Is *this* where you thought you'd be? Vol. Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda

I would've stayed in the top 10% of my class Up to my junior year I was all A's and a couple B's.
I would've stayed in sports and kept playing baseball football and soccer.
For fact I would've gotten a scholarship for baseball maybe football.

You live and you learn
10 years ago I hoped I would be dead by now. (Mopey teenager)
5 years ago I thought I would be dead by now. (Iraq)
Now I just don't care anymore. (Indifference)
I dont regret anything because Ive learn a lot from the $#&$ed up $#!% I did as a git in NYC, heck I dont even regret moving to Florida even thoNYC>>>the rest of the world.
Originally Posted by doosta45

5 years ago, i was still in high school (sophmore), i would have been more serious about football at the time. i had the potential and athleticism, but my work ethic was shot. then i got injured which made everything horrible. id be at some d1 school right now starting

...Its a shame how I gave up on football so easy...I knowI could be somewhere...just didnt have the motivation back then...I really regret that..
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

10 years ago I hoped I would be dead by now. (Mopey teenager)
5 years ago I thought I would be dead by now. (Iraq)
Now I just don't care anymore. (Indifference)

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

10 years ago I hoped I would be dead by now. (Mopey teenager)
5 years ago I thought I would be dead by now. (Iraq)
Now I just don't care anymore. (Indifference)

No offense, but I need no pity. What is wrong with me I have done to myself. No one else is to blame, and these demons are my own to fight.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Would you have thought 5/10 years ago that you would be where you are today?

If you could go back in time, what (if anything) would you have done differently?
1) Nope, never would have I thought I would be where I'm at. My ego was too much then, and I thought the world was a freefall for me.

2.) Nothing because it has made me who I am today. If I worried about my past, it would eat me up inside.

OP, it's great you see what family means, some never even find that. Don't be so hard on yourself. You have nothing to prove to mom, or family. Theonly thing you have is to be honest with is yourself and look in the mirror, and say I'm doing right, as of now.

lets see: I woulda never let my self get fat, that killed my confidence, all the fastfood and junk i ate, lack of excerise since high school, and alcoholconsumption just didnt help at all!

I wouldve taken high school more serious soo i could gone somewhere outta state.....also been more social instead of so hateful! College wish i would been soolazy, and studied...prolly be further along then i am now.

Theres a lot of good girls i had that i wouldnt have taken for granted.....wouldnt have been such a that im not pullin chicks like i use to ithnk back.

Shoulda been smarter with my credit cards! now im here paying bills every month for stuff i have nothing to show for.

My alcohol consumption caused major problems in my life!!! I shoulda never gotten soo wasted soo many times; there is soo much stuff i dont remember, stuff ilost, girls i missed out on smashing cuz i was hella wasted, days i was too drunk to go into work on time, soo many cell phones i broken, and all the money ispent on gettin wasted instead of taken care of business. I wouldnt have gone to jail either if it wasnt for my alcohol consumption
i guess. junior at UMD. got 1-2 more years left of college, need to find an internship soon though.
**wish i would have actually did work in HS to motivate myself for college
**wish i would have been motivated to do good in school so i could stay on the basketball team....cuz hell...i was a beast! but i cared too much about otherBS..
**wish i never dropped out of HS
**went to Job Corp and got my diploma and a trade!!!
**ended up gettin a good job from my trade making 60k a year for 3 years
**wish i wouldnt have gotten greedy and decide to pick up hustling again
i had everything ive ever wanted.....plenty of $, a main girl, a lot of girls on the side, a lot of weed and liquor, two cars, and a place to call my own
**wish i wasnt so nice to so many people.....but everyone around the way, and all of my associates looked up, and ran to me when they needed something
**wish i wouldnt have felt like nothing can touch me
**wish i would have been there for my pops when he was going through a very weak mental, broke, not caring, letting himself go state......even though he wasntthere for my teenage years becoming a man, he still was my biggest superhero when i was a child........i really coulda helped him get on his feet and ball likehe used to when i was a kid.................................then he died
**wish i didnt have a car accident........leading to the officer saying.."did you know you have a warrent for your arrest in MD?"
**wish i didnt do dirt with people that didnt want to own up for their crap and put my name in the pot
**wish i didnt have to sell my second car for lawyer fees
**wish i didnt lose my other car or my apartment because i lost my job while i was locked up
**wish i didnt have to move back in with my mother and stepdad!!!!!!

so hell no this aint where i thought ide be.....but is what it is........cant have a pitty party for too long ya dig?!? the world keeps turnin

but im sure glad i dont have a felony on my record.....i have my life, a decent job, and im gettin back on my feet slowly but surely...........ill have allthat other stuff soon enough, and more!!!!! so im not even trippin

Well I'm 21 and in college

I wanna say I regret transferring (cuz it set me back a year) But I dont

Had I came to my school when I did I doubt I would have the gr8 friends I have

Although I can say I would have NEVER thought me and my mom would turn into best friends....
If i never quit playing soccer for those make or break years, i could have been in europe possibly playing div.2 or in mexico.
funny i seen this post as my grandmom was telling me yesterday how she never thought here life would be like this...she is 63 divorced married for like 40years husband was cheating on her...she owns 2 houses but rents an apt (her x husband in one and lets her daughter stay in another smh)
There use to be a couple of things I wished too change ... Didn't really understand why I had to go through those hardships .... But now that I'mliving the outcome of those times .. I wouldn't change a thing, otherwise I wouldn't be the man I am today ... Heading in the direction, I'm going... The only thing is I wish music would've found another way to come back into my life .. but then again I might not have found the strength I have now
I don't live life like that though, lifes a dash, you gotta keep it movin. It is what it is, if you wanna change it you have to do things from this pointon, past is the past.
Just made 20 and I make money from playing drums.. Have a full-time job, In school and have a great gf

5 years ago I didn't even see myself in school, 10 years ago I was ten.

Don't get me wrong, I've been through some hardships but I got by those and I'm feeling good about where I am in life.
No coulda/shoulda/woulda here
In college and great job that allows me to travel between semesters, pay for school and support my mother
Can't ask for more
I coulda made better grades. But I'm a 24 year old teacher about to start grad school so I can't complain. This time around I'm going for cum laudestatus
Not really a I shoulda person....

I just wish I'd saved more $...Im aight but I had to hustle a lot in is what it is.

Wouldnt change *!@.
Mines simple. I wish i didnt run away from pressures in my life a few years ago.

Fulltime job, fulltime school, and fulltime girlfriend. I couldnt handle it. Waking up everyday in the morning, going to a miserable telemarketing job thatpaid well, just so i can pay for my nice car. I started drinking heavy, quit my job because i didnt want to work there any more, left my girl because shewanted to get engaged, chilled on school because i partied to much.

Im better now, i just wish i had put up a fight and figured out a better situation than just quitting everything. I would of have one more year left incollege, would of stayed with a great girl(she put up with a lot of my %*#@) And i would of still had my car that i totaled. Ehhh but what can ya do that'slife. I did gain a lot of experience from mad situations after messing up so bad. So with me being the person i am now, i wouldnt change that.
I can forsee alot of future coaches and parents in here who live their sports dreams and ambitions through their kids and teams
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I can't believe where I am right now. Never in a million years did I think it would happen.

If I could go back and change one thing.....when I was living in DC in between college and law school this pretty hot black chick was all over me at some rave type club.

We ended up hanging out and I had her back at my house, in my room, and I did nothing with her. What a sucker.

Now I'm married with a kid and another on the way and will never have a chance to be with a black chick....god damnit!
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