Social Anxiety?

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Excessive masturbation/porn addiction is often associated with social anxiety. I mention this because it's a symptom that not all people are aware of.

true stuff here. im 18 and I was in a serious relationship with a girl for 2 and a half years. after we broke up u never really talked to girls like a used to. I always told myself that I was in that relationship to long and thats why I forgot how to talk to girls. stopped fappinv and started feeling better and started getting girls againfeelsgoodman
Sorry you have to deal with this. Try to find small steps, if not seek help. Being truthful is good.

I dunno what I have, but I've been in situations where I was shy, quiet, and though I wasn't as outspoken I managed to get an A in SPEECH. I did have a girl for about 3 years back then, but my personality was still shy, quiet and etc. Now in the real world, I'm more reserved, but I still dislike being put on the spot, and being called upon. I remember how I sweated at some interviews, and hated being in meetings. I just deal with it, and think of it as a FIRST WORLD PROBLEM. lol

You have to realize that life isn't smoothe and anyone that says so hasn't gone through much.

If you gotta talk, just PM me.
Good post ^

The getting called on thing, being interviewed,  put on the spot, being caught off guard still bother me as well. It's good to put it in perspective by saying it's not as big of an issue as others have to deal with. But then again, life is all about relativity and it can be hard to look past your own issues.
I had some of those issues as you, maybe not as full blown and the way I got over them was by maintaining positivity and realizing I had no reason in the world to be unconfident. Stop being afraid, take small steps, smile more, and force yourself to do things you wouldn't normally do. You might see some failure at first, but that's life. Learn why you failed, correct it, move on and feel "normal." One thing that might help you is realizing that the end of the day we're all !+!$+% up inside and have our own issues so there's no reason why you should feel anxious or inferior amongst other people. Do you, be happy, know what's truly important in life and you'll be fine.

At the end of the day, it's all in your head and now that you're aware of your situation, you have the tools necessary to fix them.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Good post ^

The getting called on thing, being interviewed,  put on the spot, being caught off guard still bother me as well. It's good to put it in perspective by saying it's not as big of an issue as others have to deal with. But then again, life is all about relativity and it can be hard to look past your own issues.

   Any NTers that want to talk, just PM me.  Where are you in life?

It wasn't until a year into work did I take the first step in seeking medical advice.  I went the full 9 yards because I wanted to give myself a chance in correcting or alleviating whatever was wrong with me.  For me, the anxiety was just my personality, but I couldn't deal w/ the physical symptoms like sweating.  I would be in a short convo, and then start to sweat.  I would be called on at work, and then feel embarassed, and then sweat.  It took me a few months in finding which medication worked best for me.  Through the midst of it all, I became honest with myself and discovered that I just had an over-active nerve condition, which caused me to sweat.  My social anxiety was 2ndary.  I mean, outside of work, I'm fine.  I play ball, and do the usual stuff, although I haven't had much time w/ a girl.

Sure, I was quiet and an introvert, but not everyone is born with an outgoing personality.  As I grew at work, I became to realize how different everyone's personality was.  I've worked w/ quiet guys like me, outspoken bosses, jerks and nice people as well.  I really grew a lot! I remember being so anxious about the phone ringing at work, but now, I feel a lot more confident and comfortable.  I would stutter and do stupid things at work, and sweat, but to this day, I've gotten stronger. 

I still worry, and deal w/ anxious thoughts, and I still sweat uncontrollably at times, but I deal with it. 
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I had some of those issues as you, maybe not as full blown and the way I got over them was by maintaining positivity and realizing I had no reason in the world to be unconfident. Stop being afraid, take small steps, smile more, and force yourself to do things you wouldn't normally do. You might see some failure at first, but that's life. Learn why you failed, correct it, move on and feel "normal." One thing that might help you is realizing that the end of the day we're all !+!$+% up inside and have our own issues so there's no reason why you should feel anxious or inferior amongst other people. Do you, be happy, know what's truly important in life and you'll be fine.

