Official Confessions Thread. vol: Aint had one of these in a while.

-Still think about my ex. I am so close to emailing her or ringing her up. But right when I am going to press send I realize I have a girlfriend.
-I am so lazy. I have a good job but I know I could be doing better.
-I needed 2 classes to transfer out of community college yet I procrastinated so much I have to wait til next year to transfer out.
-I get close to women to the point that I know I could hit and I always just back out last minute. Even though I dont cheat on my girl this cant be good.
-I dont know what the hell I want to do with my life. I hate my job but it pays more then people who are coming out of college.
-I hate making decisions I usually wait til its made for me.
-I miss being able to smoke weed
-I want to go Special Forces when I re-enlist but my family is stopping me
-I miss being able to smoke weed
-I want to go Special Forces when I re-enlist but my family is stopping me
-My room is messy and I am always too busy or lazy to clean it.

-I dont know what the hell I wanttodowith my life. I hate my jobbutit paysmore then people who are coming out of college.

- From the outside I look like I have it all together. But I honestly can't standmy current situation.
-My room is messy and I am always too busy or lazy to clean it.

-I dont know what the hell I wanttodowith my life. I hate my jobbutit paysmore then people who are coming out of college.

- From the outside I look like I have it all together. But I honestly can't standmy current situation.
Originally Posted by LightskinFlYbOy 718

oversmoked and felt so bad in the mourning felt like i had a hangover like i was drinking

never will smoke bud again

Dumbest thing I ever heard.
What were you crying about???
Originally Posted by LightskinFlYbOy 718

oversmoked and felt so bad in the mourning felt like i had a hangover like i was drinking

never will smoke bud again

Dumbest thing I ever heard.
What were you crying about???
* Feel like a scumbag for getting mad at my father earlier for wanting to borrow my car ( he is absolutely horrible with cars, and i love my x-type
*Im 24 and feel like I'm going nowhere in life.
* have to save up to pay a $2000 tution bill so they can release my transcripts and I can apply to nursing school...only half way there

*acceptance into the nursing program is what I want most in life, but now that I'm paying for everything out of pocket due to no financial aid, I'm slacking big time. Take advantage of financial aid while yo have it!!!
*think my parents think im a loser because i work full time as an emt and seem content with it while living in the basement.
*think I inherited my mothers clinical depression
*spend waaaaayyy too much money on weed per week ( about $150 out of a $400 check)
* refuse to chill wih shady people, so I just stay to myself all damn day.
*Never had a girlfriend because I dont trust them at all. I hear all the stories, and see all the drama my boys go thru with their b/m's and I'm just all set. I feel as though a real relationship between two people are a thiong of the past. Sexual immorality and promiscuity are so rampant, I dont think we even know how big of a deal this is...
* little sister died from down syndrome complications two years ago, she was 16. I'll never be the same. Neither will my family
*Im 24 and feel like a total loser because im not a nurse yet, an people i took my pre-req's with are already buying houses with their nursing salaries
*father is unemployed and frustrated... takes a toll on a g.
*father is secretly cheating on my mom although he depends on her finacially... makes me never want to help him out...
*mom can be kinda cold sometimes, wonder if that'll have any effect on me later in life
*still think about my high-school swetheart who broke my heart into pieces
*wish I had more money
*smoke alot of weed
*think about death and dying allll day long
*... more to come
* Feel like a scumbag for getting mad at my father earlier for wanting to borrow my car ( he is absolutely horrible with cars, and i love my x-type
*Im 24 and feel like I'm going nowhere in life.
* have to save up to pay a $2000 tution bill so they can release my transcripts and I can apply to nursing school...only half way there

