Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

Can we get the title updated with the release date, Nov 22nd?

Bank acct gone be hurting after those two weeks
OP hasn't posted since April 24th.

Maybe someone should start an official Xbone thread?
It'll be my honor.
15 minutes of new Watch Dogs gameplay. Multiplayer looks amazing. This looks like it will give The Last Of Us and GTA5 a run for their money as GOTY
thing is watchdog is bringing a new concept idea and overall new experience to open world free for all shoot em ups... In saying this it wont be a huge hit... cause as history has shown ppl want the same ole same why despite a small change here and there cod games still sell like hot cakes...gta so on and so forth.
I don't even want to know how much you guys have spent on batteries in the last couple years.
I personally prefer wired.

Best believe no one using MY batteries. BYOB.
cosign...what is everyone living in mansions now... I mean what are ppl doing running from room to room while in the middle of the game. I could even see back in the day where majority of homes had one good/nice tv and you had to worry about foot traffic. But I mean if you in a room/bedroom etc... how often do ppl come running infront of the game and passing back and forth over a cord? If you got a dog... um put him outside or in another room... I mean what does the dog help with gameplay, give tips.

Also multi-controllers is dumb considering the direction most games are going with multi-player being exclusively to online... Plus outside of Nintendo/wii how often do the other game makers make games for 4+ players at once...that don't include a ridiculous split screen...hell how many ppl actually have multiple players/ppl at they house to justify owning multiple controllers that go for 50+ a pop?
15 minutes of new Watch Dogs gameplay. Multiplayer looks amazing. This looks like it will give The Last Of Us and GTA5 a run for their money as GOTY
thing is watchdog is bringing a new concept idea and overall new experience to open world free for all shoot em ups... In saying this it wont be a huge hit... cause as history has shown ppl want the same ole same why despite a small change here and there cod games still sell like hot cakes...gta so on and so forth.

You've started more antagonistic exchanges with others than they have with you.
I would love to see evidence to this claim.
Then you want to play the victim when someone responds to you with the same tone. 
What tone do my posts convey? I'm a chill dude. Most of my posts are of chill nature.

I'm going to go ahead and block you now to avoid any further interactions. I hope you do the same for me.
That's ironic.
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