NT This Female I work with owes me money...What Should I do?

Just move on OP. You still made $200...don't worry about her pigeon-like behavior. Your book smart that much can be seen but what you gained from this little transactions is street smarts. Next time she comes with something your way...which she probably will if you've gotten her a good grade...get 75% of the money upfront or however much you can. The better you did on the paper the more room you have to negotiate.

You might feel like doing her dirty but that's because she's doing callous things in your face. Just be glad you got $200 for some minuscule amount of work and use it wisely.
SIDENOTE: I ended up going home that night and looking at the e-mail chain and realizing what happened was that her inbox bounced the e-mail back for some reason
You obviously didnt get it to her that night if it bounced back... thats your fault man. not the fault of her email client and she doesnt owe you that extra 100.

problem solved. apoligize to her and you'll be good.
Originally Posted by NuJerzLoyalty

"So you just gonna strut that Bebe bag in front of me huh? You really got the audacity to comment on copping matching shoes huh? You really gonna live your life like you don't owe me an extra c-note huh? "


Originally Posted by S1dney Deane

My suggestion is to get her to wear that dress and spill some red wine or fruit punch on it...better yet find a way to bleach her dress...
i personally would go with option 2. The look on her face will be priceless.
Either way, dont let that @+%! slide.
Yall must be eating good to let that $*!@$ slide easy with that $100.
Tell the professor. You have nothing to lose. She does though. Chalk up the buck too because you're not getting it either way
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I am very interested to know how this will end.
@ some of these replies. Technically she did not receive it that night, so you just have consider where she's coming from and on top of that, it wasn't completed "that night". You should've just taken the 200 and not said anything. Son, if you snitch, I can here it now

*chick sobbing at work with everyone standing around her asking why she's crying*
"[your name here] got me kicked out of school!!!"
Meanwhile everyone at work will be giving you the gas face and you'll be sitting there looking like Mark Zuckerburg when Eduardo found out that his share was cut to .0008%. In a nutshell, you'll look MAD weak after doing that, yo.

All of the drama associated is not worth 100 bux fam. But like NT said posting pics is the best revenge at this point.
Originally Posted by Loyal Flyness

BRO she paid you....you turned it in the next day technically, it's obvious you're the push over type, you got bossed by a dumb chick.
lol at my NT bretheren.

di que post pics so we can make fun of her.

new code for fap to huh.

but cereal post pics
Originally Posted by Loyal Flyness

BRO she paid you....you turned it in the next day technically, it's obvious you're the push over type, you got bossed by a dumb chick.

Oh ok.

Edit: I work with her so no pics. Sorry bros
judging by your story, the e-mail didn't make it to her inbox on time because it was bounced back, so technically, she's not on the hook for that extra 100. maybe she had her e-mail full on purpose to insure that she wouldn't have to pay the whole 300.. either way it doesn't sound like that money is coming to you.
Originally Posted by youngj00

Originally Posted by Loyal Flyness

BRO she paid you....you turned it in the next day technically, it's obvious you're the push over type, you got bossed by a dumb chick.
she said she needed it by 10 am the next morning and he got it done and sent at 3:30 am... saying you need it that night because you need it at 10 am makes no sense. he got it to her before 10 am, she still owes him 100. he's never gonna get paid and he's not gonna do anything about it anyways.

Originally Posted by do work son

Originally Posted by youngj00

Originally Posted by Loyal Flyness

BRO she paid you....you turned it in the next day technically, it's obvious you're the push over type, you got bossed by a dumb chick.
she said she needed it by 10 am the next morning and he got it done and sent at 3:30 am... saying you need it that night because you need it at 10 am makes no sense. he got it to her before 10 am, she still owes him 100. he's never gonna get paid and he's not gonna do anything about it anyways.

ACTUALLY, she said $300 if he were to complete the essay that same night, which would mean by 11:59:59 PM.
He finished it and sent it to her at 3:30 AM Saturday morning. That means that she only owes him $200 for it.

