NT, what is the biggest loss you've ever taken?

I chose to go to community college with my friend instead of going to a 4-year university right after high school. Friend got a late letter of admissions and left, and I was stuck in community college for 5 years. I'm just about to transfer this coming fall. Feels Batman but I gotta keep it pushin'
Dat ain't no "friend" next he's gonna get u to b his dj
my ex stole 800 bucks from me.

my ex cousin broke into my house and stole my ps3 , a few pairs of shoes, my car stereo , and a little less then a half o of some bomb. 
got scammed for $600 from a charge back on paypal.

sold a digital item (when i use to play WoW :lol: ). sold the key to him, got the money, then he did a charge back. :smh:
Xbox 360 when it first came out , red ring two days later, then got a replacement and it done the same thing 2 weeks after, never mess with Microsoft again after that
Side swiped rear quarter panel of my brand new car on the edge of my garage (brick), $1200 down the drain...
Macked up this broad when I knew she wasn't worthy... happened a couple days ago too.

Gotta go pull me a model now to balance out my win percentage... smh.

High school moneygramed a chick In atl for a phone. Soon as she got the tracking number she was gone [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji].
got caught up in some legal issues...

cost me a couple racks >D

but that was some few years back.

lots of growing up since then.
when i was 12-13 some wanna be thug 18+ year old jacked my bike at the park :smh: guess jacking a kid makes you tough :smh:
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About $2,000 worth of saltwater life because I didn't find the proper care taker for my tank before leaving for a 2 week vacation |I :frown:
lost 3300 playing roullette at the MGM then I hit a 10 with a black chip on it.
 tipped the dealer a 100 and ran the heck outta there with my money

wasnt even 21 yet
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Ex cousin?
pretty sure he means ex's cousin, as in his ex-girlfriends cousin.

thankfully i've never taken a real huge monetary loss. i think my biggest was like 600 in overdraft fees that i racked up thinking my direct deposit went through when it didn't.
I chose to go to community college with my friend instead of going to a 4-year university right after high school. Friend got a late letter of admissions and left, and I was stuck in community college for 5 years. I'm just about to transfer this coming fall. Feels Batman but I gotta keep it pushin'
strong username to post ratio
qp by an old ***** made dude

stacks on a couple ***** made court cases

"loaned" my ***** made cousin over 3k only to get back 1.
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