mods pls lock.

Aug 7, 2006
Hey NT-

This girl was cheating on her boyfriend with me for a couple months, then she dropped me, ended our friendship & went back "full-time" with him. I'm 99% sure he doesn't know about me.

I probably should let it go, but she showed no compassion whatsoever, leaving when a couple people close to me died & my dad got cancer- not once did she even ask how he was doing. She I & were good friends before we got involved, so it left me pretty heated how she just disappeared.

Anyway, she's about to move in with the boyfriend for a month before she does some traveling. I was thinking of writing him an email to tip him off- I'd include a couple emails and pictures (nothing X rated, tho) to confirm my story.

Is this a good idea? I'm at a small school with this girl for the next 2 years, but we have no mutual friends. Should I just let it go & hope karma takes care of her? When I made a small misstep in our relationship, she said "all actions have consequences." Is it time to return the favor?

On the left beasts
damn all that


GO FOR IT, she did you dirty now do her dirty..............females do it all the time.

Be the better person and let it go. Just go out and find someone better.
...sounds like you didn't know you were her jumpoff

so if you want to act like a spiteful jumpoff...take revenge.
Dude man up and move on, you sound like teenager girl talking about revenge
She was cheating on her bf with you, and you expected her to show compassion?
If she returned to her bf, she did so because her feelings toward you were either
solely sexual, or because she loved him more.

Regardless, realize that the relationship you guys had wasn't really..authentic.
When you mess with a committed chick you should recognize that.

This plan for revenge is EXTRA feminine, guys shouldn't be the ones that start drama.
Swallow whatever feelings you had, and whatever feelings she hurt, and move on.
Forget her, get a new chick. Not for karma, but for preservation of your manhood...
I think you just let it go, you never know who you're goin to fall for next and what she might tell that girl ... Always want people to have good things to say about you
I say just leave it man. Nothing but a whole lot of drama will follow and no one wants that.

Shell get !#%$%$ over eventually.
Let it go....if you were her man THEN you could PM me the pics....but move on bro...
jumpoff just doesnt sound right to me when referrin to a dude

he was her side man........but like dude said they was friends before things even got poppin

OP might be feelin some sorta way but I can understand why he a lil salty.
If you believe in karma then why would you go and do that? You don't think karma will come back around and bite you in the #$$ one day for doing what you did? Why don't you move on like she has?

I don't understand people who need to exact revenge and make themselves look worse than they already do.
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