Remember when this was the hottest phone on the block...


"obtained" one of these in high school, one of my friends got paged when we were in the woods smoking trees, the look on dudes face when i bustedit out was priceless (nh)

but yeah the startac was
Originally Posted by Jfresh7

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves


hottest phone ever

Everybody in L.A had an i95. Had to change the case tho. If you didnt have 1, you were gonna get talked about.
You remember the clear i95 though? That was the phone everyone wanted.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

you guys have it all wrong


best phone I ever had, period, nah it doesnt do more than an iphone, but at the time it did everything I wanted plus more, and the experience was nuts

I miss that @*#%
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This was my $@%% in high school...The circle around the frontspeaker would light up....And i would diddy bop up and down the halls holding the volume button so the ringtone would play....Dude used to battle who had thebest ringtone...[/color]
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by Jfresh7

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves


hottest phone ever

Everybody in L.A had an i95. Had to change the case tho. If you didnt have 1, you were gonna get talked about.
You remember the clear i95 though? That was the phone everyone wanted.
Bloomingdales edition? that was
My mom had the red Nokia...

I used to sneak my parents pagers in middle school they'd page me not knowing I had

I was the first person in my circle to have the first sprint camera joint...what was it the 8100?...

And I was the first to have a smart phone while everybody else was t9ing
Speaking of those OG Nokias...does anyone remember McD's having the promotion that if you donated like $20 to Ronald McDonald's charity you'd getthe phone for free or something?
Originally Posted by areyouin729

I swear this was the most popular phone back in the day

changeable faceplates was the biggest thing popping

Nokia 5160...classic

i had this phone and nobody in middle school could tell me nothin! til the first black and white camera flip phone came out.
i1000+ the VERY FIRST nextel. had it in the 10th grade. one of....4 kids with a cell. even teachers didnthave cells. and my boy Fredo was the only other person i knew other than my dad with a nextel so we was direct connecting all day at school (or chirp for youyoungins)
I used to call Zack Morris and ask him to hang out with me and Slater at the Max with the brick phone... looked just like a razr in my pocket too

Originally Posted by YuraS718

back in JHS/HS this what was up. Every1 had them that i chilled with in every different color. I had the red back than

beeper was pointless though
StarTac might have been the best phone I have ever owned. Had it as a Frosh in HS. Thing was so nice. I need to go find it and get that bad boy running again.

I remember this was the "hottest" phone when I was in HS. You were a "lame" if you didn't own one of these in school.

Saw a lot of people outside of school have them as well. They were the issh.

I was already out of school by then but I used to be at my job at home depot pressing the side so I could play the ringtones all loud and +$%+ andhave the front light up
Damn you guys are hella young! If you had one of these (not necessarily this brand) but one in your car you was what was poppin!

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by YuraS718

back in JHS/HS this what was up. Every1 had them that i chilled with in every different color. I had the red back than

beeper was pointless though
Back then every1 was on beepers, right before cell phones became the "norm" Back than my Mom wasnt going to be paying no monthly billfor me haha. I think beepers were $30 or $60 a year? something like that i forgot. And than beepers had the codes as well, but you never knew who the hellsent them to you haha
. You would get a meet me soon page, but unlessthey left their number afterwards you wouldnt know who sent it to you
Mannnnn..... back in High School (Brooklyn, NY) it was all about:

I was pimpin......chicks would go crazyyy....especially the 2 way with the Fabolous - Holla Back ringtone......

OD good times

Funny thing is I still have both right now and they're still in working condition, just not activated
Originally Posted by bdis1986

Originally Posted by ballinamillion1


this was the block craze at least in the d, idk about the rest of yall
every body and they mama wanted one of
You already know...

Back when everyone in the hood had a Nextel...dudes would be on a 2 year plan with another network and would cop a Boost phone or throw a Boost chip on one ofthese just for the 2 way...
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