya'll must forget he gave us the sound track to Blueprint​
That alone is Rock Star Ish​
He may not have invented the soul sound,​
but he definitely brought a resurgence and me too copy cat type beats into the hip hop industry.​
The man is influential in a sense that he has inspired others such as​
Hit Boy, Big Sean, J. Cole, Jay-z, Drake etc.... the list goes on.​
Inspiration can go vice versa and some of these people have influenced him as well.​
The fact of the matter is that these people all flock to work with him​
and this has crossed over into the design and creative​
world with the Nate browns and jjjjound and Virgil Abloh of the world.​
While people sit on here and bash, let me know when you have been able to open the door​
to have the homies you grew up with​
get a chance to live their dreams and create (IBN - Diamond, Just Don - Own Brand)​
I think people in general have short memories and like to focus on negative.​
Sure I don't agree with everything he says and how he dresses,​
but I wont downplay the work that he has put in.​
It has inspired me and made me think anything is possible.  ​
Doesn't make me a Stan, it's just who I relate to the most.​
The quality I have noticed that has made Kanye most successful is​
not being afraid to reach out to others and give them a chance to help​
communicate his vision.​
Some might say this means he has not talent,​
but the things he has been able to get others to do for him over the last couple​
years have pushed the envelope forward and forced others to raise their game​
and bring some thing creative new and fresh to the table.​
If that is not influential then I don't know if were speaking the same language.​
(Just a side note Nike still milking his color palettes, but he's not influential......)​
This idea that ONE dude is responsible for all of this is the mentality of a simpleton IMO.

And let's be real here. "Culture" is a pseudo intellectual term people like to throw around in an attempt to speak for other people.

What is "current mainstream culture"? If you're a 15 year old girl, maybe your answer is Taylor Swift. Or Nicki Minaj.

If you're a 30 year old dude, maybe the answer is Jay Z or someone else.
Exactly. It's all subjective.

Fact is, Kanye still has a dominant impact in his genre and has been wildly successful in other ventures. Can't deny the influence of his sound in hip hop. Of course he's not gonna influence EVERYTHING. The country genre, the metal genre, the rock genre; they likely aren't influenced by Kanye at all. No one artist can impact every major genre. No one does that. 

Guy is still more relevant in pop culture than any other rapper right now which I think speaks to what kind of impact he's had, at least in the US.

why are you centering your posts?

I am not making a joke, how did Kanye inspired you to be able to do anything?
For me, Kanye is too closed off to be the greatest rockstar in the world. His private life seems too different from his public persona, and that seems rational and all, but it also makes you wonder who the hell the REAL Kanye is.

Music aside, a rockstar or a group of rock stars for me has always been someone who truly does not live with limits, for better or worse, a lifestyle lived both in private and public.

A rockstar is like your average surfers dream wave. It's out there, it's transparent, its massive, it's uncontrollable ... you still gravitate towards it, you know that in the right moment in time you can still hope to catch the wave in whatever direction it's going. (Cobain, Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, etc.) or if anyone's seen Almost Famous, the life of the journalist that went from 0-100 is the appeal of following a rockstar.

Kanye is a wave that you'll only find on a private beach, you'll never get a chance to go along for the ride. That ain't a rockstar.
Kanye doesn't even seem like a cool dude to kick it with. Type of dude talk the whole time bout his problems whille you hitting the weed. 
He's actually not "wildly" successful outside of music. Dude has practically been begging to break into the fashion industry (which he loves more than music) and can't. Designers work with him then eventually drop him. So NTers may love him but his childisn acts aren't embraced by everyone as you may think.
Pharrell is someone who I look at and think he is a fashion icon, he rides his own wave and pulls it off, Kanye I do not get that feeling.
Haters with their pitch forks and the nut riders with a hand full of beans.

Good ol NT.
6 plus pages of d-Nile and Hate

Kanye is not rockstar he is experiencing Jesus type levels of hate and love he's becoming more than just an entertainer he's a becon of hope for the masses
so are you saying:

A. you know a musician who is more influential on current mainstream culture... but you won't name them because I'm "fixated on kanye"...?


B. you agree that kanye is the most influential musician on current mainstream culture, but it doesn't matter because mainstream culture is wack?

the best way to "change my mentality" is to name a more influential musician on current mainstream culture.... I have no stake in this designation.... it's merely an observation on my part... I don't work or make money in mainstream media/culture

i really don't follow mainstream trends. but like the person said after me.

pharrell williams is an honorable mention. dr. dre would fall under the category since everyone is buying his headphones. and most influential is relative in the sense who you ask because there are people who don't listen to kanye and consider other people most influential for example lady gaga.
Man Yall some chatty Patties. I listen to more rock hen rap and I can tell you in my opinion in the media culture, Kanye is thee rockstar. Do I choose to listen to glassjaw or at the drive in more? Sure. But I'm not gonna deny his influence on pop culture. Atbthe end of the day, those who hate and those who Stan seem to be wasting useless energy on this debate.

edit: and i know music taste is opinion but The Rolling Stones are trash. dont give me this Keith Richards Mick Jagger bs about them being rock stars. The Beatles, Metallica, hell even GNR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
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This is obviously subjective, and I'm not a fan of ye but it is perfectly reasonable to think that he's the biggest living rockstar of today.

Could you name others? Sure you probably could but ye could easily be considered, and to me that's the whole point
You looking real sus right now.

Slow Jamz
Through the Wire
Jesus Walks

And :lol: at the rest of you acting like Kanye isn't influential. No other rapper even comes close in terms of fashion.

As far as the rockstar comparison goes, it's more about the fame than the actual music. He's not even the "hottest out" but everybody wants to know what Kanye's doing. Being married to Kim doesn't hurt either.
jesus walks ok, through the wire ok, slow jams ok, stronger and power aint that hot. I kniw stronger is probably one of his biggest hits but it aint THAT hot and it aint timeless...
When you say "influential", I think Micheal Jackson and Bruce Springstien playing in West Berlin, not Kanye.

I mean if you consider "influence" fashion and internet memes....I guess.

Outside of that how is he influential?
Im a fan of Yeezy but he aint as hot as he makes himself out to be... yes a group of lost individuals look up to a man with so many emotional issues that its a reflection of our society and how that effects the future... these gullable kids find his brashness and bild exploits to be ground breaking and revolutionary when really a cry for help from a broken soul...
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