At the end of the day, it's all in your head and now that you're aware of your situation, you have the tools necessary to fix them.
Good stuff

I know that feel bro.

I don't know what comes over me, but when I'm at the bank or store something happens and my speech is slurred. For example I'll say" I'll take those" but comes out is " errr turk rose"...and I'll have to just improvise and act like it didn't happen. What is worse is the everyones looking at me feeling, that's why I wear hoodies alot I can just hide inside it.

I still have those moments, but I've overcome it. Oh and my shrink or psychologist said it never leaves you. One of the tips he gave me was when I don't feel any anxiety immediately write down an account of the day, and when the anxiety is the worst write an account as well. Believe it or not, he examined it and said they were the same, just somedays I was busy and when I wasn't busy the anxiety came into place.

Goodluck bro.
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Good post ^

The getting called on thing, being interviewed,  put on the spot, being caught off guard still bother me as well. It's good to put it in perspective by saying it's not as big of an issue as others have to deal with. But then again, life is all about relativity and it can be hard to look past your own issues.

   Any NTers that want to talk, just PM me.  Where are you in life?

It wasn't until a year into work did I take the first step in seeking medical advice.  I went the full 9 yards because I wanted to give myself a chance in correcting or alleviating whatever was wrong with me.  For me, the anxiety was just my personality, but I couldn't deal w/ the physical symptoms like sweating.  I would be in a short convo, and then start to sweat.  I would be called on at work, and then feel embarassed, and then sweat.  It took me a few months in finding which medication worked best for me.  Through the midst of it all, I became honest with myself and discovered that I just had an over-active nerve condition, which caused me to sweat.  My social anxiety was 2ndary.  I mean, outside of work, I'm fine.  I play ball, and do the usual stuff, although I haven't had much time w/ a girl.

Sure, I was quiet and an introvert, but not everyone is born with an outgoing personality.  As I grew at work, I became to realize how different everyone's personality was.  I've worked w/ quiet guys like me, outspoken bosses, jerks and nice people as well.  I really grew a lot! I remember being so anxious about the phone ringing at work, but now, I feel a lot more confident and comfortable.  I would stutter and do stupid things at work, and sweat, but to this day, I've gotten stronger. 

I still worry, and deal w/ anxious thoughts, and I still sweat uncontrollably at times, but I deal with it. 
Two weeks ago, I was in a horrible place bro. Had a major episode of depression/anxiety for about two weeks. Lost weight, strange sleeping habits, thoughts of not wanting to be around because of they way I was feeling, cold all the time, instincts to always be in close proximity to family, loneliness, wasn't caring about things I normally love and do (sports, girls, hygiene, etc).

I'm not currently employed, so I had to shell out the money to see my psychiatrist and get prescribed anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds (Lexapro and Klonipin). The depression is under control, we actually discovered that it may have been withdrawal from my anti-depressants, because I was trying to space them out out of fear for the re-up cost. Not a good idea I guess. I think the depression was triggered by the withdrawal combined with the crappy New England winter weather, unemployment, uncertainty about my future/career goals, and so on. Since graduating from high school, throughout college I've had major self-confidence and self-esteem issues that materialized into depression and social-anxiety. Like I said in an above post, I hate being called on in front of large groups, public speaking in general, bumping into acquaintances in public and being caught off guard. I'm also terrified of failure so whenever I look at job opportunities which I'm clearly qualified my head becomes filled with thoughts of failing and the ensuing embarrassment. It sucks having that mentality.

My psych suggested taking Klonipin once every 2-3 days for my anxiety. It helped to calm me down at first, but it seems like it's not having as big of an effect as it did after the first few doses. Might have to get the 1 MG.
Had it for years.

Good friends, good job, good school, but always felt something held me back in social situations.

Look for a therapy group in your area and email psychology departments at colleges in your area to see if they are having social anxiety groups for case study (generally cheaper than a privatized therapist).

After a group was the first time I could attend parties/social environments and legitimately say I was having a great time.

