The Conjuring 7/19/2013 body is not ready

Saw it yesterday. Pretty good to me. Wasn't scary like people were making it seem. It was creepy at times though. Quick uestion for those of you that saw the movie.

At the end when he put the mirror in the room with all the other vessels, was there anything in the mirror when it opened? I was looking for my keys so I didn't catch the whole scene.

"Looking for your keys", eh? :lol:
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Riiiiiiight, so the rest of the world loves it, but the 4-5 of you NTers that hated it (probably pissed themselves more than anybody) don't get the hype. :lol:

bruh idk how much they are paying you, but this was the exact same story as every other horror movie. Any grown man that found this scary is a joke.
Riiiiiiight, so the rest of the world loves it, but the 4-5 of you NTers that hated it (probably pissed themselves more than anybody) don't get the hype. :lol:

bruh idk how much they are paying you, but this was the exact same story as every other horror movie. Any grown man that found this scary is a joke.

I ain't even look at it as a "scary" movie. That's my point.

All these garbage horror movies try so hard to scare people, they lose their story. This one did not.

I watched Haunting in Connecticut a few weeks back. At one point, for no reason at all, they had the house start shaking, and with all the lamps having no lightbulbs, the lamps start arcing, and acting up, and damn near lightning in the house, place goin absolutely crazy, and then nothing, just like that.

Now why in the hell would that scene be in there? :lol: That wasn't no damn part of the story, they just wanted to throw something in there to make everyone "scared"

Conjuring didn't do that. Of course we can all always predict jump moments, I'm fairly sure the growing bass is a big big hint something's coming. :lol: But the overall story of what went down was done perfectly. And they never strayed from their roots. No deaths, very little blood, no cussing, and zero nudity, and it STILL got an R rating. Test screenings thru the roof, huge dollars at the theatres, way way way above average ratings from people that saw the film, and you got this meh, about it? Come on man. You know it's better than that by a mile.

Of course it's the same overall story, family moves in, **** gets weird, fight the spirit, then tell the story. Well yeah. But they never got outside their lane, line ALL other horror films always do. They filmed it well, acted it really well (not a single bad performance by any actor/actress) and kept it tense from open to close. That's a solid movie.

Blair Witch was hyped, and I was bored as **** for 90 minutes, and then I got a little excited at the end finally. This wasn't that. The opening had me happy and thinkin somethin was different. And I wasn't let down when it was over. Very very rare in the horror genre. And trust, I didn't even want to watch this film. I figured it would be crap like every other horror film. My wife was the one that wanted to see it, and I went with. Lo and behold, I was beyond impressed with it. Completely unexpected.
Riiiiiiight, so the rest of the world loves it, but the 4-5 of you NTers that hated it (probably pissed themselves more than anybody) don't get the hype. :lol:

Trashing a film based on just the trailer warrants that response. Actually seeing the film in its entirety and THEN coming to a conclusion is totally different, regardless of how many tickets were sold and good reviews it received. Either you like it, don't, or couldn't care less either way.

From my personal experience, I didn't piss myself, but did nod off a few times lol Just didn't do it for me.
Trashing a film based on just the trailer warrants that response. Actually seeing the film in its entirety and THEN coming to a conclusion is totally different, regardless of how many tickets were sold and good reviews it received. Either you like it, don't, or couldn't care less either way.

From my personal experience, I didn't piss myself, but did nod off a few times lol Just didn't do it for me.

Word idk if I had the iris because I ate earlier but I felt sleepy during it. I don't even see why this was rated R.
So you two fell asleep then pulled thru and gave your reviews on the movie as "didn't do it for you" while ya'll slept? :lol:

I mean, do either of you have any movies you thought were better to compare too? Or any scenes/examples you didn't like?

Or just goin with overrated, I fell asleep as your reasoning? I'm honestly curious.

Not sure on the R. Maybe because of the mom and the girl at the end? Not sure the rating reasoning.
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So you two fell asleep then pulled thru and gave your reviews on the movie as "didn't do it for you" while ya'll slept? :lol:

I mean, do either of you have any movies you thought were better to compare too? Or any scenes/examples you didn't like?

Or just goin with overrated, I fell asleep as your reasoning? I'm honestly curious.

Not sure on the R. Maybe because of the mom and the girl at the end? Not sure the rating reasoning.

if the movie was good it would have held my attention plain and simple. Horror movies suck to me period, so maybe thats why this sucked to me. They are all predictable or just gore fest, nothing "scary".
So you two fell asleep then pulled thru and gave your reviews on the movie as "didn't do it for you" while ya'll slept? :lol:

I mean, do either of you have any movies you thought were better to compare too? Or any scenes/examples you didn't like?

Or just goin with overrated, I fell asleep as your reasoning? I'm honestly curious.

Not sure on the R. Maybe because of the mom and the girl at the end? Not sure the rating reasoning.

You're taking this too close to heart, guy lol. 2-3 minutes missed on account of boredom would have no affect on my opinion of this flick at the end of the day. That only reinforced it. It just didn't hold my interest. Not much analysis needed. Sometimes a movie just grabs you. For me, this one didn't.
So you two fell asleep then pulled thru and gave your reviews on the movie as "didn't do it for you" while ya'll slept? :lol:

I mean, do either of you have any movies you thought were better to compare too? Or any scenes/examples you didn't like?

Or just goin with overrated, I fell asleep as your reasoning? I'm honestly curious.

Not sure on the R. Maybe because of the mom and the girl at the end? Not sure the rating reasoning.

if the movie was good it would have held my attention plain and simple. Horror movies suck to me period, so maybe thats why this sucked to me. They are all predictable or just gore fest, nothing "scary".

Naw I hear ya, I don't really like horror movies either, the last one I can think of that was good was Scream, and that's not even really a horror film per say. :lol:
Movie was NOT as good as all the hype.

I rarely go to the theaters because of the price gouging, but I wanted to see this because:

I love a good horror movie. I've seen a ton of them.
It has great reviews
It's rated R

Honestly, I have no idea how it got an R rating. It should have been PG-13. I hate PG-13 horror movies.

Wasn't that creepy at all and the demons weren't demented at all...

It should have ended WAYYYY different.

IMO, she should have slaughtered everyone at the house and then jammed the scissors in her own throat. Next thing you know it shows police taping off the scene and then shows that dumbass doll gone. After all, they talked about all these deaths on the property over the years. Instead, it ended just like every PG-13 possession type horror flick with the demon being sent back to hell and everyone hugs. Wack.


I want my $30 back....
Don't want to read through the whole thread, might spoil the movie, wanted to ask if it's worth watching?
saw it wednesday. i dont scare at all so its easy for me to say i wasnt amused

surprised by the movie not having a single death smh

a sequel is being made already. at the end of the movie the wife tells her husband that the pastor wants to talk to them about a case in long island. that case is the amityville horror
 at people who actually pay for tickets 
Went to see it in a packed theater. There was lady behind us that shrieked like she was getting murdered behind us at every little thing. She legit scared me more than the movie did.
Just got home from watching it, the movie had it's moments but it wasn't anything special, however my girl was scared though.
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