Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

Rumor of the day...12 gb of ram and a gpu clock upgrade in the retail X1 version
As rumors are continually made about a change in the final specs on the Xbox One we have now heard rumors from a member on the website Beyond3D that Microsoft is actually asking developers about an increased GPU upclock and a increase in total DDR3 RAM to 12GB.

Plus, I did say it was a rumour so neither the upclock or RAM increase are confirmed. And it’s not just that the veracity of the rumour isn’t confirmed, but that the rumour itself does not claim MS are definitely increasing the clocks or RAM.

Apparently, the story apparently is that MS has gone to devs for feedback on a few different things, two of them being an increased GPU clock and an increase to 12 GB of RAM (another thing on the list was storage for ‘tombstoning’ - I’m guessing flash cache)

Devs have to list which spec changes they prefer in order of importance. So nothing is confirmed as of yet, just options MS is getting feedback on.

However, I do have someone else telling me (also from a dev source) that we shouldn’t be surprised to see 12GB of RAM in the final box and that it isn’t as hard for MS to do as we think.

This is not the only rumblings that the final hardware specs are still up in the air for the Xbox One apparently Engadget was able to get a inside look at Xbox One development a few days before the Xbox reveal which is around the same time beta devkits were sent out. In the picture above you'll notice many variations of hardware design leading to the idea that these might also contain different variations on internals that are still being tested even days before the reveal.

The chamber is full of hundreds of variations of prototype Xbox hardware — today, it’s set to very cold — and is vital in determining how the Xbox One stands up to extreme thermal conditions. With laughs all around, he’s freed from the icy, zebra-filled prison. Surprising no one, the various beta kits of the console itself, the controller and the new Kinect all sport zebra-pattern tape to hide their shape (as rumored).


It is all still speculation but the fact that we are getting information from good sources that the final specs of this device are still up in the air is a good sign that we still know little about what will ultimatley end up being inside our Xbox One's at launch.

As of right now current Xbox One devkits are running with 12 GB of RAM and the reason for the idea behind a upclock is that the Xbox One is running cooler or using less power than was planned and they can now allow for a stable upclock. This is only speculation on why this rumor could end up being true and backing up what the insider sources have said, as a reminder the Xbox 360 originally was being built with 256 MB of RAM but late in the development Microsoft decided to use the 512 MB of RAM from devkits.
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that stuff is just a dumb rumor. Theres no way they could implement something like that so late, unless they had already been messin around with it for a while.
I kinda feel like Im probably 1 of the only people here thats excited about the kinect 2. Theres literally only 1 game I play on my wii and thats wii sports ( only bowling and golf). I love playing those games but I always felt that no matter how I moved by body, id probably still do well. But now with this new kinect, I ould find myself spending a ton of time playing bowling online against people and having your form actually matter.

And itd be great if they added in a comprehensive golf game somewhere along the line that follows your body etc. Now before people say,' But you can do those things in real life"... True, but that **** costs money to do. Especially golfing
the very first comment :rofl:

John whatzittoya SONYVILLE, WY about 14 hours ago Liked 44
ill sign to help ps4 so we have no stupid people on the same console as me.
I think that I should ask this here since this is the more frequently updated Xbox thread.

I just got an Xbox 360 S after having my original white 360 for about 5 years now. I'm trying to transfer all of the files I had on my original xbox to the new ones through my USB since I don't have a transfer cable. When I put the desired files I want to transfer on my USB, sometimes it says that it can't be transferred between profiles.

What the hell does that mean?
I think that I should ask this here since this is the more frequently updated Xbox thread.

I just got an Xbox 360 S after having my original white 360 for about 5 years now. I'm trying to transfer all of the files I had on my original xbox to the new ones through my USB since I don't have a transfer cable. When I put the desired files I want to transfer on my USB, sometimes it says that it can't be transferred between profiles.

What the hell does that mean?

Im assuming you are talking about downloaded content. In which case you could just retrieve your gamertag on your new xbox and redownload the stuff
I kinda feel like Im probably 1 of the only people here thats excited about the kinect 2. Theres literally only 1 game I play on my wii and thats wii sports ( only bowling and golf). I love playing those games but I always felt that no matter how I moved by body, id probably still do well. But now with this new kinect, I ould find myself spending a ton of time playing bowling online against people and having your form actually matter.

