Jordan his Airness, says he can score 100 points in NBA today.

Jordan just mad Kobe got 81 and Jordan couldnt come close.

Pippen said Jordan could score 100 and Reggie Miller said Jordan would average 40 a game in todays NBA. I think they know more basketball than anyone on this stinkin board.
Pippen said Jordan could score 100 and Reggie Miller said Jordan would average 40 a game in todays NBA. I think they know more basketball than anyone on this stinkin board.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I REALLY wanna know why people still like Jordan. Not even like, but think he's the next coming of jesus christ.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]He's such a douche.[/color]
Yep, funny thing is that's the exact reason people hate a certain LA point guard like he physically slapped each and ever one of their mommas too.

Weird how that works huh.

Nope, it's a difference.  Kobe comes across as being fake.  [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]MJ didn't come across as being fake, even now he just comes out and says "I'd score 100".[/color]  For example, Lebron came across fake on The Decision talking about "I decided this morning". 

What the hell is a douche anyways, a jerk, a p*&^$?
Slurp slurp sluuuurrppp.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I REALLY wanna know why people still like Jordan. Not even like, but think he's the next coming of jesus christ.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]He's such a douche.[/color]
Yep, funny thing is that's the exact reason people hate a certain LA point guard like he physically slapped each and ever one of their mommas too.

Weird how that works huh.

Nope, it's a difference.  Kobe comes across as being fake.  [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]MJ didn't come across as being fake, even now he just comes out and says "I'd score 100".[/color]  For example, Lebron came across fake on The Decision talking about "I decided this morning". 

What the hell is a douche anyways, a jerk, a p*&^$?
Slurp slurp sluuuurrppp.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

You can tell its a few dudes in here that wasn't that deep into ball growing up

either that or they were born in the 90s.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

someone Tell Mike to shut the %%@@ up. *$$@% aint droppin hundred on no one. If you aint drop a hundred on Labradford Smith or Craig Ehlo just shut the %%@@ up about it

tryin to undersell what cats like Kobe, Bron & KD are doin right now.

*%*+%$ from past eras always play up their %!*@ like "o we had it so rough"

and this brand of athlete is 5 times better than 10 yrs ago.

zip it mike before you start soundin like Oscar Robertson.
Striaght up... I'm REALLY not tryna hear that %@%+. AT ALL bruh  bruh. And I don't wanna hear %@%+ from my FAVORITE BALL PLAYER OF ALL TIME (24) when Lebron starts $*#%#$# on his achievements in another 6 seasons. And then I don't wanna hear %@%+ from Lebron when Lebron Jr. is better than he ever was by the time he turns 13 and a half. That's just the way the game goes. If mike COULD have scored 100, he WOULD have. As arrogant as he was? You serious? There were no zones to pack the lane. No 5 sec. back to basket. Illegal defense rules.. etc..  The REAL truth is that it's just not enough shots for a wing player to do much more than what Bean did and there's not enough energy in the human body to drive the lane and take on 32 hacks on top of that. He didn't do it because he can't. He's selling ya'll this image of invulnerability because 2k just re-upped his legacy in a big way. But that man is human too, HE needs to quit with the "I'm SOOOO much better than everyone that's ever played" %@%+. He wouldn't be able to do it today. 3/4s of the league  has seen every move he's ever made. I guess he's not accounting for BASKETBALL IQ... I guess he forgot all his moves were damn near new to the people that were tasked with stopping them. Don't get me started..
This +%#%@ MJ is sooooooooo arrogant
. Is it the shoes?  As tough as defenses used to hack, how many of those same defenders are as mobile, as skilled, as studied, or as athletic as Dwight Howard, or Iguodala, or Lebron, or any of these other defenders that would have a say so in whether Jordan got off that100 point game? Ehlo? You serious? I could average 6 and 4 or Ehlo and I ain't played pick up ball since 06
Originally Posted by CasperJr

You can tell its a few dudes in here that wasn't that deep into ball growing up

either that or they were born in the 90s.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

someone Tell Mike to shut the %%@@ up. *$$@% aint droppin hundred on no one. If you aint drop a hundred on Labradford Smith or Craig Ehlo just shut the %%@@ up about it

tryin to undersell what cats like Kobe, Bron & KD are doin right now.

