***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Alexa is overhyped. ANybody with half a brain who has been paying attention knows that Donald Jenius Trump has this under control and that we will be opening the economy full throttle by Easter, if not before.

They should rename the Dow Jones as the Up Jones because it is going UP UP UP and won't stop, can't stop.

Through out American history, there is a notion that rural (white) residents are better and more deserving of political power and resources.

The dialectic around the electoral college is a prime example of this. The argument is residents of low population (a proxy for rural) States deserve outsized political power and the opposing position that everyone’s vote count equally. No one advocates for outsized votes for urban residents, there is no urban chauvinism comparable to rural chauvinism.

That rural chauvinism has, to varying degrees, contributed to terrible policies such as prohibition; a delayed response to the AIDS crisis; divestment out of urban black communities and corn subsidies, which is its own public health crisis. Those policies disproportionately harm urbanites as well as the large numbers of black, Latino, native and poor whites who live in rural areas. Obviously, this rural chauvinism is closely linked to white supremacy but even if we could only rid our politics of rural chauvinism but not white supremacy, our country would be more just and have better policy outcomes.

It looks like in this crisis, the white, rural, property-owning petty aristocracy will actually suffer some harm as a result of their politics which holds the belief that white, property owners in rural America are different and special and superior.
That rural chauvinism has, to varying degrees, contributed to terrible policies such as prohibition; a delayed response to the AIDS crisis; divestment out of urban black communities and corn subsidies, which is its own public health crisis. Those policies disproportionately harm urbanites as well as the large numbers of black, Latino, native and poor whites who live in rural areas. Obviously, this rural chauvinism is closely linked to white supremacy but even if we could only rid our politics of rural chauvinism but not white supremacy, our country would be more just and have better policy outcomes.
Don't forget the reinterpretation of the 2nd amendment and the resultant gun epidemic.
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