And itd be great if they added in a comprehensive golf game somewhere along the line that follows your body etc. Now before people say,' But you can do those things in real life"... True, but that **** costs money to do. Especially golfing

You're not the only one. I use my kinect everyday
Ign posted new videos of killer instinct with galcious gameplay can we get an official killer instinct thread???? Like I plan on getting a ps4 but that ki make me wanna get a xbone
game is cool.  Checked it out at EVO this weekend.  But i'm buns with a joystick, only really ever played KI on a SNES controller
game is cool.  Checked it out at EVO this weekend.  But i'm buns with a joystick, only really ever played KI on a SNES controller
Never played with a joystick only controller
Who did u play with at EVO
my buddies and random people... they 8 gameplay stations set up, and one on stage with big screens set up.

Played with that occulus too, that was pretty 
.  Game was pretty basic, hack and slash, but you can look left, right, up, and down.  It was pretty cool
Ign posted new videos of killer instinct with galcious gameplay can we get an official killer instinct thread???? Like I plan on getting a ps4 but that ki make me wanna get a xbone

I just watched the vid of Glacius.

I don't really like the new look but he seems dope... and VERY cheap :lol:

With the right person controlling him... it's a WRAP.

:pimp: Jago is ill though.

:smh: That 84 hit combo vid...
Ign posted new videos of killer instinct with galcious gameplay can we get an official killer instinct thread???? Like I plan on getting a ps4 but that ki make me wanna get a xbone

I just watched the vid of Glacius.

I don't really like the new look but he seems dope... and VERY cheap :lol:

With the right person controlling him... it's a WRAP.

:pimp: Jago is ill though.

:smh: That 84 hit combo vid...

thats the thing, you need the right person. I saw first time players with him and they got destroyed.

sidenote: Honestly, comparing first party launch titles, Sony shouldve brought a better offering than what they have compared to MS. I mean, KI imo trumps all of Sony's launch titles, including Killzone
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Obvious throwaway account. I won't be providing any proof or confirming/disproving rumors or anything that may give my identity away. Which is why I'm doing this in this subreddit. Believe what you will on what I say.

As an Xbox One OS dev, my brethens and I live and breath this stuff. We're salaried but anyone putting in 60hrs/week is nothing to brag about. Pull an all nighter from time to time, we feel good and give each other high fives. We take pride in our work and still have high hopes for what's yet to come. That being said, it's not like we don't read around the internet on what everyone is saying about the Xbox One, our policies, and our company. We do take the time to think about our policies, re-evaluate, and re-confirm that we're making logical and well thought out decisions. Honestly, a lot of us don't care about the bickering that's going on everywhere and all the time about which console is better. Personally, I just care about delivering the Xbox One with a quality bar that gamers deserve, that we deserve, because we're going to be playing this console too. I'm going to be putting one in my living room and enjoy the hell out of what this amazing piece of tech has to offer.

I'm doing this AMA because when I joined this subreddit, it was to see what reasons do people who agree with our vision give to support their choice. What games are people excited about? What innovative ways can people come up with to use the Kinect that we haven't thought of? Of course, to see people cheer for the product that I live my life in. More often than not, what I see are people who don't support the Xbox One spreading false information, albeit unintentionally. People talking like they're an expert on this stuff and but having not a single clue. This leads to the Xbox One fans frantically defending Microsoft and/or its policies, sometimes with more false information due to the mess of a job we did at revealing the console. Some of the reasons people voice against the Xbox One, I really don't understand. Maybe it's because I work so closely to the console, I know exactly how it works and why certain things are simply ridiculous. I don't know.

So ask me almost anything. If I don't reply, it most likely means to fully answer you I'll have to break NDA.

Edit: Exchanged proof to mods for custom flair.

Edit: As some one pointed out to me I should be more clear about my intent for being here. There's no way I can answer some of these questions without someone else on the team reading it and saying, "I know exactly who this guy is." All I can offer is insight on our culture, the way we think, and what why we implemented some of our policies.

Edit: Thank you all for coming here. Sorry I couldn't get to a lot of you as there are just too many questions. That and I really can't answer a lot of these. Though this ama I think now looks like a giant handbook of questions the public is interested in knowing as well as which topics are people more unclear on by show of the debates. Be assured the entire team will continue to work hard during this final stretch. Our goal is to deliver the XBox One with one of the best experiences you will ever enjoy.
Told yall it was real
[–]slamatron 23 points
1 dayago
Was the family sharing how everyone imagined it to be like (sharing games with 10 people only 2 game play one at the same time) or was it glorified demos ?


[–]XboxOneDevConfirmed XB1 Dev[S] 63 points
1 dayago
It was for full games. Can't comment too much on this but its purpose was to eliminate the need to ever have to physically hand someone a game that you bought to share with them.
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