*%*+%$ from past eras always play up their %!*@ like "o we had it so rough"

and this brand of athlete is 5 times better than 10 yrs ago.

zip it mike before you start soundin like Oscar Robertson.
Striaght up... I'm REALLY not tryna hear that %@%+. AT ALL bruh  bruh. And I don't wanna hear %@%+ from my FAVORITE BALL PLAYER OF ALL TIME (24) when Lebron starts $*#%#$# on his achievements in another 6 seasons. And then I don't wanna hear %@%+ from Lebron when Lebron Jr. is better than he ever was by the time he turns 13 and a half. That's just the way the game goes. If mike COULD have scored 100, he WOULD have. As arrogant as he was? You serious? There were no zones to pack the lane. No 5 sec. back to basket. Illegal defense rules.. etc..  The REAL truth is that it's just not enough shots for a wing player to do much more than what Bean did and there's not enough energy in the human body to drive the lane and take on 32 hacks on top of that. He didn't do it because he can't. He's selling ya'll this image of invulnerability because 2k just re-upped his legacy in a big way. But that man is human too, HE needs to quit with the "I'm SOOOO much better than everyone that's ever played" %@%+. He wouldn't be able to do it today. 3/4s of the league  has seen every move he's ever made. I guess he's not accounting for BASKETBALL IQ... I guess he forgot all his moves were damn near new to the people that were tasked with stopping them. Don't get me started..
This +%#%@ MJ is sooooooooo arrogant
. Is it the shoes?  As tough as defenses used to hack, how many of those same defenders are as mobile, as skilled, as studied, or as athletic as Dwight Howard, or Iguodala, or Lebron, or any of these other defenders that would have a say so in whether Jordan got off that100 point game? Ehlo? You serious? I could average 6 and 4 or Ehlo and I ain't played pick up ball since 06
@ Kobe riders acting like it's not possibe. Jordan played in the 90 thug era basketball. C'mon I'ma Knick fan, we used to straight up just beat the ##%# out of players and Jordan still murked us.  He would have no doubt gone over 75 multiple times though.
@ Kobe riders acting like it's not possibe. Jordan played in the 90 thug era basketball. C'mon I'ma Knick fan, we used to straight up just beat the ##%# out of players and Jordan still murked us.  He would have no doubt gone over 75 multiple times though.
Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

someone Tell Mike to shut the %%@@ up. *$$@% aint droppin hundred on no one. If you aint drop a hundred on Labradford Smith or Craig Ehlo just shut the %%@@ up about it

tryin to undersell what cats like Kobe, Bron & KD are doin right now.

*%*+%$ from past eras always play up their %!*@ like "o we had it so rough"

and this brand of athlete is 5 times better than 10 yrs ago.

zip it mike before you start soundin like Oscar Robertson.
Striaght up... I'm REALLY not tryna hear that %@%+. AT ALL bruh  bruh. And I don't wanna hear %@%+ from my FAVORITE BALL PLAYER OF ALL TIME (24) when Lebron starts $*#%#$# on his achievements in another 6 seasons. And then I don't wanna hear %@%+ from Lebron when Lebron Jr. is better than he ever was by the time he turns 13 and a half. That's just the way the game goes. If mike COULD have scored 100, he WOULD have. As arrogant as he was? You serious? There were no zones to pack the lane. No 5 sec. back to basket. Illegal defense rules.. etc..  The REAL truth is that it's just not enough shots for a wing player to do much more than what Bean did and there's not enough energy in the human body to drive the lane and take on 32 hacks on top of that. He didn't do it because he can't. He's selling ya'll this image of invulnerability because 2k just re-upped his legacy in a big way. But that man is human too, HE needs to quit with the "I'm SOOOO much better than everyone that's ever played" %@%+. He wouldn't be able to do it today. 3/4s of the league  has seen every move he's ever made. I guess he's not accounting for BASKETBALL IQ... I guess he forgot all his moves were damn near new to the people that were tasked with stopping them. Don't get me started..
This +%#%@ MJ is sooooooooo arrogant
. Is it the shoes?  As tough as defenses used to hack, how many of those same defenders are as mobile, as skilled, as studied, or as athletic as Dwight Howard, or Iguodala, or Lebron, or any of these other defenders that would have a say so in whether Jordan got off that100 point game? Ehlo? You serious? I could average 6 and 4 or Ehlo and I ain't played pick up ball since 06