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

 .. Despite what this test says, I much rather spend time alone than going out and engaging in meaningless, unstimulating conversation.

I feel the same way.

I'm not afraid of people, I just don't like dealing with them for the most part.
Your score: 34(fear) + 35(avoidance) = 69
You have marked social anxiety.

already tried the stop watching porn stuff, lasted 2 days, doesnt work.
30(fear) + 25(avoidance) = 55
You have moderate social anxiety.

I feel like it's worse, but these can be pretty subjective. Maybe taking more time will make it more accurate.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Good post ^

The getting called on thing, being interviewed,  put on the spot, being caught off guard still bother me as well. It's good to put it in perspective by saying it's not as big of an issue as others have to deal with. But then again, life is all about relativity and it can be hard to look past your own issues.

   Any NTers that want to talk, just PM me.  Where are you in life?

It wasn't until a year into work did I take the first step in seeking medical advice.  I went the full 9 yards because I wanted to give myself a chance in correcting or alleviating whatever was wrong with me.  For me, the anxiety was just my personality, but I couldn't deal w/ the physical symptoms like sweating.  I would be in a short convo, and then start to sweat.  I would be called on at work, and then feel embarassed, and then sweat.  It took me a few months in finding which medication worked best for me.  Through the midst of it all, I became honest with myself and discovered that I just had an over-active nerve condition, which caused me to sweat.  My social anxiety was 2ndary.  I mean, outside of work, I'm fine.  I play ball, and do the usual stuff, although I haven't had much time w/ a girl.

Sure, I was quiet and an introvert, but not everyone is born with an outgoing personality.  As I grew at work, I became to realize how different everyone's personality was.  I've worked w/ quiet guys like me, outspoken bosses, jerks and nice people as well.  I really grew a lot! I remember being so anxious about the phone ringing at work, but now, I feel a lot more confident and comfortable.  I would stutter and do stupid things at work, and sweat, but to this day, I've gotten stronger. 

I still worry, and deal w/ anxious thoughts, and I still sweat uncontrollably at times, but I deal with it. 
Two weeks ago, I was in a horrible place bro. Had a major episode of depression/anxiety for about two weeks. Lost weight, strange sleeping habits, thoughts of not wanting to be around because of they way I was feeling, cold all the time, instincts to always be in close proximity to family, loneliness, wasn't caring about things I normally love and do (sports, girls, hygiene, etc).

I'm not currently employed, so I had to shell out the money to see my psychiatrist and get prescribed anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds (Lexapro and Klonipin). The depression is under control, we actually discovered that it may have been withdrawal from my anti-depressants, because I was trying to space them out out of fear for the re-up cost. Not a good idea I guess. I think the depression was triggered by the withdrawal combined with the crappy New England winter weather, unemployment, uncertainty about my future/career goals, and so on. Since graduating from high school, throughout college I've had major self-confidence and self-esteem issues that materialized into depression and social-anxiety. Like I said in an above post, I hate being called on in front of large groups, public speaking in general, bumping into acquaintances in public and being caught off guard. I'm also terrified of failure so whenever I look at job opportunities which I'm clearly qualified my head becomes filled with thoughts of failing and the ensuing embarrassment. It sucks having that mentality.

My psych suggested taking Klonipin once every 2-3 days for my anxiety. It helped to calm me down at first, but it seems like it's not having as big of an effect as it did after the first few doses. Might have to get the 1 MG.

You're in the UK?  KPIN have a very long half light, so be careful of it. 
I suggest you take some small steps.  Look for a part time job, or a position that isn't as stressful, and go from there.  Push yourself and 'fight'.

The mentality does suck, but find things to counter balance it.  How old are you and how are you going to support yourself?  I understsand it is difficult, but it does take effort on your end.  Be genuine and speak out if the medication doesn't work.  To say the least, things like this never change as we are born within our personalities. 

I use to sweat and FEAR myself sweating when I was in a meeting, or a 1-on-1 closed door meeting.  I would be scared, be anxious and then feel the burned out at home. 
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

   Any NTers that want to talk, just PM me.  Where are you in life?