*acceptance into the nursing program is what I want most in life, but now that I'm paying for everything out of pocket due to no financial aid, I'm slacking big time. Take advantage of financial aid while yo have it!!!
*think my parents think im a loser because i work full time as an emt and seem content with it while living in the basement.
*think I inherited my mothers clinical depression
*spend waaaaayyy too much money on weed per week ( about $150 out of a $400 check)
* refuse to chill wih shady people, so I just stay to myself all damn day.
*Never had a girlfriend because I dont trust them at all. I hear all the stories, and see all the drama my boys go thru with their b/m's and I'm just all set. I feel as though a real relationship between two people are a thiong of the past. Sexual immorality and promiscuity are so rampant, I dont think we even know how big of a deal this is...
* little sister died from down syndrome complications two years ago, she was 16. I'll never be the same. Neither will my family
*Im 24 and feel like a total loser because im not a nurse yet, an people i took my pre-req's with are already buying houses with their nursing salaries
*father is unemployed and frustrated... takes a toll on a g.
*father is secretly cheating on my mom although he depends on her finacially... makes me never want to help him out...
*mom can be kinda cold sometimes, wonder if that'll have any effect on me later in life
*still think about my high-school swetheart who broke my heart into pieces
*wish I had more money
*smoke alot of weed
*think about death and dying allll day long
*... more to come
Everything I'm doing right now.
School....going to college.

It's all an act, I %$!+%++ hate school, if it was up to me I would've dropped out A LONG TIME AGO.

I %$!+%++ hate my life.

Everything I do is just to make my parents proud.

I'm the only one of their children who's graduating high school and the only one that going to college.

In all honesty, 2 years ago I held a gun to my head and was ready to do it but I didn't want to disappoint my family.  
Everything I'm doing right now.
School....going to college.

It's all an act, I %$!+%++ hate school, if it was up to me I would've dropped out A LONG TIME AGO.

I %$!+%++ hate my life.

Everything I do is just to make my parents proud.

I'm the only one of their children who's graduating high school and the only one that going to college.

In all honesty, 2 years ago I held a gun to my head and was ready to do it but I didn't want to disappoint my family.  
RO RO 8 wrote:
my previous confessions:
Originally Posted by RO RO 8

- i masturbate about 15-20 times a week
- i'm currently seeing 4 girls. i take all of them out on dates�and i'm smashing all of them. and i've told each of them i love you
-�back in august,�i lost my job that i was going to make a career out of. the day i got fired, i threw a tantrum in the office and i got arrested. i said i was going to kill myself and i got checked into a mental hospital for a day
- i hit a neighbor's car back in april and kept it pushing. another neighbor saw it and ratted me out. she ended up taking me to small claims court, and i was on judge joe brown. the episode aired back in october and repeated today. i acted like a�total idiot�on the show, and my whole family was ashamed,�but it was the best time of my life because i got a free trip to hollywood for 3 days, and the show took care of everything
- i spend about $400 on weed a week
- i'm addicted to facebook
- i am the most aggresive driver you will ever meet
- i've been involved in 2 police chases. i actually got away once. i was in my g35 coupe and i hit went 145 with 2 NYPD crown vics behind me. i have no clue how i outran them but i'm glad i did
- i've been driving without a license for about a year. my license in NY is revoked permanently. i owe about $5,000 in fines and have about 25 points on it. i also have a license in PA, but that's suspended as well. i was supposed to get it back the end of february, but i got caught driving last week so they will most likely extend the suspension. i got locked up that day because i also had weed on me
- i'm still driving

here's the vid of me on judge joe brown
more confessions:
- i'm an only child and i'm almost 20 years old. i've been a spoiled brat my whole life�
- my parents�just got a�huge settlement�and basically told me that i don't have to work for the rest of my life. but i still work because i feel useless sometimes
- i consider myself a gangster. why? because i do what i want and i live with the consequences.
- there is no way i can step foot in NY for a long time. i am wanted like osama
So let me get this straight......This is the same guy that makes $1400+ a week......
RO RO 8 wrote:
my previous confessions:
Originally Posted by RO RO 8