you are REALLY questioning his b-ball IQ?   This is the same guy who dropped 51 points as a 38 YEAR OLD.  Look at his tenure w. the Wizards.  He was a shell of his former self athletically, but he was STILL a dominant player in his late-30's.  You don't average 21/5/5 at 38/39 years old if you aren't SMARTER than everyone you're going up against. 
AMP, I could see folk dropping a FEW 75 pointers...maybe as high as 87 or 90 but there's 25 whole'nother points between 75 and 100. 100 is a HELLUVALOTTA points. Do people realize there are whole teams that don't score 100 points a game? Do people realize that the Celts and spurs don't ALLOW 100 points again from any particular 12 man roster all that often?

Pippen said Jordan could score 100 and Reggie Miller said Jordan would average 40 a game in todays NBA. I think they know more basketball than anyone on this stinkin board.
And so neither of those seem like unreliably biased opinions to you? I mean on one hand, you got fellow justice league member Pippen. and on the other you got Mike's Lex Luthor. You don't think both Batman and Lex Luthor have a higher level of respect for Superman than a non biased source?  I'm sure he could average 40 on an empty team. But does that even count? So could Carmello...
Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

someone Tell Mike to shut the %%@@ up. *$$@% aint droppin hundred on no one. If you aint drop a hundred on Labradford Smith or Craig Ehlo just shut the %%@@ up about it

tryin to undersell what cats like Kobe, Bron & KD are doin right now.

*%*+%$ from past eras always play up their %!*@ like "o we had it so rough"

and this brand of athlete is 5 times better than 10 yrs ago.

zip it mike before you start soundin like Oscar Robertson.
Striaght up... I'm REALLY not tryna hear that %@%+. AT ALL bruh  bruh. And I don't wanna hear %@%+ from my FAVORITE BALL PLAYER OF ALL TIME (24) when Lebron starts $*#%#$# on his achievements in another 6 seasons. And then I don't wanna hear %@%+ from Lebron when Lebron Jr. is better than he ever was by the time he turns 13 and a half. That's just the way the game goes. If mike COULD have scored 100, he WOULD have. As arrogant as he was? You serious? There were no zones to pack the lane. No 5 sec. back to basket. Illegal defense rules.. etc..  The REAL truth is that it's just not enough shots for a wing player to do much more than what Bean did and there's not enough energy in the human body to drive the lane and take on 32 hacks on top of that. He didn't do it because he can't. He's selling ya'll this image of invulnerability because 2k just re-upped his legacy in a big way. But that man is human too, HE needs to quit with the "I'm SOOOO much better than everyone that's ever played" %@%+. He wouldn't be able to do it today. 3/4s of the league  has seen every move he's ever made. I guess he's not accounting for BASKETBALL IQ... I guess he forgot all his moves were damn near new to the people that were tasked with stopping them. Don't get me started..
This +%#%@ MJ is sooooooooo arrogant
. Is it the shoes?  As tough as defenses used to hack, how many of those same defenders are as mobile, as skilled, as studied, or as athletic as Dwight Howard, or Iguodala, or Lebron, or any of these other defenders that would have a say so in whether Jordan got off that100 point game? Ehlo? You serious? I could average 6 and 4 or Ehlo and I ain't played pick up ball since 06


you are REALLY questioning his b-ball IQ?   This is the same guy who dropped 51 points as a 38 YEAR OLD.  Look at his tenure w. the Wizards.  He was a shell of his former self athletically, but he was STILL a dominant player in his late-30's.  You don't average 21/5/5 at 38/39 years old if you aren't SMARTER than everyone you're going up against. 
AMP, I could see folk dropping a FEW 75 pointers...maybe as high as 87 or 90 but there's 25 whole'nother points between 75 and 100. 100 is a HELLUVALOTTA points. Do people realize there are whole teams that don't score 100 points a game? Do people realize that the Celts and spurs don't ALLOW 100 points again from any particular 12 man roster all that often?

