My greatest jordan story

You know how lucky you are for even meeting your grandpa? Mine died when I was 1 1/2 years old but I wish I could of been close to him.
Your crying because he didnt buy you some shoes !+!. You made him beg for you to forgive him wow your a spoil little brat that saying a
the greatest jordan story is you grandpa didnt buy you some shoes and you went off on him. Then he gave you some shoes and you
still went off on him and then he killed himself.
Originally Posted by Jhon

wow, your a terrible person, really you are.

EDIT: Sorry to be so blunt, but *****ing at your grandfather over sneakers? Saying unpleasent words to your grandfather even after he had asked for your forgiveness. thats sad really, i mean i feel bad for your loss but come one dude.
this dude speak the truth

If anything, you were the person that should have hung yourself SMH

I hope you left out some details, but from all the info in this thread, you are a terrible person
So all I got out of this....

-You're a spoiled, selfish, brat
-You want some kind of sympathy out of this post, you will get none from me

And on further note, why is this still open? We have half decent posts that get locked cuz they aren't "JB enough", but then we have a storyabout a selfish kids grandfather hanging himself? Really?
The trolls just seem to crop up more and more lately. I honestly think people sit at the keyboard and think what story can I make up.

IF the story is real and thats a big IF, then OP is a moron. What grandpa knows about J's? and did it ever occur to you that he was trying to teach you alesson rather than just get you anything you wanted anytime you wanted?

u gotta be too young to understand what life is all about. I cant believe anybody could make this story up in there head. I say 12 or 13 years of age for theop.
wow. you seriously have had to be a spoiled @#$% for crying over some 20s and begging your grandpa who you barely knew to buy them for you
this is not a great story at all cuz you obviously care about some weak shoes than you're own grandpa
this is to personal man. you should not have told us this. and it is not worth trying to tell a story like this over shoes. i expected a touching ending notthis confusion.
what in the world just can you post this and expect people to appreciate your story. what part of it was supposed to be touching?!?!!?!?!??!

are you seriously brain-dead
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