NT, what is the biggest loss you've ever taken?

[QUOTE url="/t/577923/nt-what-is-the-biggest-loss-youve-ever-taken/90#post_19391132"]
SMH i was in a similar situation. What was your job?
All I can say is that it was a government job.

I got lasik this summer tho, and was invited to give the job another shot next year :smokin

good stuff :smokin
good luck too you
I lost over 200 reps throughout the year.

I've never had a major loss

Aren't you like 17 son?
Couple racks, nothing major.

Pops lost 500K on a business venture, but kept moving like it was nothing. Told me you'll win some, and lose some....but you always gotta try. So if I think something is worth the investment and it bites me in the A**, so be it.
Too many to list

these 2 are is prob some of my top L's with yambs that I missed out on : at age 14 & 15 I had opportunity to smash one of my childhood crushes she's 1 year older than me...at 14 on a bus coming from DC to Cleveland and at 15 on a plane flying from Houston to brazil no lie..was too scared/nervous of getting caught...she even told me she would get one of her homegirls to have sex with me so I would lose my virginity lol..I haven't seen or spoke to her since

Second one my first summer job in DC in 2010 at this restaurant off 12th & K..we had this baddddddd girl who was studying abroad from Macedonia ....I chased her for about a month then 1 day she says lets go swimming..I lost my cell phone a few days before on the metro.. so she called my grandparents crib( I stay with them) lookin for me to tell me its a change of plans I'm out going to the hotel were she wants to meet me at kinda salty so I take the metro back to their crib I get on fb and she messages me sayin she's sorry and come to her apt in friendship hts..so I take the metro there but I got off at the wrong stop ..(at that time I didn't know my way around DC) I only had 7 bucks in my wallet so instead of taking a bus from where I was dropped off at i walked to her place..I finally get there shes all dressed up with a mini skirt we chill on her deck for a lil and come back in she didnt have a tv so we watched some bs movie on her labtop....somehow music was brought up she asks me to play some of my fav songs I didn't idk why..I forget what I said but she blatantly says we can do whatever you like looking me dead in the eyes..I'm like hell yea in my mind but I froze up we just laid there on her air mattress smh smh smh..then her roommate eventually comes home when I eventually tried to muster some balls..she was pissed as hell..there were other people there studying abroad that she hung with in her building so she introduced me to them and I ended playing basketball and smoking a joint with them lol....she handled the situation well every time I saw her at work we still flirted and what not but when it was my last weekend in town before school started back up I hit her up twice to chill and she didn't reply..she ended up messing with some guy who just got out of med school smh then the following summer I hit her up she gives me her number..I texted her Tryna get her to come back to the crib without even putting in any work smh she blew me off..I haven't spoke to her since...this one was a total confidence blower when I didn't smash when I had the chance...I was depressed completely along with other things goin on in my life

Mann I gotta bring this one up at my school this girl on the volleyball team that liked me ..I got her number after class this one Friday..we talk for like a week n half then she asks me to come to her dorm to meet her homegirls me being nervous of if they would like me or not I said no come here..so we meet halfway n walk to my dorm..we're chillin watching Baller blockin on VHS lmao!!!..I start to give her a back massage and started kissin her on her neck and back..I flip her over we start kissin she takes off her shirt n bra i start suckin her **** then I get her to take her tights off..so now I'm hard On top of her ...I try to take off her panties she goes WAIT!! Don't you think we're moving to fast...I didn't know how to react so I said I mean if you don't wanna do it that's cool and get off her 10 minutes later she's like I gotta go...I used to work in my school cafeteria so the next day her teammates walk in see me and start laughing :frown:..I haven't spoke to her since but whenever I see her around campus she gives me a sarcastic smirk

I used to be super corny when it came to girls..not saying I'm some sort of cassanova but I've came a long way and still have some ways to go
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Got scammed on sole collector for 235 for some HGG 13's. Never using western union again...
My thermostat housing burst and I paid my buddy $100 to fix it. Worked fine for like 8 hours before bursting again, but worse this time. Had to take it to a legit mechanic, cost me $300 in addition to the $100 I paid my friend :smh:
1/2 lb good -2400
Bail - 500 (5000 bond)
Lawyer - 3000
Court Fees, probation fees, fines - 3000
( over 2 year period )
Drug class - 250
100 hours of Community Service
With gas and everything, well over 10k. SMDH
£5K on a mortgage deposit for a crib I never moved into, opened the way for my current place though so wasn't really bothered.

Entire iTunes library before I'd had a chance to back it up ...hurt me a lot more than that deposit lol. Only just now starting to get it all back to the level I was at before (and backed up!)
I forgot one........lost a good job almost 2 weeks in when I was younger. Some dude pissed me off. I head butt him. Fired. We were in a heated debate when I did it.
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how did he carry all that crap?

He came with 3 other guys..
And I'm assuming that they didnt expect to find that much stuff.. Cause they ransacked the crib and took some luggage to put all the stuff in

Man that's why I got renters insurance .. I would hate for that too happen to me.. Dude must of had plenty time to grab all that...

Well ya.. He was my boy.. He came when he knew no one would be home.
Time > Money.

Lost a year and a half of alternative P opportunities while blindly dedicating myself to a girl who was a lost cause. Never again. 
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