Is *this* where you thought you'd be? Vol. Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda

weekend girl

Sep 1, 2008
Would you have thought 5/10 years ago that you would be where you are today?

If you could go back in time, what (if anything) would you have done differently?
5 years ago, was still in college, grinding it out. expected to come out with a nice paying job and being financially secure. life WAS great and movingalong, until the economy tanked and i was laid off. some things you really cant change or could you?

would i expect to be unemployed, hell no

regrets as in do things differently? not really, i guess things happen for a reason...cant live life with coulda/woulda/shoulda just got to move forward andmake the best of our situations

edit: maybe i shoulda hit the books a little harder and bumped up that gpa
hell naw and it slays me erryday

i wouldve stayed in class..and actually done MY work..instead of just givin' all my $@+**% the answers and doodlin' in my notebooks to pass the time.
I definitely didn't think I'd have a desk job or still be in school. I thought I'd be at least in NYPD narcotics by now. But I'm only 21 goingon 22 so I have a ton of time.

I would have never given up my job as an armed guard at the NYSE and never would have taken off a semester from school.

Other than that, I can't complain.
5 years ago, i was still in high school (sophmore), i would have been more serious about football at the time. i had the potential and athleticism, but my workethic was shot. then i got injured which made everything horrible. id be at some d1 school right now starting

10 years ago, i was 11, id probably would just want to spend more time with my brother before he passed 3 years later.

10 years ago i was 12...5 years ago i was 17

22 seemed so great and glamorous at those ages...

i pictured myself in my own apartment with some great job doing whatever and living the life...

my life now isn't bad at all but its not how i pictured it...

if i could change anything it would be to put more thought into where i went to school...

my dad told me to apply where i am now cuz it was cousin went here...and it wasn't far from home...

i love my school but i just wish i would have had more options but i didn't really know what to look for in a school...i'm the oldest so i had no oneto guide me...know one to tell me the things i know now...
As hard as I try I can't be at peace with some of the decisions I've made.

I $@+#$% up the relationship I had with my moms. Badly. As I get older I'm starting to realize how important family is. I've pushed most of them away.

I also wish I didn't move here. I feel like I'm 3-4 years behind just because of it. %$!%.
work harder back in school... looking back ten years ago.. i flew through HS BS'n my way out... could have been a prodigy.
7 years ago - Pursue basketball at the high school level so I could have positioned myself for a free ride in college. Got into Christ the King, Rice, BishopLoughlin (everyone gets into Loughlin) and LaSalle Academy.
4 years ago - Apply to Harvard, Columbia and Yale just to see what if. Who knows what would have happened if I applied? Might have gotten accepted. Had greatgrades in HS but self-doubt wouldn't let me apply.
3 years ago - Work harder freshman year

If I died today, those would be the only things I would have regretted in my life.
5yrs ago
-went to a diff. college or transferred early on
-been more serious about a internship
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

As hard as I try I can't be at peace with some of the decisions I've made.

I $@+#$% up the relationship I had with my moms. Badly. As I get older I'm starting to realize how important family is. I've pushed most of them away.

I also wish I didn't move here. I feel like I'm 3-4 years behind just because of it. %$!%.

if i remember right you're like a year or two younger than me...what could you be 3-4 years behind on?

don't know your family situation but i'm sure you can always at least try to repair your relationship with your mom
10 years ago, I would not have believed I'd still be at this job.
I mean Im happy I have a job, but there really is no room for advancement....and truthfully, I dont want to advance HERE.
if I coulda done things different, I probably woulda quit this job while I was young and really pursued my dreams while I had more of a safety net (inheritencemoney, coulda moved back with moms if I fell completely off)
now Im forced to try and go for my dreams "part-time". you can imagine how well thats going

oh...and I woulda stayed active cause Im so far outta shape now its not even remotely funny
I would have taken the opportunity i had to start college classes while still in highschool and i wouldn't have slacked off once i was actually in college.COULDA been more than halfway done by now
I'm gonna finish and get into a university when i'm 23-24 or even 25 at this point and i'm kindaashamed about it. Thats the only regret i have.
5 years ago is when I moved to Alabama. If I could go back I would have stayed with one of my friends in California and never moved with the rest of my family.
Exactly where I thought I'd be. Although 10 yrs ago I thought id be a med student and not a law student. But who can resist con law?! I'm happy/proudof where I am. I do wish, though, that I played on the U.S. womens soccer team when I had the chance. Oh well...ya win some ya lose some. Cheers toeveryone's accomplishments. Make a way!
I can't believe where I am right now. Never in a million years did I think it would happen.

If I could go back and change one thing.....when I was living in DC in between college and law school this pretty hot black chick was all over me at some ravetype club.

