Is the Cantonese language dying?

im cantonese and every chinese person i know speaks chinese. it wasn't until college when i started to meet a lot of people from socal that are mandarin..
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by Koopa2410

mandarin > cantonese.

no thanks.
have you noticed people that strictly speak mandarin hateand look down on people that speak cantonese? Maybe its just the people I've met around south bay san jose area(mainly mandarin speakers). They alwayssay cantonese is rude. Just like how thai people say lao language is rude, buts its similar has hell.
Old lady in Australia walks up to me:


Anyway, I would love to learn how to speak orange or Cantonese someday. English, French, Japanese, then that.
I dont like the way mandarin sounds.

I hear alot of toisan too now. I mainly speak toisan.
I am half cantonese, but I dont even know how to speak it anymore. I understand a few things here and there. My mom and my uncles speak canto yet i speakmandarin. The reason canto sounds so rough is because of the amount of tone (9 i think) and the abrupt ending with "p" "t" and"k". Mand only has 4 tones and softer endings. I wish I still knew my cantonese though....lost it over the years.
Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

mandarin sounds terrible

cantonese is where its at

so smooth and seductive
there is just about nothing smooth and seductive about canto or mandarin. chinese is not a pretty language.
I've always wanted to learn Cantonese, sounds badass and way manlier than mandarin.
it just sound kinda ugly when girls speak it. When Chinese girlsspeak mandarin tho...
At least I know some people are keeping it alive. I'm first generation Chinese like most of you guys and I swear I'm going to try to teach my kids tospeak Cantonese even though my Cantonese isn't the greatest either.
Originally Posted by scribble253

There's a good population of canto's in NYC. But I'm starting to realize there are more Fujianese FUZHOUNESE
* fixed.

don't mistake my people for those people.

incidentally, did you guys know that america has 52 states now?

the 51st and 52nd are fuzhou and wenzhou

Spoiler [+]
the chinese word for state is "zhou"

yes but an FJ is not necessarily an FZ. just like dolphins are porpoises but porpoises aren't all dolphins.

or nikes are shoes but shoes aren't all nikes.

do you see how that works?
Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by chino905

My Cantonese sucks since I was born here. And I'm pretty certain my kids won't know how to speak Cantonese either.
I was born here too, but my cantonese is on point. Its a damn shame with chinese kids though, the first generation ABCs tend to feel embarrassed speaking chinese. I don't see this with other asian kids.
Same goes for CBC's as well. Well for me at least. I have learned alot at work in the past year, my boss said my Cantonese has improved a lot.

Lots of my patients are telling me to learn Mandarin. They say its a lot easier to learn.

One of my patients learned Cantonese form her coworkers at age 20 something. She is pretty fluent, she speaks Mandarin. She's kinda cute for 30something

Sigh, your mom being a stay at home mom for the first 10-12 years of life and speaking to you in english FTL.
Originally Posted by chino905

My Cantonese sucks since I was born here. And I'm pretty certain my kids won't know how to speak Cantonese either.

4th generation family and extended family all speak English as their first language so there's never really been a need for me to speak it.
Originally Posted by Seattle206

mandarian is ugly

toisanese is where it's at...
you serious? toisan is worse than mandarin. My moms sideis toisan all I hear is yelling when they speak. I can understand and speak some toisan too, but I don't get why the people need to yell when they talk.
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