My greatest jordan story

Originally Posted by mattg

i think some people aren't reading right. i don't think op was saying he stopped talking to his grandpa because he didn't buy him the jordans, he said his mom told him why it was she never wanted him to have a relationship with him, which he said was a personal reason and never mentioned. in the first letter his grandpa sent to him to try console their relationship, he went off on him about probably those personal reasons perhaps his grandpa wasn't a very good person or something, and then also mentioned the jordans, which yeah imo is kinda petty. anyway just clearing up to those people that think the whole beef was just about the shoes. that is a pretty messed up story though.
dude was a child molester, that does change a lot of things, but *@@+ what a crazy story. thats book material.

but OP was salty for not gettin the kicks.
some of you stop putting hateful comments towards him. Obviously you don't know what his grandfather did (neither do I), but it had to be serious. I feelbad if you never got to say anything to him before he hung himself. Once I read that part, my heart literally sank. It still is and I might night get a goodsleep over this story cuz it is so sad. Be sure to treasure those with your life and RIP to your grandfather.
Always be grateful for what you have people
Originally Posted by jwalker123

Originally Posted by Baby Jumpman

Really, you got a package in the mail on December 21, 2009 really? But we don't wanna hear about a story like this.
are you the time traveler ? if so can you cop me the white and red 12 ill spot u
Lol and anyways yeah this is too much why even bother with this? Kinda mest up and even though he was a child molester RIP
Forget what he was... this isn't about him. This is about you treating him like $hit without any knowledge of what he'd done. He apologized. Perhaps herid himself of those demons. You call someone "cheap" because they won't buy YOU something? What does that say about you? Boy, if you were my kidI'd smack the living $hit out of you.
wow...i cant beleive this...why write about this? this should be locked up and erased...NT has come to this forreal?

more worried about the j's than his passing...totally selfish brat...
Originally Posted by psypha

wow...i cant beleive this...why write about this? this should be locked up and erased...NT has come to this forreal?

more worried about the j's than his passing...totally selfish brat...

word man. this forum is horrible
To the OP, your just a selfish brat, to me family is family f@ck shoes family is was more valuable then any pair of shoes. It dont matter what your grampa didin the past he apologized for it and even asked for your forgiveness.Now you gotta live with how you left things when he died. RIP gramps
and to the OP watch out for that Karma
Sounds like a very fabricated story but if its true you will carry this with you for the rest of you life. If you can sleep ok at night shame on you bro. I dounderstand why you were mad, dont know if he molested your mom or what is so any of us would be mad about that I can empathize with that part.
You just fuk3d up my high bro...GOod for you! You better keep those sneakers till you die.
Originally Posted by jwalker123

Originally Posted by Baby Jumpman

Really, you got a package in the mail on December 21, 2009 really? But we don't wanna hear about a story like this.
are you the time traveler ? if so can you cop me the white and red 12 ill spot u
Anyways, why would you put a story out like this foreveryone to read....that is personal stuff!
Nobody wants to read stuff like that....
I'm so sad.... that I've spent the last 5 minutes reading ur story. I was expecting a cool/happy story. now....... I wanna go hang my self. justkidding
dude is lying. no one in their right mind would post a story like this. i am calling B.S.
I wonder if he had just bought the shoes in the first place, would he still be alive today.
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