mods pls lock.

How good of friends were you two? Friends since HS or she was feeling you and you put her in the FZ till you wanted her? Either way revenge is a bit h move especially when you knew she had a man regardless what she was telling you. If she didn't want to be with him she wouldn't have been with him.
Let it go. You were in the wrong anyway for cheating with her knowing she had a bf. Sorry to hear about the losses and your dad, but karma will take care of her.
You squeezed off a couple nuts so keep it moving you sound like a female. Stop being so sensitive you are not her boyfriend.
Originally Posted by WJG23G

Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

If you are the side $*!% then you better act like the side $*!%. It isn't her fault you caught feelings.

Now if you didnt elaborate fully and you BOTH caught feelings and she was telling you a bunch of @@%%##*# lies about how she loves you or eventually wants to be with you and then just bounced on you? Ok I can see you getting teary eyed, but never cross that %@$%* line. Let karma get her.
bolded part was my situation. i met the family several times, all the friends in this area (boyfriend is in new york).

I will just let it go though. Although we began as friends, she started to come on to me strongly & it took me a while to return interest (I was pursueing other opportunities). I caught feelings, and she left me high & dry when I was having tough times. So, it just really pissed me off. But I've seen the light and understand what the situation really was. I just happen to love getting even haha.

That being said, I'll just take the L and keep it moving. Enjoyed some of the comments in here though, NT always humorous


It's not really a L fam. +!$$ happens, just move on to the next one or stay single and smash her homies ayyyyyyyyye lol

 I'm sort of in that situation right now too. Although she keeps telling me she doesn't have a boyfriend anymore, I know she does. I'm coo with her mom and her close friends and all that crap. We both didnt want anything serious from the jump but then we both caught feelings. I try telling her **! if I'm the side @$%#! make it clear, but she obviously has some sort of hidden agenda with me. Which is why I chose to fall back and get my mackin' back in perspective and now I'm playing the role I was playing in the beginning
Originally Posted by WJG23G

She I & were good friends before we got involved, so it left me pretty heated how she just disappeared. 
you thought you were good friends but she was jus warming you up to be the j.o.
dont be spiteful bro
thats a female trait and a 'o move
Did you Smash?? If so, than you've already won. Lucky your not her New York boyfriend. Now he has something to be upset about. Btw if revenge is what you want, Smash her friends lol always works for me and Feels good too lol
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