We ended up hanging out and I had her back at my house, in my room, and I did nothing with her. What a sucker.

Now I'm married with a kid and another on the way and will never have a chance to be with a black chick....god damnit!
in some ways, i guess i am where i thought i would be, although i'm not quite there yet. but life is unpredictable, so many different things happen all thetim.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Weekend Girl wrote:

As hard as I try I can't be at peace with some of the decisions I've made.

I $@+#$% up the relationship I had with my moms. Badly. As I get older I'm starting to realize how important family is. I've pushed most of them away.

I also wish I didn't move here. I feel like I'm 3-4 years behind just because of it. %$!%.

if i remember right you're like a year or two younger than me...what could you be 3-4 years behind on?

don't know your family situation but i'm sure you can always at least try to repair your relationship with your mom

Yeah we're around the same age but after I moved (not by choice) I started not giving a *!@* and acting out. Didn't really know how to deal with thingsand as a result I wasted a lot of time and effort. Didn't get the marks I was capable of in highschool and ended up going to the wrong school for the wrongreasons and dropped out blah blah blah

I hope I can repair the relationship I just pray its not too late. I don't even know how/where to begin and I feel like everyones moved on without me
Sort of to first Q.

To second Q,

If I could go back in time, I would have done one or two things differently...but who's to say I'd be same way I am now? And know the same group ofpeople? I had some opportunities I didn't take advantage of but @$+@ happens for a reason. I'm not worse off today because of that so it doesn'tbother me at all. If you aren't satisfied being you then what the #*!% you livin' for?

Everyone has their role to play in life...I've been knowin' mine.

/philosophical speech
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I can't believe where I am right now. Never in a million years did I think it would happen.

If I could go back and change one thing.....when I was living in DC in between college and law school this pretty hot black chick was all over me at some rave type club.

We ended up hanging out and I had her back at my house, in my room, and I did nothing with her. What a sucker.

Now I'm married with a kid and another on the way and will never have a chance to be with a black chick....god damnit!


"You Looooooose!"

Nah, but seriously...

I wouldn't have even thought about being where I am today at 20 when I was 15. I actually just sit back and take it in (||) from time to time.

I hope that my progress continues in this direction.
5 years ago: Should have lifted harder and learned the game better and gone for a football scholarship...tons of potential but playin average ftl
Should have worked harder in highschool instead of just coasting. Should have pursued sports at an earlier age. Should have gone to a public school aftermiddle school. I'm still young (20) so time will tell if I accomplish my dreams.
I figured I would at least be working within my field of choice which is Radio/TV/Film. I graduated in May...stalled for about a year on finishing up because Ifelt like I wasn't ready for the real world and the economy was +***#%.

The +***#% up thing is that I WAS just offered a position to be a Promotional Assistant for Radio One here in Indy where I did my internship my final semester.Once my driving record went through...wrap. Too many points on my license....which meant I couldn't drive the station vehicles which meant no hire.

Sometimes, I was dead guilty but I slowed way down once I got older...but cops gave me no kind of leeway when they pulled me over. It was if I'm going 5 mph over the speed limit. I was passing a semi one time to get off an exit before I passed it. Sped up for like 5 seconds and gotpulled up the next light AFTER I got off. %%*@$%!*. 2 other times, I was going through this small @@@ town which changes from 35 to 45 to 55 within 100 metersof each other...if that. I see the 55 right ahead and get pulled over for going 47 in a 35. I had 5% tint too so cops just loved singling me out. Iwouldn't get pulled over for tint but it's like...they could get away with giving me petty speeding tickets due to my record. No point in contesting.

So now, I work at Pitney Bowes Government Solutions...ON CALL. I get work when we receive drops of new coins or collector's items. PBGS is with the U.S.Mint and Department of Treasury. I get paid 14.30/hr but I work 8-5 a.m...and sometimes 6-5 tonight. I put in 53 hours this week so I'm getting13 hours of overtime at 21.45/hr.

REGARDLESS, this is not anything I want to do. I tape and throw boxes all day or process orders. I'm a college grad and I'm doing @#%% alongside HSersand country looking folk. The @#%% is mad frustrating...but I guess I should be happy that I have a job. I can't do this forever though...real talk.

Night shift sucks @@@. When I'm at work, everyone is out doing whatever with whomever and then sleep. When I'm off, everyone is sleep or getting up forwork. So while I'm sleep, no one is really available either. Damn near depressing because I don't talk to a lot of people anymore. I don't eventalk to my co-workers like that because I don't want to be there. Me and my girl having problems...probably due to me never being around.

I hope something comes around.
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