- i masturbate about 15-20 times a week
- i'm currently seeing 4 girls. i take all of them out on dates�and i'm smashing all of them. and i've told each of them i love you
-�back in august,�i lost my job that i was going to make a career out of. the day i got fired, i threw a tantrum in the office and i got arrested. i said i was going to kill myself and i got checked into a mental hospital for a day
- i hit a neighbor's car back in april and kept it pushing. another neighbor saw it and ratted me out. she ended up taking me to small claims court, and i was on judge joe brown. the episode aired back in october and repeated today. i acted like a�total idiot�on the show, and my whole family was ashamed,�but it was the best time of my life because i got a free trip to hollywood for 3 days, and the show took care of everything
- i spend about $400 on weed a week
- i'm addicted to facebook
- i am the most aggresive driver you will ever meet
- i've been involved in 2 police chases. i actually got away once. i was in my g35 coupe and i hit went 145 with 2 NYPD crown vics behind me. i have no clue how i outran them but i'm glad i did
- i've been driving without a license for about a year. my license in NY is revoked permanently. i owe about $5,000 in fines and have about 25 points on it. i also have a license in PA, but that's suspended as well. i was supposed to get it back the end of february, but i got caught driving last week so they will most likely extend the suspension. i got locked up that day because i also had weed on me
- i'm still driving

here's the vid of me on judge joe brown
more confessions:
- i'm an only child and i'm almost 20 years old. i've been a spoiled brat my whole life�
- my parents�just got a�huge settlement�and basically told me that i don't have to work for the rest of my life. but i still work because i feel useless sometimes
- i consider myself a gangster. why? because i do what i want and i live with the consequences.
- there is no way i can step foot in NY for a long time. i am wanted like osama
So let me get this straight......This is the same guy that makes $1400+ a week......
-Broke up with the ex over a year ago and still can't bring myself to delete all our photos off my computer, find myself going through them every once in awhile....

-Been getting pretty drunk pretty much every night of the past week, and well whenever I can recently. Usually end up at my friends apartment throwing back shots and hitting bowls until 4 in the AM. I still do my workouts everyday. But damn I need to slow it down.

-Was hanging out with a girl from work, went to a show out of town with my friend and got too messed up and told her I wanted her VIA text I wanted her to be my g/f... she said yes, 2 days later I broke that off

-Started hanging out with another girl from work who I've always had a huge crush on and DAMN did I get played
Long story short her b/f broke up with her, and then wanted her back, meanwhile we were spending time together and she liked me, but kinda felt she wanted to give him a 2nd chance. Ended up getting back with him, but still was seeing me, hooking up with me, and texting me constantly for about ten days. Then I kinda called her out on how it's BS what she's doing and she doesn't talk to me anymore at all, so I deleted her on facebook
I work with her and her b/f.... I am not looking forward to the next time I work with her

-The way this girl played me makes me think my ex wasn't so bad.

-The original girl came over today

-The only thing keeping me smiling right now is thinking of how much fun I'm gonna have at Bonnaroo and then seeing Kanye and Cudi June 30th. It's coming up and I have done a HORRIBLE job at saving money for it

-Deep down I dislike a LOT of people.

-Told myself I'd never sell a pair of my J's again, just sold two DS pairs of XI's to and NTer last week, and I couldn't even tell you where the money went

-My car is SOOOOO messed up, it gets me to work and back but it's gonna die on me anyday it seems. Been like this for a year. I should be saving my money for a new car, but I waste it on stupid things. My tax return money barely lasted me 2 weeks. Spent a good 200 on
, bought an iPhone 4, bought my bonnaroo ticket, other things here and there and before I knew it my return was gone. Speaking of I bought 7 tickets to the Kanye show I'm going to, they aren't even all together, and I only have 2-3 people who for sure can go. Was planning to take that girl too for her bday, but thats out of the question now. I need to be more responsible with my money, but things like these I won't get to experience 10 years from now, so I'm trying to live it up and make as many memories as I can while I can.
-Broke up with the ex over a year ago and still can't bring myself to delete all our photos off my computer, find myself going through them every once in awhile....

-Been getting pretty drunk pretty much every night of the past week, and well whenever I can recently. Usually end up at my friends apartment throwing back shots and hitting bowls until 4 in the AM. I still do my workouts everyday. But damn I need to slow it down.