Pippen said Jordan could score 100 and Reggie Miller said Jordan would average 40 a game in todays NBA. I think they know more basketball than anyone on this stinkin board.
And so neither of those seem like unreliably biased opinions to you? I mean on one hand, you got fellow justice league member Pippen. and on the other you got Mike's Lex Luthor. You don't think both Batman and Lex Luthor have a higher level of respect for Superman than a non biased source?  I'm sure he could average 40 on an empty team. But does that even count? So could Carmello...
Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

you are REALLY questioning his b-ball IQ?   This is the same guy who dropped 51 points as a 38 YEAR OLD.  Look at his tenure w. the Wizards.  He was a shell of his former self athletically, but he was STILL a dominant player in his late-30's.  You don't average 21/5/5 at 38/39 years old if you aren't SMARTER than everyone you're going up against. 

Read it again.

My bad, lie...I read ur quote like 4-5 times and I couldn't figure out if you were for or against...hahahahhaa

*still confused*
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

you are REALLY questioning his b-ball IQ?   This is the same guy who dropped 51 points as a 38 YEAR OLD.  Look at his tenure w. the Wizards.  He was a shell of his former self athletically, but he was STILL a dominant player in his late-30's.  You don't average 21/5/5 at 38/39 years old if you aren't SMARTER than everyone you're going up against. 

Read it again.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

you are REALLY questioning his b-ball IQ?   This is the same guy who dropped 51 points as a 38 YEAR OLD.  Look at his tenure w. the Wizards.  He was a shell of his former self athletically, but he was STILL a dominant player in his late-30's.  You don't average 21/5/5 at 38/39 years old if you aren't SMARTER than everyone you're going up against. 

Read it again.
Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

you are REALLY questioning his b-ball IQ?   This is the same guy who dropped 51 points as a 38 YEAR OLD.  Look at his tenure w. the Wizards.  He was a shell of his former self athletically, but he was STILL a dominant player in his late-30's.  You don't average 21/5/5 at 38/39 years old if you aren't SMARTER than everyone you're going up against. 

Read it again.

My bad, lie...I read ur quote like 4-5 times and I couldn't figure out if you were for or against...hahahahhaa

*still confused*
I was just saying that the game is smarter...

Hell, Elgin Baylor beget The Doc beget His Airness beget Mamba beget the Queen....

People get so nostalgic that they can't move past the past. The game keeps pace though. It gets smarter. It builds on what's come before. Jordan is looking around the league and feeling dominant when it's actually kinda funny how many chinks in his armor he really had as an older player. Just the way that AI broke him down in 96. It says more than people readily admit. In just one play, we saw something epic. The way he failed to even almost guard that kid was like watching the death of late 80's ball as it crashed head first into 1996. Sure it's just one play, but that's the way the game is played these days. Jordan's a fool to think 1991 basketball is better than 2010 basketball. That doesn't even make evolutionary sense scientifically. That's why I brought up IQ.. the game has evolved. Just ask the 20 or so GOOD guards in the League about the 4 or 5 GOOD bigs. Fair enough?
I was just saying that the game is smarter...

Hell, Elgin Baylor beget The Doc beget His Airness beget Mamba beget the Queen....

People get so nostalgic that they can't move past the past. The game keeps pace though. It gets smarter. It builds on what's come before. Jordan is looking around the league and feeling dominant when it's actually kinda funny how many chinks in his armor he really had as an older player. Just the way that AI broke him down in 96. It says more than people readily admit. In just one play, we saw something epic. The way he failed to even almost guard that kid was like watching the death of late 80's ball as it crashed head first into 1996. Sure it's just one play, but that's the way the game is played these days. Jordan's a fool to think 1991 basketball is better than 2010 basketball. That doesn't even make evolutionary sense scientifically. That's why I brought up IQ.. the game has evolved. Just ask the 20 or so GOOD guards in the League about the 4 or 5 GOOD bigs. Fair enough?
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