People really rocking the T-Skirts?

View media item 195391
im not about to put on my cape for Proto, im just using him as an example.

the lenght of his shirt and fit of his pants is practically identical to kanyes here

View media item 243330
but you guys are ok with Ye's fit...

whats it going to be, is Ye wearing just a long shirt and Proto a skirt?....
my bad...and 'emulation of Kanye West'

so thats the problem with this NTer??...imo Kanye pulls off the look, Proto minus he douchey hoody too, a gremling like Ian Connor....not so much.

Kanye's top is more of a blouse, I think that the white cleavage shirt in the other pic is what makes it look like a skirt. Those two pics are in no way comparable to the ASAP Roxy pic though.
This whole thread = :rofl:

Glad I don't have to worry about seeing this stuff around my way.
Skinny jeans never really took off in my hood.

I could walk down the street and still see

People rocking tall tees and hard jeans on the regular like times never changed.
Who is this jchambers. I nominate him NTer of da week.

I don't agree w da delivery of his message but I can somewhat respect it.

Either way it has brought me lulz.

Y'all dudes need to get over it. It's only a problem bc rich black dudes are championing it. Whether ye or ASAP wear skirts or not. They don't really strike me as "manly". Now let d-bo, bill Goldberg, or bane rock those same fits. We wouldn't say nada.

And just to hit da trifecta: this wouldn't be an issue if it were a white celeb doing it

I guess it depends on the situation, I know that most people would question the sexuality of a man wearing a skirt, more than a man wearing some huge shorts and a tee shirt. I don't personally think there's anything wrong with what Camron is wearing, nor do I think there is anything wrong with that pic you posted of Kanye, but skirts and pantyhose is where I draw the line on something being feminine.

what is this about getting your sexuality questioned? your a grown i assume Heterosexual man (Although you have mentioned homo in damn near all your post & continue to talk about pantyhose in which nobody in this thread has on) why are you worried about that. even better question why is any other grown man sitting back playing guessing games on another mans sexuality because he has on a long shirt.
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what is this about getting your sexuality questioned? your a grown i assume Heterosexual man (Although you have mentioned homo in damn near all your post & continue to talk about pantyhose in which nobody in this thread has on) why are you worried about that. even better question why is any other grown man sitting back playing guessing games on another mans sexuality because he has on a long shirt.

Call it a day dude
I think that this is more of the look that Kanye was going for, except with leggins:
Whats wrong with this. 
 Looks fine too me. Dudes overreacting. 
Thing is, this isnt even a new look. I guess asap and ye made it popular in popular culture though.
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To me, one of these pics looks like it is comfortable and based in the streets, without a real care for high fashion, the other looks like it is forced and put together by a homosexual stylist.

You make it seem like it's a bad thing to be a homosexual.

And right there, is the problem. Too many people worried (in a negative manner) about other peoples sexual orientation. I can't see why it would matter if a stylist or clothing designer is homo or hetro.
Stylists (especially celebrity) will always try and push the envelope, always try and do something a big extra so that the said celebrity stands out from the crowd, with "their" own style. Thus creating trends, trickling down to demand for items, which trickle down to sales in stores. You should expect these tactics from any stylist & celeb combo.
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