-Was hanging out with a girl from work, went to a show out of town with my friend and got too messed up and told her I wanted her VIA text I wanted her to be my g/f... she said yes, 2 days later I broke that off

-Started hanging out with another girl from work who I've always had a huge crush on and DAMN did I get played
Long story short her b/f broke up with her, and then wanted her back, meanwhile we were spending time together and she liked me, but kinda felt she wanted to give him a 2nd chance. Ended up getting back with him, but still was seeing me, hooking up with me, and texting me constantly for about ten days. Then I kinda called her out on how it's BS what she's doing and she doesn't talk to me anymore at all, so I deleted her on facebook
I work with her and her b/f.... I am not looking forward to the next time I work with her

-The way this girl played me makes me think my ex wasn't so bad.

-The original girl came over today

-The only thing keeping me smiling right now is thinking of how much fun I'm gonna have at Bonnaroo and then seeing Kanye and Cudi June 30th. It's coming up and I have done a HORRIBLE job at saving money for it

-Deep down I dislike a LOT of people.

-Told myself I'd never sell a pair of my J's again, just sold two DS pairs of XI's to and NTer last week, and I couldn't even tell you where the money went

-My car is SOOOOO messed up, it gets me to work and back but it's gonna die on me anyday it seems. Been like this for a year. I should be saving my money for a new car, but I waste it on stupid things. My tax return money barely lasted me 2 weeks. Spent a good 200 on
, bought an iPhone 4, bought my bonnaroo ticket, other things here and there and before I knew it my return was gone. Speaking of I bought 7 tickets to the Kanye show I'm going to, they aren't even all together, and I only have 2-3 people who for sure can go. Was planning to take that girl too for her bday, but thats out of the question now. I need to be more responsible with my money, but things like these I won't get to experience 10 years from now, so I'm trying to live it up and make as many memories as I can while I can.
I'm in HS, so these problems to me might not seem so bad to Older NT'ers but whatever.

I find flaws wayy to easily in people that somewhat makes me hate them, even friends.

I become so anti-social after the fall/winter since i don't really go out since i don't want to associate myself or get caught in a situation of drinking, just knowing how mad my parents would get.

It wouldn't be so bad, but since i quit baseball and never played Lax, even though i would be incredible at it, I don't want to Jeopordize my football season.

So almost any interaction i have with people other than my family is with people 2 years older than me, that are my brothers age, so it would be awkward doing anything with them.

I have banked so hard on football becoming the way for me to get college paid for, even though i would have no problem without it, but have no other option or anything i want to do that isn't
related to football, I can't sit at desk from 9 to 5, rinse and repeat 5 days a week for 20-30 years.

INS to the max, as explained by the second thing i mentioned.

If my parents saw how lazy i was in School, even though i get a 87 average, they would get extremely dissapointed, not mad, which would be worse, and send me to a private school

I just think I'm not proactive enough when it comes to things outside of Athletics.
I'm in HS, so these problems to me might not seem so bad to Older NT'ers but whatever.

I find flaws wayy to easily in people that somewhat makes me hate them, even friends.

I become so anti-social after the fall/winter since i don't really go out since i don't want to associate myself or get caught in a situation of drinking, just knowing how mad my parents would get.

It wouldn't be so bad, but since i quit baseball and never played Lax, even though i would be incredible at it, I don't want to Jeopordize my football season.

So almost any interaction i have with people other than my family is with people 2 years older than me, that are my brothers age, so it would be awkward doing anything with them.

I have banked so hard on football becoming the way for me to get college paid for, even though i would have no problem without it, but have no other option or anything i want to do that isn't
related to football, I can't sit at desk from 9 to 5, rinse and repeat 5 days a week for 20-30 years.

INS to the max, as explained by the second thing i mentioned.

If my parents saw how lazy i was in School, even though i get a 87 average, they would get extremely dissapointed, not mad, which would be worse, and send me to a private school

I just think I'm not proactive enough when it comes to things outside of Athletics.
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