However, if OP was smart, he wouldn't have allowed her to set that ultimatum (finish by midnight or lose out on an extra $100), and would have straight up TOLD her that it's $300. No 'or's, no 'if's. $300. No alternatives. Better yet, $300 or I'll expose you for cheating, AND have that @#$ beat.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I am very interested to know how this will end.
@ some of these replies. Technically she did not receive it that night, so you just have consider where she's coming from and on top of that, it wasn't completed "that night". You should've just taken the 200 and not said anything. Son, if you snitch, I can here it now

*chick sobbing at work with everyone standing around her asking why she's crying*
"[your name here] got me kicked out of school!!!"
Meanwhile everyone at work will be giving you the gas face and you'll be sitting there looking like Mark Zuckerburg when Eduardo found out that his share was cut to .0008%. In a nutshell, you'll look MAD weak after doing that, yo.

All of the drama associated is not worth 100 bux fam. But like NT said posting pics is the best revenge at this point.
I don't know why but this had me
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

just take the L

its a hundred dollars...

you got off cheap...cost you $100 to get rid of her

This.It's a hundred bucks. And since you didn't finish it that night, I don't see why she would have to pay you the full amount. Getting this girl expelled over 100 dollars is petty.
Originally Posted by Gordonson

Originally Posted by do work son

Originally Posted by youngj00
she said she needed it by 10 am the next morning and he got it done and sent at 3:30 am... saying you need it that night because you need it at 10 am makes no sense. he got it to her before 10 am, she still owes him 100. he's never gonna get paid and he's not gonna do anything about it anyways.

ACTUALLY, she said $300 if he were to complete the essay that same night, which would mean by 11:59:59 PM.
He finished it and sent it to her at 3:30 AM Saturday morning. That means that she only owes him $200 for it.

However, if OP was smart, he wouldn't have allowed her to set that ultimatum (finish by midnight or lose out on an extra $100), and would have straight up TOLD her that it's $300. No 'or's, no 'if's. $300. No alternatives. Better yet, $300 or I'll expose you for cheating, AND have that @#$ beat.

technically yes. but realistically if she needed it by 10 am the next morning why would it matter if it was done by midnight or not? unless she had planned on turning it in by midnight, in which case wouldn't she tell him she needs to turn it in by midnight and not 10 am the next day?

like i said, OP is not gonna do anything and just take the L. so all of this is irrelevant
Nt is hilarious anyone seriously telling you to snitch that is a b move just let it go. We not talking about some chick running her mouth disrespecting you, or clowning you. You both weren't clear on the details. You made good cash off her, so let it go and you will probably get to smash later.
Originally Posted by do work son

Originally Posted by Gordonson

Originally Posted by do work son

she said she needed it by 10 am the next morning and he got it done and sent at 3:30 am... saying you need it that night because you need it at 10 am makes no sense. he got it to her before 10 am, she still owes him 100. he's never gonna get paid and he's not gonna do anything about it anyways.

ACTUALLY, she said $300 if he were to complete the essay that same night, which would mean by 11:59:59 PM.
He finished it and sent it to her at 3:30 AM Saturday morning. That means that she only owes him $200 for it.

However, if OP was smart, he wouldn't have allowed her to set that ultimatum (finish by midnight or lose out on an extra $100), and would have straight up TOLD her that it's $300. No 'or's, no 'if's. $300. No alternatives. Better yet, $300 or I'll expose you for cheating, AND have that @#$ beat.

technically yes. but realistically if she needed it by 10 am the next morning why would it matter if it was done by midnight or not? unless she had planned on turning it in by midnight, in which case wouldn't she tell him she needs to turn it in by midnight and not 10 am the next day?

like i said, OP is not gonna do anything and just take the L. so all of this is irrelevant
maybe she wanted to read over it or make some revisions? all that matters is she said 300$ if he gets it to her that night, or 200$ by the next day.....he didnt get it done that night so idk why he was expecting 300$
lol ya'll some cinderella cats talking about 12:00 midnight. MIDNIGHT means the middle of the night.

Theres a deifference between time as in the number concept and time as in day and night brosephs.

Ya'll dudes thinkin last call at the bar is 11:45 cuz the night's about to end?
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol ya'll some cinderella cats talking about 12:00 midnight. MIDNIGHT means the middle of the night.

Theres a deifference between time as in the number concept and time as in day and night brosephs.

Ya'll dudes thinkin last call at the bar is 11:45 cuz the night's about to end?
are u thinking that most people who have work the next day are gonna be up at 3:30 am? 
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