It wasn't until a year into work did I take the first step in seeking medical advice.  I went the full 9 yards because I wanted to give myself a chance in correcting or alleviating whatever was wrong with me.  For me, the anxiety was just my personality, but I couldn't deal w/ the physical symptoms like sweating.  I would be in a short convo, and then start to sweat.  I would be called on at work, and then feel embarassed, and then sweat.  It took me a few months in finding which medication worked best for me.  Through the midst of it all, I became honest with myself and discovered that I just had an over-active nerve condition, which caused me to sweat.  My social anxiety was 2ndary.  I mean, outside of work, I'm fine.  I play ball, and do the usual stuff, although I haven't had much time w/ a girl.

Sure, I was quiet and an introvert, but not everyone is born with an outgoing personality.  As I grew at work, I became to realize how different everyone's personality was.  I've worked w/ quiet guys like me, outspoken bosses, jerks and nice people as well.  I really grew a lot! I remember being so anxious about the phone ringing at work, but now, I feel a lot more confident and comfortable.  I would stutter and do stupid things at work, and sweat, but to this day, I've gotten stronger. 

I still worry, and deal w/ anxious thoughts, and I still sweat uncontrollably at times, but I deal with it. 
Two weeks ago, I was in a horrible place bro. Had a major episode of depression/anxiety for about two weeks. Lost weight, strange sleeping habits, thoughts of not wanting to be around because of they way I was feeling, cold all the time, instincts to always be in close proximity to family, loneliness, wasn't caring about things I normally love and do (sports, girls, hygiene, etc).

I'm not currently employed, so I had to shell out the money to see my psychiatrist and get prescribed anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds (Lexapro and Klonipin). The depression is under control, we actually discovered that it may have been withdrawal from my anti-depressants, because I was trying to space them out out of fear for the re-up cost. Not a good idea I guess. I think the depression was triggered by the withdrawal combined with the crappy New England winter weather, unemployment, uncertainty about my future/career goals, and so on. Since graduating from high school, throughout college I've had major self-confidence and self-esteem issues that materialized into depression and social-anxiety. Like I said in an above post, I hate being called on in front of large groups, public speaking in general, bumping into acquaintances in public and being caught off guard. I'm also terrified of failure so whenever I look at job opportunities which I'm clearly qualified my head becomes filled with thoughts of failing and the ensuing embarrassment. It sucks having that mentality.

My psych suggested taking Klonipin once every 2-3 days for my anxiety. It helped to calm me down at first, but it seems like it's not having as big of an effect as it did after the first few doses. Might have to get the 1 MG.

You're in the UK?  KPIN have a very long half light, so be careful of it. 
I suggest you take some small steps.  Look for a part time job, or a position that isn't as stressful, and go from there.  Push yourself and 'fight'.

The mentality does suck, but find things to counter balance it.  How old are you and how are you going to support yourself?  I understsand it is difficult, but it does take effort on your end.  Be genuine and speak out if the medication doesn't work.  To say the least, things like this never change as we are born within our personalities. 

I use to sweat and FEAR myself sweating when I was in a meeting, or a 1-on-1 closed door meeting.  I would be scared, be anxious and then feel the burned out at home. 
I hear you, it's like a vicious cycle. First you have the fear of a certain situation. The situation arises: you freeze up/sweat/blush/become embarrassed etc. Then you start to fear those responses when you anticipate certain situations. So then the response to the fear becomes those same symptoms without necessarily being in the situation.

I'm actually going back to my old job which will hopefully give me some comfort and get me back in the swing of things. The job is working at a juvenile lock up facility. Then in March I plan to take the civil service exam to be a correctional officer. You might be thinking, corrections can be stressful and not for someone with my personality. But truthfully I'm a lot better under extreme pressure and in situations where I'm exposed to physical danger than I am in everyday situations such as speaking to a group of about 4-5 people. It's F'd up and backwards.

In regards to supporting myself, luckily I was fortunate enough to save up a chunk of money to pay the bills and didn't even have to collect. But my savings is now almost @ E, which is sad because I worked long crazy hours to save up. Oh well it's just money right?

PS I'm in Massachusetts.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Two weeks ago, I was in a horrible place bro. Had a major episode of depression/anxiety for about two weeks. Lost weight, strange sleeping habits, thoughts of not wanting to be around because of they way I was feeling, cold all the time, instincts to always be in close proximity to family, loneliness, wasn't caring about things I normally love and do (sports, girls, hygiene, etc).

I'm not currently employed, so I had to shell out the money to see my psychiatrist and get prescribed anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds (Lexapro and Klonipin). The depression is under control, we actually discovered that it may have been withdrawal from my anti-depressants, because I was trying to space them out out of fear for the re-up cost. Not a good idea I guess. I think the depression was triggered by the withdrawal combined with the crappy New England winter weather, unemployment, uncertainty about my future/career goals, and so on. Since graduating from high school, throughout college I've had major self-confidence and self-esteem issues that materialized into depression and social-anxiety. Like I said in an above post, I hate being called on in front of large groups, public speaking in general, bumping into acquaintances in public and being caught off guard. I'm also terrified of failure so whenever I look at job opportunities which I'm clearly qualified my head becomes filled with thoughts of failing and the ensuing embarrassment. It sucks having that mentality.

My psych suggested taking Klonipin once every 2-3 days for my anxiety. It helped to calm me down at first, but it seems like it's not having as big of an effect as it did after the first few doses. Might have to get the 1 MG.

You're in the UK?  KPIN have a very long half light, so be careful of it. 
I suggest you take some small steps.  Look for a part time job, or a position that isn't as stressful, and go from there.  Push yourself and 'fight'.

The mentality does suck, but find things to counter balance it.  How old are you and how are you going to support yourself?  I understsand it is difficult, but it does take effort on your end.  Be genuine and speak out if the medication doesn't work.  To say the least, things like this never change as we are born within our personalities. 

I use to sweat and FEAR myself sweating when I was in a meeting, or a 1-on-1 closed door meeting.  I would be scared, be anxious and then feel the burned out at home. 
I hear you, it's like a vicious cycle. First you have the fear of a certain situation. The situation arises: you freeze up/sweat/blush/become embarrassed etc. Then you start to fear those responses when you anticipate certain situations. So then the response to the fear becomes those same symptoms without necessarily being in the situation.

I'm actually going back to my old job which will hopefully give me some comfort and get me back in the swing of things. The job is working at a juvenile lock up facility. Then in March I plan to take the civil service exam to be a correctional officer. You might be thinking, corrections can be stressful and not for someone with my personality. But truthfully I'm a lot better under extreme pressure and in situations where I'm exposed to physical danger than I am in everyday situations such as speaking to a group of about 4-5 people. It's F'd up and backwards.

In regards to supporting myself, luckily I was fortunate enough to save up a chunk of money to pay the bills and didn't even have to collect. But my savings is now almost @ E, which is sad because I worked long crazy hours to save up. Oh well it's just money right?

PS I'm in Massachusetts.

Good for you!  Keep working at it.  Enjoy life.
Scored an 88.

Would have scored a 17, 2 years ago

I'm afraid of getting medication (can of worms)
Originally Posted by Jking0821

[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]54(fear) + 54(avoidance) = 108[/font]
[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]Looks like i should see a shrink with you OP lolol.  [/font]

I avoid a lot of social situations that they listed.  Not because i am really in fear just because i dislike people.  I know i am introverted though.  I make calculated decisions with everything in my life.  So I avoid a lot of these situations because in my head i can conclude that they will minimally benefit my day/life.  I only interact when i find it to be completely beneficial to me and to my counterpart.  I don't see anything wrong with that....apparently Dr. Liebowitz does. 
mild sociopathic symptoms? just askin,  don't take it personal

anyways, scored a 23...come at me bro
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